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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. *long cowboy whistle* There seems to be a lot of angry people on this thread.. Most of the super angry ones loved Fitzpatrick tho so it like WHATEVER I'M SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO YOU!!!.... LOL... Lets Go EJ.. I got ya back homie...
  2. Good pick and we got an extra second... Whats the problem???? He is better than Nassib and Barkley combined... So again whats the problem???
  3. HA!!!!! Im a set that up for tonight see what response I can get....
  4. Her: "Why is the old white guy shaking hands with the young black dude like that? Are they in a gang?" Me: WHHHHAATTTT?????? Her: "Oh theres a center in football? Thats the same position in basketball right?" Me: WHHHATTTTT??????
  5. Is Darren Sproles to short sir???
  6. Why would they fear this? If the Jets do take him who knows him more than Marrone and Co? Thats like getting the answers before a math test, how could you not win???? So whatever them have him.. He's not that great for all this worry anyway....
  7. I don't do impressions I do wins...
  8. On my life if that happened I might cry tears of joy... But as a Bills fan since first tooth I know my wet dreams turn to nightmares all the time with this team.... To quote the great Lloyd Christmas "So you say 0.00000000000000000000001% chance? I have a shot then"...LOL....
  9. Jeezzz he's slow... I got money on Peyton Manning beating him in a foot race....
  10. You guys really want Barkely at 8? Really, that high? Ok.. Well to each its own.. Not my cup of tea that's way too high.... This would be great... If Geno is not there at 8...
  11. Come on now its not that bad.. I think it was worst when Fitztrash was the QB... But thats just me...
  12. JACKPOT... Finally somebody with some damn sense.. Geez...
  13. What I don't get is... How in the hell does Fitz getting cut makes us the worst team in football? I mean with him we must have been the worst team on the planet... Some people I swear.. And who cares we didn't sign anybody... We did the biggest signing last year and how that turn out? Just be glad we cut Ryan Fitzass thats all I wanted and I got it.. Im a have a good night sleep hope you guys do the same.. ** SLAMS DOOR **
  14. *Stumbles in with bottle of Ciroc in hand* BEST DAY EVER! *Falls on face*
  15. CUT HIS A$$ ALREADY... Whats taking so long, I got sh*t to do.. Lets get this rolling so I can pop some bottles in this b***h time for a celebration... Every pass he throws is terrible, where you been?? LOL...
  16. Did you really just say you'd take Nassib over Geno?? I just want to make sure I can read....
  17. Did Andrew Luck play for USC? NO!! So that metaphor goes out the window.. You could have said would if Tom Brady played for USC then... Fact is USC quarterbacks suck 99.9% of the time in the league.. Palmer too... Didn't Adrian Peterson comeback from an injury? Didn't Tom Brady comeback from and injury?? Didn't Peyton Manning comeback from injury???? #Check
  18. Can only imagine Geno in a Buffalo Uni.... **SHRUGS**
  19. What was the last USC quarterback that was good in the NFL? Don't worry I'll wait... Wasn't Jimmy Clausen #1 coming out of HS????
  20. ^^^ This from the guy who like Ryan Fitztrash??? Do you know the Mega Millions numbers also????
  21. No.. Let the eagles trade him to the chiefs.. Then hope Alex Smith goes to Arizona.. Then we get GENO SMITH! #BOOM... Only if the football gods like The Buffalo Bills as much as I do would this happen...
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