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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. Man hell F**k yea.. What kinda a question???... I swear if anyone of you would rather have the doo-doo we have at qb you gotta be the (no offense with all do respect) stupidest person on the planet... The only way you'd wanna keep him is because you like him as a person not taking into affect THIS IS FOOTBALL not a beauty pageant. How bout these "Bills should trade for Drew Brews" "No cus of that stupid birthmark on his face" "Bills should trade for Aaron Rogers" "No cuz of that stupid discount double check celebration how selfish of him to celebrate a touchdown" Nobody is gonna be better than the doo-doo we have. People want him to win so bad because they like him personally they are blinded by how bad he is...
  2. 2 Passes.. I can name about 15 right now that were missed, behind, high so what you saying??? Those two TWO passes were manly because the receiver got open...LOL... those are only 2 passes.. out of what 27 I do apologize if your proud of those 2 passes.. Be real if Stevie didn't break for all those yards would this even be talked about??? problaby not... But If you wanna call 2 passes and outstanding game I can't talk to you...
  3. You do know most of his touchdowns came in garbage time??? I mean stats are deceiving my good friend... Carry on.. Anyway... I didn't see this outstanding quarterback game from doo-doo that everybody else saw... I seen screens and dump passes with 8 yard slants?? Where was this outstanding game?? When he had to throw 10 yards or more what happen?? Missed and a pic.. Did i not see something???
  4. This QB we have is the worst QB ever ¯\_(''/)_/¯
  5. Shitzpatrick played like **** all game except for 3 passes... Don't act like he didn't throw screens all game which is a 2 yard pass the one time he does throw down field guess what happened... A INT.. ¯\_(''/)_/¯ Throws up JBOYD bat signal... (Defend your quarterback) Fire the DC im not even sayin his name just fire him...
  6. I dont think you watched that game his receivers were dropping the balls placed perfectly on them... I watched cuz he was my fantasy QB my starter was on a bye.. So yea he's 10x better than that piece if sh*t we have. Next time look at a guy, stats can be deceiving...
  7. LMAO!... WOW!... Fitzdookiestain is that bad?? SMH... I always felt bad for people who bought and wear his jersey now I feel worst about it.. *Side Note* Where is jboyd to defend Fitzwarmpee?? (sends up jboyd cow signal)
  8. Fitzeyebooger being on our team better yet our QB is the only negative I have... Positive is we won...
  9. Uh you guys are over-reacting to a bad throw.. When Brad gets 5 yards a carry or CJ/FJ gets 5 yards its not a problem is it??? It was a bad call to pass it and it was a bad pass. But should we ban the wild cat.. NO!... Should we ban fitzpenis from being our quarterback YES!.. Oh and Brad Smith is the only QB we have active that can throw it that far. Think about it why didn't Fitzanus attempt to throw a deep ball all game and why they let Brad do it??? Answer: Fitzhairyballs can't throw a pass more than 2 yards...
  10. I hope he does the "cooking dance" or maybe shoot down a few bird win or lose something funny cuz if he doesn't the only thing that will be funny is this team and Fitzhogwashes passes to a wide open Chandler but falls directly into the dirt... Welker wasn't crap with out Tom Brady so imagine if Tom had SJ yea exactly... You cant compare SJ to Calvin that's ridiculous... How's your quarterback Fitzbooger playing that's your guy isn't it? LOL... Don't run from me im like Freddy im a get ya im coming for you... LOL..
  11. Man this thread needs the "Comedy thread of 2012 Award" so much contradiction... How people say Fitztesticle is better than Mike Vick still boggles my mind. Fitznoodle cant complete a pass more than 10 yards but Mike can that alone would make us better. Matt Moore? Really Matt Moore? Who the hell is that.. Might as well call Rob Johnson I know he's playing PS3 he'll come back. Tony Romo??? How many playoff games has he won again I forgot... Im pretty sure that Jimmy Clausen idea was sarcasm but that was scary sarcasm. Yea we need a QB but throwing out names is heartbreaking I'd rather just draft and hope he's not a bust or bring in Mike Vick for about 3 years till we can get a QB LOL... Oh and Mike has been farther in the playoffs than Fitzafterbirth and Matt Ryan... Just Sayin... Carry on the Hate for Mick Vick... *grabs T.O.'s popcorn"
  12. Uhhh how many would you like me to have said 40?
  13. Are you serious his height? How tall is Michael Vick, Drew Brees (who it took 5 years and a new team to play great) and Doug Flutie aren't they good.. How tall was Jamarus Russell, Ryan Leaf and Akil Smith aren't they sh*tty? He's a rookie at week 5 what you expect I bet you thought Peyton Manning and Troy Aikman were gonna be trash too... SMH... Close thread please...
  14. Whoa Whoa Whoa in no shape or form is Fitzasstastic worst than Jamarcus Russell. Now im Captain Bash Fitzvag on TBD and all but thats preposterous he's more like Tim Couch bad or even Cade McKnown bad but not Jamarcus Russell bad... Thats the last I'll propblaby ever defend Fitzanus lol...
  15. He's not the problem on defense the problem is that $175 million dollar front line that plays like s**t yep Mario, Kyle, Marcel, Mark and Chris they all playing like crap. Its like an assembly line if one part messes up it backs everything else up. You can only guard a guy so long and he's a rookie give him atleast 2 years...
  16. Your crazy with all the bad mouthing of Fred Jackson... He's not the one under throwing or over throwing 90% of his passes... Is he???
  17. I dont believe the Offense is struggling cuz of Gailey I think its more how Fitztoiletseat is playing thats the problem.. The defense i have no idea what the problem is. If anybody knows please email d.wannstat@2billsdrive.net...
  18. This is about right I'd put Russell Wilson over Fitzdoodoo tho.. I like how once again Mike Vick comes up randomly *shrugs*
  19. I don't wanna here that S**T Mario... Your feet work and so do your arms and fingers your wrist is sore not broken. Patrick Willis played with a big bolder cast on his hand and still made plays.. Shut the F**k up and make a sack B***H... $100 Million dollars and he complaining about a wrist? WTF!!!!
  20. Naw im pretty sure they do its just Brady got caught just like Kobe got caught say f*g on camera. I bet you never played sports when you get in the moment and you get heated you say how you feel. Just like when Michael Jordan got mad he'd dominate you and tell you "you cant stop me" Basically what brady did. Magic Johnson the same way its trash talk. You just emotional over the fact Brady owns the Bills. It is what it is face facts my dude until we got a QB that can even the field he will always win...
  21. You two guy are awesome... How many pro bowls has fitzeyebooger been too??? How many playoff games has fitzeyebooger been too??? How many records does fitzeyebooger have?? How many awards has fitzeyebooger have??? Dont worry I'll wait.. This should be good.. *grabs popcorn* To even utter or think that Fitz is anywhere near their caliber of quarterback is straight dumb... No offense *pun untended*
  22. This is a ridiculous try at deflection of the main point which is Fitzearwax. I mean I bet if we had Calvin Johnson the OP would say "Calvin Johnson has a lack of production". Which is ludicrous cuz the receiver can only do so much without a QB who can throw the ball. Fact is our QB is worthless...
  23. yes he did I totally say that and immediately bust out laughing.. As much as Tom gets hate you cant denie he has the "it" or "Killer Instinct" you need in your QB or star player for that matter. Its like Kobe or Micheal Jordan when they lose they start doing anything possible to motivate themselves and team and when the start winning they put there foot and your neck till you die.. Thats what we need Fitzballsack is not that guy... I bet Peyton, Drew and Aaron Rogers are the same way...
  24. This is pretty amazing... I remember we had a chance to grab Cam Newton everybody was upset like "No we dont want Scam Newton" "No we dont want a guy who's father runs him" "He wont fit in look at the stands and look at him (That was pure ridiculous)" or Mike Vick "No we dont want a dog killer id rather lose" "No we dont want MV7 he sucks" "He hasn't changed" All I heard was "Fitz is our guy" "Fitz is the man he's better than Mike and Cam" "Fitz is more accurate than Mike (That comment was more off than a fitz pass).. LMAO I guess that went out the window and I was right..... I'll accept my trophy after the season...
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