Bout damn time. But who would you rather watch the offense or the defense, because both look pretty bad today. My money say we score on this drive for FJ.
This commentator seems to be stuck on that face mask on Woods fumble. But hey the Zebras hate the Bills. But what difference does it make today, this team suck enough on their own.
Well I thought my experience at the Ralph next weekend would be a pleasure but I think I should give my tickets away. Things about to get ugly here today.
Beside watching EJ Manuel I doubt if there's anything worse than seeing Fitztrash lick his nasty fingers a hundred times a game. He's beyond reckless with or without the ball. I respect his fearlessness but miss that garbage not a chance.
Man how in the world could anyone speak anything but disgust with Manuel. I guess some is simply ok with terrible football. That ol seems to be trying to get him hurt. They know a change is needed.