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Rex Ryan's Lapband

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Everything posted by Rex Ryan's Lapband

  1. You can smoke turtles?!??
  2. I like pot, too.
  3. The pats*es might be on top right now, but the team I will always hate is that teal and pink poor-excuse for a franchise down in south beach. Those sparkly-helmeted pansy-lovers are the worst bunch of know-nothing, idiotic fans I've ever had the bad luck to encounter. I'll take Cindy Brady and his cheatin' coach any day over that useless bunch. A dolphin? Seriously? I mean what the !@#$?!!? Who thew !@#$ sits around and thinks to themselves... "I know what'll scare the **** out of our opponents... the Maitre De of the frickin' ocean, that's what!" F***in' idiots. The most ill-informed ignorant football fans you'll ever meet are Dolphags. (and I've been around Kansas City fans) Dan-!@#$in'-Marino, Dan-!@#$in'-Marino, la dee !@#$in' da, you loser asswipes. And that !@#$in' Don Shula was the cheatening-est of all of them. Listen to 'em nowadays, they'll tell ya' that Chad Henne (CHAD-FREAKIN'-HENNE!) is the best thing since sliced bread. This, while wearing their Fay Fiedler Authentic jersey. L. O. L. stinkin' fish...
  4. Yes. Please. Kick the **** outta the stinkin' fish.
  5. That was a fun read. Thanks. lol, we haven't even played a game yet and Miami is in full-tilt excuse-making mold. Love it.
  6. News out of South Beach is Bill Parcells is stepping down to a "consultant" role, and he has issued a statement Jeff ireland is in charge of the whole she-bang. So much for the Tuna restoring their franchise, I guess he knows a sinking ship when he sees one. Either that, or he's sick of answering questions about their high draft picks who can't seem to make their roster. lol.
  7. That's right... Go Bills!!!! (at least this week) Crush those impostors of South Beach!!!!! I might not like the other teams in the division, but those Teal and Pink pieces of crap with sparkles in their helmets deserve to be driven from the face of the planet. F them!!!! Smack that stupid-lookin' Henne right in the friggin' mouth! NSFW-My link
  8. Yup. "Getting offended" has replaced baseball as the national pastime.
  9. As a Polak, I'd just like to say; get over it, we all get picked on.
  10. jealousy is a good color for you guys.
  11. are you.... ....hitting on me...?
  12. They were enchiladas... dumbass.
  13. A Rex Ryan coached defense has never finished worse than 5th in the league. I'd say the man has a reason for his smack-talking. Great Rex quote, "so we got a bullseye on our backs? That's OK, cause we're putting a bullseye on everybody else's chests"
  14. I prefer "Sexy Rexy", not RR. Thanks.
  15. The rest of the team got the message when D'Brick became one of the highest-paid LTs in the league. Be a good soldier, and get paid. Mouth off like a punk and serve out the rest of your contract. (Revis, incidentally is obligated to the New York Jets for the next 3 years, new deal or not.)
  16. The sticking point is probably due to C.J. being slotted between two guys not considered "skill positions". those positions demand a premium. Good for the Bills for not giving in. Realistically, the impact of missing a little bit of camp should be minimal for a RB. They say that the running back is the easiest transition from college to the pros of any position. With the stable of backs that Buffalo already has, I'd imagine that C.J. is going to be eased into getting his touches anyways. This is much ado about nothing.
  17. probably be pretty good against the pass, too.
  18. wait a minute... weren't you guys sure TO was gonna come ruin the Jets?
  19. Again, this characterization does not apply to you. We've already established that you are not a law abiding citizen.
  20. you most certainly DID break the law, as every NFL stadium has a "no weapons" policy and the carry permits in every state demand that you abide by property-owners' wishes within their respective states. so say what you want about them thar dirty dope smokers, you are a criminal too.
  21. 'Xactly. Who the hell do these dirty hippies think they are, anyways? Think they can go ahead and ingest whatever the hell they damn please? What do they think this is, a free country or sumthin'? Damn hippies and their hippie lettuce.
  22. how the hell did you get a non-resident concealed carry permit in California? or we're you violating the law in much worse terms than the "dope-smokers" you we're chiding?
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