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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. WHOA WHOA WHOA who said anything about a 1st round pick? Thats absurd id do a 4 with stipulation to become a 3.. No bueno at a 1st.. You forget he was a 2nd round pick... If Alex is middle of the pack then Fitzdiarrhea has got to be at the bottom...
  2. 1. Been saying that for years 5 & 7. Are Hilarious LMAO I dont feel like an abused wife but I do feel your pain. Im more of the wife who knows that its not gonna get better but still there because I don't have anywhere else to go... Dont Judge me
  3. What does that mean??? He stuck behind a pretty good QB so that makes him trash?? Is that what you trying to say??? Steve Young was stuck behind Joe Montana so that makes him trash huh???
  4. As much as i despise Fitzvomit I must say this wasn't on him 100% maybe like 35%... He gave us exactly who he is, who he had been all year. A guy that will underthrow then overthrow. Throw touchdown and but interceptions all in one game. He wont lead you to a win nor will he make a comeback he can but he probably won't. But this is on the defensive line 175 million dollar line that got bi***ched by NE. The secondary was great but that line got bitc**ed. Super Mario is more like baby Mario looking for a mushroom...
  5. Man traffic sure does suck at 1:53pm... *shrugs*
  6. No Im not gonna determine how good he is off one game I already know he sucks. Point is everybody says he's good but now he has no RB he's gonna have to throw more and we'll more than likely get the same result as in the Jets game... My bad complete 22 passes not throw. And I mean its not like he had to thread the ball in there on those 3 touchdowns.. Spiller made that play, TJ was wide open and so was Stevie so what did he do again? He supposed to make complete passes to wide open receivers I mean he usually misses or throws behind them so stop the madness...
  7. I mean its the Chiefs and Browns and they won because of Spiller. We'll see if Ryan Fitzmuddbutt can beat the Patriots with no offensive help at RB. He didn't throw it more than what 22 times in each game? Without a RB he's gonna have to now we get to see how crappy or decent he is... Please try not to make it seem like he won the last two games when its obvious he was just there nothing special. The real question should be.. When we go out on Offense do you say to yourself " Please Fitz don't F**k it up or Fitz is gonna score?" Im a say 95% of people say the First not the latter... I should make that my first thread LOL...
  8. Nope... If Ryan Fitzshitstain has to beat anybody we lose automatically by 30... FACT!
  9. *Sigh*.... The obsession with Michael Vick is absurd... For a guy who doesn't even play for the Bills...SMH...
  10. This guy with this comment...SMH...
  11. Are you serious? Fitzpatrick gets a pass being a horrible QB who cant throw fish flakes in a fish tank but is a good guy. But Johnson who gets frustrated because he's open and can't throw himself the ball is a diva? This thread needs to be closed and re-opened called "Who wouldnt get frustrated like SJ when Ryan Shitzpatrick throws them the ball".. This is amazing how much people give him excuses. HE IS TERRIBLE..
  12. Can we change the thread title to " Have we had enough Ryan Fitzassmunch yet?"... Thats a better question overall...
  13. Can we fire Fitzpathetic instead?
  14. As long as we have Fitzbuttwipe nobody will have much faith in us.. It is what it is...
  15. Not really worried about Mario its one game in a new defense... But Fitzassnuts I am worried about he been here 3 years and sucked all 3...
  16. That was harsh but is he not speaking the truth? Now when we get a good enough QB then I wouldn't agree.. But as of right now today with Ryan Fitzasswipe at the helm im a have to agree... But geezzz that was harsh hurt my lil feelings...
  17. Keyword in your comment... SoOOOoooOOoooOooOOOooo have a good day doggy....
  18. I dont think we lack heart we lack a quarterback.. After three ints and your better RB injured all in the first half better yet quarter what you expect. You can't comeback and your down 21-0 in the first half. Thats rather difficult to do... Its really all Fitzgarbage fault plain and simple...
  19. Where are all the Fitz sak chasers now.. HAHAHA!!! I don't wanna say i was right I'll just let you and we can move on with life... #FitzGARBAGE4Life
  20. First off tell them to step they seat game up im mean gezzz they sirpassed nosebleed seats... Second its 5 on 50 all them damn green jerseys and you wanna pick a fight after the score was 21-0 you gotta eat they trash talk i mean come on that score is a restart in madden just sit there and shut the f**k up... Third your in NY for a divisional game with Bills apparel on WTF you expect thats like going to hell with a "Jesus is my homeboy" shirt on... They didn't deserved that because that was just uncalled for but you gotta know what your setting yourself up for and how to handle it..
  21. You can make the argument the defense hasnt had time to gel its there first real game together also having to start on your own 40 twice and the 50 once makes life harder... And who helped the other team by giving them get that great field position? You guessed it Ryan Fitzgarbage, so its not the defense its the sh**ty QB we have.
  22. lol its almost as bad as fitz played right??? :wallbash:
  23. Uh when exactly did fitz start trying? After the first, second or third int??? It could have be a forth but the LB (i think) dropped it. None of his passes were even close the recievers who were open, he couldn't throw a rock in the sky today. This board ceases to amaze me Its funny how many people expected fitzgarbage to be garbage but said he was a great QB all offseason giving all kinds of BS excuses to why he isn't a**. Its his fault we lost and his fault we wont make the playoffs. Not the defense or coaching its him because he is the worst QB in the league face it. When you get outplayed by Sanchez yes you are considered worst QB in the league.
  24. The only thing Fitztrash can be a soild starter of is the left side of the bench...
  25. LOL yea Revis can only own a WR who cant throw the ball to himself... SMH this thread needs to be booted...
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