The pats*es might be on top right now, but the team I will always hate is that teal and pink poor-excuse for a franchise down in south beach. Those sparkly-helmeted pansy-lovers are the worst bunch of know-nothing, idiotic fans I've ever had the bad luck to encounter. I'll take Cindy Brady and his cheatin' coach any day over that useless bunch.
A dolphin? Seriously? I mean what the !@#$?!!? Who thew !@#$ sits around and thinks to themselves... "I know what'll scare the **** out of our opponents... the Maitre De of the frickin' ocean, that's what!"
F***in' idiots.
The most ill-informed ignorant football fans you'll ever meet are Dolphags. (and I've been around Kansas City fans) Dan-!@#$in'-Marino, Dan-!@#$in'-Marino, la dee !@#$in' da, you loser asswipes. And that !@#$in' Don Shula was the cheatening-est of all of them. Listen to 'em nowadays, they'll tell ya' that Chad Henne (CHAD-FREAKIN'-HENNE!) is the best thing since sliced bread. This, while wearing their Fay Fiedler Authentic jersey.
L. O. L.
stinkin' fish...