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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. I wonder how many Fitzgarbage lovers are gonna blame everybody but him for this loss??? Over/Under 45% say he still has a rib injury or some other obnoxious excuse for his asinine play...
  2. Damn sad about Naaman not making it all he does is get open and catch I mean what else do you need a receiver to do? Id take him over Thigpen but im not the GM so whatever...
  3. Not years didn't JP come in relief for the Dolphins last year against the Bills? I don't remember his stats but I think he was ok in that game... I mean they are relatively the same person but Id give advantage to Jackson because I think he has a brain to match the rocket arm... More of a brain than JP & VY combined...
  4. LMAO agreed... But here's the million dollar question... Who would you rather have TJax or Losman??? You have to pick one no pleading the 5th....
  5. I think he should rename this thread.... Final Cuts: Fitzpatrick vs Vince Vs Thigpen... That sounds better... Id vote ALL cuz the all need to get up outta here...
  6. I dont like Kelsay much either but I do like how you put that and must agree 100%...
  7. Vick has a better line? Line of what sight? You can't possibly be talking about O-line?
  8. WHAT KINDA QUESTION? Once again anybody that would take Fitz over Mike needs a cat scan.. Glass QB or not he is on another level of talent than Fitz will ever be and thats a fact. Most people dont want him cuz he killed Snoopy whooped do same people kill spiders, eat fish and hunt but upset he suplexed Scooby Doo on his neck. SMH... He did his time but eh whatever.... *Side Note* This thread should have at least 30 pages by tonight anything with MV7 and the Bills people seem to get very emotional over...
  9. Can we cut Fitzpatrick too? Since we are in a cutting kinda mood. I really want him up outta here....
  10. if he thinks VY looks awful he must think Fitzgarbage is horrible....
  11. BOOOOO! That article smells like BS... NEXT!
  12. Ok one last time for the fun of it.. Ok you say he has accomplished what with those comebacks? Well if thats the case I'll put Matt Cassel's stats when he played for NE up against those stats but does that make Matt Cassel a great QB or Mark Sanchez who is awful and I know fits is better than him but he has led them to 2 AFC Championships in 3 years does that make him great? Tim Tebow had what 5 comebacks last year but throws 1 good pass outta 20 does that make him great and I like Tebow. Im a Bills fan and want to see them win so Im all for this guy but I know just like everyone else rather you wanna admit it or not fitzGARBGE is not the guy I hope I'm wrong but I just don't see it. I went down this road before with Trent and I refuse to do it again. He proves he is good fine but until then he is garbage period. Im not gonna praise him and make excuse like others I'm a tell it like it is... And the obsession with this fitzGARBAGE thing is ridiculous I must have hurt a lot of feelings with that name..LOL..Oh well... Nobody said anything about the "least mode" nickname why is that? Because people didn't like him off the field even tho he produced on the field. But people will protect Fitz cuz he doesn't produce on the field but you like him off.. How backwards is that? You can't ride with one nickname then call the other stupids, childish and immature thats ridiculous and some people didn want Cam Newton Calling him Scam Newton.. Thats fine to isn't it? ...SMH... But anyway thats all I'm a say about that.. This is getting old but id like to still see what you gotta say... So please crack a rib-I mean a better joke...
  13. Ray Lewis hands down.. Theres no way I'm letting him hit me let alone willing know he is in the vicinity of where I'm supposed to catch a pass... We gonna have to re-route my a** lol....
  14. Awww you didn't miss me..Well you must of since you decided to post me.. You need a hug? LOL... That was one game and 2 records my dear friend.. You only asks for one and I gave two sorry but those are PASSING RECORDS like fox sports said no matter if its attached to a rushing record.. Im not an irritant to all but some yes (who don't agree) but who doesn't irritate somebody else its life.. Just like some agree with you but majority agrees with me (minus that rigged poll I'm a call sports nation on this topic lol)... But It was all in fun i mean I don't hate Fitzpatrick but to say he's better than Michael Vick or we're lucky to have him is asinine. We all are here for the good of the team we all root for the same team so that means I root for the guy but that doesn't mean I don't know his worth and his worth from what I seen isn't much because he falls apart a lot. Feel me son? and I'm not gonna stop calling him Fitzgarbage, Fitztrash, Fitzwack etc etc until he proves he is worthy until then deal with it cuz i for sure am not calling him Fitzmagic..lol.. Good Day sir!!!
  15. And I quote.. "Vick is now the only player in NFL history with three touchdown passes and two rushing touchdowns in the first half of a game. He is also the first player in NFL history with at least 300 yards passing, 50 yards rushing, four passing touchdowns and two rushing touchdowns in a game." ~ Fox Sports GAME, SET, MATCH!... What exactly has fitzGARBAGE done again? You sir deserve an award for this great post...
  16. This from the guy who wants me to spell Fitzgarbage name right...LOL... You can't even get LeBron James name correctly... Ironic Much?
  17. ROTFL!!! THANK YOU SIR!!!!... Why is this even a debate/argument really?? This is almost as bad a thread as the whole Josh Reed situation.... Must I go back into my Allen Iverson quote... LMAO...
  18. I absolutely cannot put fitzGARBAGE in the top 10 in the league your missing a good 10 players over him statiscally (maybe 15). Mike Vick is top 10 however and I mean look at every top 10 chart from espn to the NFL Networks top 100 where was fits compared to Vick. I mean not to quote T.O. but "you love your Quarterback" I get it I really do but come on do you honestly whole heartedly believe Fitz is better than Michael? Smarter yea but thats where its stops MV7 is faster, quicker, better arm, can throw the deep ball better, accuracy is debatable tho. But come on leave the Bills love aside and think this over. I love the bills like you do my friend but lets be real for a second... And why does my calling him fitzGARBAGE really make you that mad its not that serious I mean whats worst than me calling him that is REAL ANALYST call him the wrong name all day everyday. So what are you really saying? Tell them to get it right then I just might...
  19. Oh man this is FU**IN SWEET... I got you to make a whole post about me... OK who wants an autograph first... Im flattered by this AWWWW this is great *tears of joy*... Now back on the subject at hand if anybody would really take fitzGARBAGE over Micheal Vick they really need there head examined. The only reason why they would is because there feeling some type of way still over whole dog thing but on a football level there is no contest to who is better in that department... This thread is utterly ridiculous lol check career stats and I win this argument easily... Of course bills fans are gonna pick their QB over and opposing teams QB ask a wider audience and I put $100 on it its %95 Mike Vick over fitzGARBAGE... This poll is rigged lmao.... For people that say Matt Ryan is better how far did the ICEMAN take them in the playoffs compared to how far Vick took them with a far worst team I mean his number 1 receiver was PEERLESS PRICE LMAO remember that guy? Once again thanks for the whole post about me their guy you really made my day... I might print out every page of this and post it on my fridge...
  20. HAHA! Mike Vick is over rated? You probably think Tom Brady is over rated? C'mon Son a 3x Pro Bowler, Passing and Rushing records, Only person to beat Brett Favor in Lambeau under 20 degrees.. But that guy is overrated? I think thats more hate than fact... Back on Fitzgarbage what has he done to prove he is or will ever be upper echelon? Beat N.E. AND!!!!!! That was big but it was one game and how many ints did he throw last season compared to touchdowns (how do you throw 2 ints to the same player on the exact same play in the same game? See Giants vs Buffalo) ? Oh his ribs were cracked yep thats a great excuse to use keep using it... After he's replaced for VY this year I'm a comeback to this thread and see if you still think he is upper echelon.... #CHECK
  21. *Allen Iverson Voice* "We're sitting here, NOT talking about a franchise player we're talking about Josh Reed. I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about Josh Reed, not a Thurman Thomas, not a Jim Kelly, not even a Fred Jackson, but we're talking about Josh Reed. Not to be confused with Andre Reed who would go out there and die for his team and play every game like his last but we're talking about Josh Reed man. How silly is that? Now I know that I'm supposed to lead by example and all that so I'm not shoving that aside like Josh Reed didn't mean anything. I know he was important, I honestly do but we're talking about Josh Reed. We're talking about Josh Reed man. We're talking about Josh Reed. We're talking about Josh Reed. We're not talking about the game. We're talking about Josh Reed. When you come to the stadium, and you seen him play, you've seen him play right? You've seen him drop just about every pass he got, and we're still talking about Josh Reed right now."
  22. EggFNzaclty what the hells? i didn't get that at all... I think thats a man law violation to not want to date a model not a buffalo guy rule i mean who really says that let alone think it...
  23. If Fitzgarbage stinks up the joint again this year i think this website is gonna blow up...LOL... But Fitz is still A$$trash to me, here's hoping VY gets a brain this year cuz thats all he needs...
  24. I feel you Im starting to dislike Carolina too, I said the same thing yesterday they dicked us hard no vaseline 2 years in a row.. First with Cam now Luke they raping us I would hate them but my favorite color is sky blue so I can't LOL....
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