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Rex Ryan's Lapband

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Everything posted by Rex Ryan's Lapband

  1. Thank you for your contributions to the state's coffers. Any chance you could kick Charlie Rangel in the nuts for me?
  2. John McCain isn't a progressive?
  3. According to it's founder, it was a Socialist paradise. Much like Pol Pot's Cambodia. The U.S. does indeed have many Socialist policies, it's been that way for many generations now. Hopefully, we'll abandon it someday and return to a Constitutionally restricted Republic. Hopefully, before a generation has to live under a 90%+ tax rate.
  4. it could only add value to this thread.
  5. People do throw that word around without knowing what it means. link
  6. i already masturbated this morning so... no.
  7. I didn't say that. You extrapolated it. Liberals and progressives occupy both parties. they're both addicted to spending us into oblivion if you ask me. EDIT: for the record, I'm a Libertarian.
  8. No, it's not. "upstate funds siphoned off" can't possibly work based simply on numbers. Without the city, we're essentially Kansas.
  9. I'm just giving you a ribbing back. no need to get all offended. Geez, a little hopelessness and despair really brings out the worst in some of you guys, eh?
  10. this state would be broke® without the tax revenue from NYC. (and I live in Rochester) We would be better off without having to compete with all the tax-n-spend libs from down there who go to Albany and spend like drunken sailors. wait... that's not fair to drunken sailors, at least they spend their own money.
  11. The ralph is owned by Mr. Wilson, but was built with taxpayer funds. The Maras, the Tischs, and Mr. Johnson completely financed the building of the new Meadowlands. 15 stadiums in the NFL now have PSLs, it's a growing trend. and if the Bills ever want to build a new stadium, they will have to do the same. The public purse strings are simply not open anymore to build these colossal structures.
  12. there. I fixed that for the reality-challenged.
  13. and "New Jersey Jets" isn't? The New Meadowlands is like 2.5 miles from NYC. How far is the Ralph from Buffalo?
  14. Better PSLs then taxpayer-financed stadiums. I hope you enjoy the "ralph" because there aren't any more Welfare stadiums that are going to be built in this broke-ass state.
  15. Also, none in another country. Sorry, the Bills are the one team that can't give us **** for playing in another state.(Them , and perhaps the Irving Cowboys) You've lost all credibility in this matter.
  16. ahh... the wonderful old "New Jersey Jets" dig. That's cool, but you do realize that the Bills don't play in Buffalo, right? According to you, they would be the Orchard Park and Toronto Bills. At least the Jets play their home games in this country.
  17. good thing you changed that. I was wondering how we played 14 games in 6 years, but hey... what do I know?
  18. I, otherwords ( ), realize that regardless (or is that irregardless) of our respective teams' records, the Bills and the Jets love beatin' the crap outta each other. I look at this game with the same apprehension I consider all divisional opponents, and would assume our coaching staff and players do as well. This is a series we always seem to split. Even in Buffalo's heyday with J. Kelly, the "lowly" Jets always seemed to pull one of the games out. Same has held true while we have been more competitive, and you guys have struggled. It really ought to be a knock-down, drag-out kinda game on Sunday. And while I won't wish my opponent luck, I will extend a hope for a good game.
  19. nipple. that is all. thank you.
  20. First he was cut... now this!??!?
  21. They get a job coaching the New England Patriots. (if they don't luck out with a 6th round, backup college QB... they get a job coaching the Cleveland Browns)
  22. Me? I'm doin' great. Thanks for asking.
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