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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. I like Tolbert a lot more on these one cut runs, vs dancing around in the back.
  2. Soft and undisciplined that drive. Did Rex come back?
  3. And here I thought the offense giving the defense a rest would be a benefit.
  4. What a Billsy goal line set I'll take it though!
  5. It's just frustrating. Wasted a good offense last year with bad defense. This year we're wasting a good defense with a bad offense.
  6. This team is so depressing. I don't know why I pay to watch this every year.
  7. It's amazing how much better Roman's scheme was compared to this. Forcing Taylor into a quick pass offense is dumb, dumb, dumb.
  8. I have a hard time understanding why people are upset over peaceful protest. For so many years, when people of color protest, they are told to do so peacefully. And now, when they do it peacefully, they're told by the POTUS that they should be fired from their jobs, and they're called sons of bitches. Even if I didn't agree with the message of their protest, I'd be perfectly fine with it. It's their damned rights to kneel if they want. I'm pretty staunchly anti organized religion on a large scale, but I'm not flipping out and calling for heads every time a player prays, does a cross or whatever. Let people practice their beliefs, protest, speak, whatever, as long as it's not hateful and/or an active threat towards someone.
  9. Racism isn't limited to the south. there's a significant problem with the greater Appalachian areas, and the midwest as well. It just doesn't get talked about that often because those areas weren't at the center of slavery, and the civil rights movements. I'm sure it'll get ripped apart, but here's a study that provides an example. It's based on google search data. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0122963
  10. Looks like Dareus is putting weight on that foot in the picture, so even if he's out on Wednesday practice, he should be in decent shape come Sunday... in my non expert opinion, anyways.
  11. I really miss Roman's play designs, they worked wonders for Taylor and McCoy, imo. This current offense is better suited to a quick throwing QB, and a squeeze between the seams runner. We have neither.
  12. I can't believe our coach is trying to motivate players. Fire-able offense, if you ask me.
  13. I've been complaining for 30 years and sticking with the team, I'm not stopping now.
  14. This is a big thing for me and outdoors sporting events. I pass on baseball games in DC during the summer all the time, because I just can't do it. And those are free tickets. Who wants to pay for an NFL ticket, and bake in the sun/heat all day?
  15. Not the best, but definitely improved over last year.
  16. I called them soft early on, and they completely proved that opinion wrong. What a performance out there, especially with how gassed they were.
  17. A couple of terrible clock management situations, but otherwise I haven't seen enough of the team to make an opinion on him yet. That being said, we had every opportunity to win that game if the offense performed better.
  18. He's not our #1 WR at the moment.
  19. Would have been an amazing catch. If an amazing catch is required, its a bad throw.
  20. How are their WRs so open?
  21. Dan Carpenter 2.0, Jesus.
  22. Cam is pulling a Paul Pierce.
  23. Were the 49ers shut out last week against the Panthers? Can we at least get a field goal?
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