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Everything posted by SkunkChet

  1. For those of you bummed out by the trade, I wrote/filmed a series of spoof videos based on NBC's "The More You Know" for Bills fans at SkunkPost... hopefully this makes the suffering of being a sports fan in Buffalo a little less harsh, check it: http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3061
  2. If you enjoyed that video, there's also these 2.... the 1st is messing with drunk tailgater Miami fans at the home opener, the 2nd is a spoof on NBC's The More You Know campaign for Bills Fans. Enjoy! Wild on the Streets: Buffalo Bills Tailgating (9/12/10 vs. Miami) Public Service Announcements for Buffalo Bills Fans (comedy spoof) - Volume #2
  3. I'm glad you picked up on that, haha.
  4. You need to really UNDERSTAND Gailey . . . he's southern. Doesn't make sense? Watch this Buffalo Bills PSA by SkunkPost.com based on NBC's "The More You Know" campaign, it's the 2nd one, it'll make more sense: http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3061
  5. Thanks guys.... I shot a few mock Buffalo Bills Public Service Announcements based on NBC's "The More You Know"... check out the comedy vids: VOLUME #1 http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3021 VOLUME #2 http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3061 TAILGATE SHENANIGINS: http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3169
  6. Thanks man! Lots more of that with my "best of" videos at http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3233
  7. I took a camera with me for the home opener and filmed lots of funny drunk tailgate shenanigans including trash-talk-offs between Dolphins and Bills fans. Check out the comedy video at SkunkPost.com: http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3169
  8. http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=2685 BRIEF DESCRIPTION Taking a look back, Chet Wild tackled the issue of underage drinking on Chippewa Street months before the recent violence in downtown Buffalo brought the issue to the front of the media's attention. STORY In response to The City Grill Killings, there's been a lot of talk regarding Chippewa Street in downtown Buffalo. Is there a problem with underage drinking? What are all of these teenagers doing down on Chippewa Street anyway? Oddly enough, Chet Wild (with microphone in hand) tackled the issue of underagers several months ago at the start of summer. Take a look and let us know what YOU think?
  9. Glad you guys like, we're going to film some more.... pass the link around to friends
  10. http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3021 Comics/Bills fans Dan Fisher & Chet Wild put together a series of Public Service Announcements to prepare Bills fans for the start of the season. Based on NBC's "The More You Know" ad campaign.
  11. SkunkPost (Buffalo's alternative news and entertainment website) put together a list of the hottest female news reporters in Buffalo, check it: http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=2943 I figured, what better place to ask for opinions on it than a forum full of dudes who love football and women.... who do YOU think is the hottest?
  12. I took a camera down to Gus Macker to get the inside scoop on trash talk. Plus a homeless guy was arrested for stealing change from a fountain.... check it and let me know whatcha think: http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=2705
  13. In response to Paterson not fixing the budget, I put together a spoof interview for some laughs over at SkunkPost... check it and feel free to give feedback: http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=2696
  14. Billy Mayes is dead, so it was that, or be a modern day jesus who let himself go.
  15. A different take on the earthquake... check the video. http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=2673
  16. As of this weekend, I'm clean-shaven
  17. SkunkPost, WNY's allernative news & entertainment website, put up this hilarious video interview with Carl Paladino. What do ya think? http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=2626
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