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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. I must admit you have more excuses than a fat women eating jelly donuts while explaining how the donuts are actually good for her arteries...
  2. Actually yes he has, I'd say he won 3 of them games he put the team on his back and did it (Pats, Bears, Packers w/the bad call).. IDK why you say he hasn't been spectacular he's got 9 touchdowns 0 ints in the last 4 games. Luck has thrown 8.. What you talmbout?
  3. But instead the sheep root for the underdog with a noodle and a beard who throws ints into the jaws of defeat... sigh... I was hoping for Russell but tards said he was crap because he was short but like doo-doo cuz he had an "awesome" beard...smh...
  4. Have you come to the light? Have you bought your ticket for the Fitzgarbage train or are you just looking at the prices lol...
  5. And the award for post of the day goes to.... ^^^^^^
  6. NICE!!!! I bet FRITZSHANNAGAONS will never be on the cover of Madden...
  7. I hope you not implying the Buffalo Bills as Batman? That a catastrophe is thats why your saying. The Bills are more like Alfred to be honest...
  8. First I don't think Fitz mastered the NFL game either because he has no idea where a DB or Safety is cuz he throws right to them constantly.. Ok now let me ETHER this guy right quick... Theres nothing you can say after I say this that will make any kind of sense but im doing this cuz I feel you want this so here we go... How many playoff games has Fitz won? How many playoff games has Mike won.. #CHECKMATE #GAMEOVER.. *Waits to shake hands in middle of field*
  9. Big Ben is huge it takes like 2 tackles to bring him down if Mike doesn't go into a fire drill somebody grabs him he's goin down ASAP lol I dont think Cutlers line is as bad as Philly or Pitt but, Cutler and Mike are just about on the same level id dare say Mike makes better decisions but thats up for debate... Id take that Mike for a second or third. I dont know if any QB is worth a first maybe Geno or Barkley but USC QBs suck in the NFL and Geno is 50/50 might be RG3 might be Akili Smith... We can definitely agree Fitzshitthebed is NOT the answer. lol.. I might spar from time to time with the MV7 threads im like Jordan on the Wizards I know I need to stop but these kids can be so outlandish I have to show them who's boss...
  10. Ok we can do this but I retired from talking about Mike cuz some are irrational.. Vick is atrocious cus he O-line couldn't stop a leaky facet with a plumber... Lets be honest about that (see Foles get blasted every snap)... His arm is there, still mobile but that doesn't matter if after you say HIKE the ghost of Junior Seau is in your face. Fitz has 3 years and still throws short.. I bet Mike makes those 2 sideline throws and if your honest with yourself you'll agree... Im going back into retirement on Mike comments...
  11. Thats a lie... Matt Cassel looked like Joe Montana when he was with the Patriots now he looks like Tim Montana.. Peyton Manning made Jacob Tamme look like Dallas Clark now Jacob Tamme looks like Jacob Tamme.. lol.. Point being you logic is flawed good QBs make people better... Hell who was Trent Dilfer throwing to in Baltimore?? All he had to do was not mess up and he didn't. Your QB craps the bed every sunday...
  12. To be honest all that means nothing.. Who wins and Who loses? Who helps their team win and who throws a int at the most crucial time in the game? I can handle an int by any of those guys you mentioned because I trust them to make it up. With your QB I just sit and wait for him to f*ck it up and he always does. Silly thing is its to the point where others do the exact same thing and thats not good...
  13. CJ got caught from behind on a stop cut I guess he shouldn't have stopped to make that cut... CJ should get the blame for the loss...
  14. I mean to be fair I seen Fitzdoodoo put his head down in disgust after that Gilmore pass interference. My first thought was "Why he disappointed wasn't like he wasn't gonna throw a pick anyway so Gilmore saved him the trouble"... To be fair... and my thoughts...
  15. Im more angry they had to pee after the game, I mean really who pee's after a game and not before?? And then they pee'd in the Colts bathroom UN FUC*IN BELIEVABLE!... Anybody else upset with that like I am??
  16. Where's Shitzpatrick he's top 3 problems for the Bills Dead or Alive... Matter a fact him and the Defense is like 1A and 1B whichever you wanna put where is fine...
  17. NO, NO, NO, NO... When will people realize how bad Shitz is... AHHHHH Da*n it... This is driving me insane... Its like you don't wanna hurt his feelings because he's a nice guy... Well nice guys don't win championships... lol.. Ok that last part was a bit ridiculous but you get the point...
  18. How was it TJ when it was thrown straight to McCorrty what are yall seeing?? Is this really a debate? Are you going on a announcer?? That is insane... He threw it right to him???
  19. There were 2 corners on that side why did he throw it over there?? Its not Graham its the QB...
  20. Absolutely not.. For starters we woulda won that Tennessee game for sure and maybe pulled out the win in Texas the Jets game woulda been won also you forget Shitz threw like 4 picks.. The only games for sure we would have lost NE and SF.. So we would be 5-2 maybe 4-3 but not 3-4... I dare you to say im wrong...
  21. What is "Where the 40oz" for $300 Alex? It doesn't matter about the control over the offense it's how he makes stars out of average players by placing the ball in the place that nobody but they can get it. Shitz puts it in a place nobody can get it...
  22. Naw we have weapons.. We don't have a quarterback.. You really like Shitz? Why? He cant throw a pass more than 5 yards, he can't complete a comeback, he can't motivate his team, he can barley scramble, he's very inaccurate. I mean why do you like him? Why do you want him as the Buffalo Bills QB. Im baffled right now, I just don't get it. Good QBs make there talent around them better.. example: Payton Manning 10'
  23. Why can't we waive Shitzpatrick??
  24. I agree with the majority of this but Bradford is a above average QB the team around him is terrible, I wish we had him. But like other posters said this means nothing unless you try and we are scared to try to draft a QB. I always get pi**ed by the 2004 draft we were so close but yet so far. If we would have lost one game we coulda had Rapethlisberger and maybe a super bowl. But the luck of the Bills gave us the incompetent JP Loserman. *shrugs*.. The only one i'd draft is Geno and im reluctant on him. USC qbs never fair well I have no idea who T.Wilson is and Laudry Jones reminds me of Colt McCoy.
  25. Bench Mario and put who in?? Kyle Moore or Chris Kelsey??? Are you high??? Sometime when people are angry they get irrational.. Just breathe.. WooOOoOOoAAhhhh SaaHHhHhHHhHHH....
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