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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. Awww c'mon son... Stop making sense I mean really, you can't keep making sense on this board cuz the smart people will come out and get upset they'll call you all kinds of mean names too, even the moderators will join in and delete your posts...LOL... Everyone really goes on that one game (national title game) not any of the other games he has played. I think he'll fit with Gailey's system better than the statue of mallet or the who aka blaine gibbert aka offensive aaron maybin. But id take fairly (even if he's a one year wonder) or bowers cuz our d-line is outright atrocious. But if those guys are gone I'm taking Cam let him sit a year watch Fitz or until Fitz starts looking like mr. hanky cuz its bound to happen. Have a Nice Day
  2. LMAO Thats Hilarious... Fitz is an athlete and you want him right? I think you may have ment you don't want a mobile QB or maybe you were takin it to another level cuz there are many different racial undertones on this board about Cam. So who knows? Maybe im wrong, Maybe im right. I'd take Cam if Fairly or Bowers are gone which im 90 percent sure they're going to be. I know everybody has there own opinion but if you think Fitz is better than Cam I think you may have the Flu or a Fever cuz your sick....
  3. Obviously if you know football you know if you have a lead in the 4th you run more to run time out. Now if you were pertaining to that as he is a run first qb then your correct but if you seen the 1st half you seen his passing skills. Oh and does 65 yards rush even qualify as a running qb? I wasn't comparing him to Brady or Manning thats crazy. What I ment by mentioning them was the fact they overthrow or under throw it happens its football...Its kinda insane to say those two names are off limits in a discussion about quarterbacks, when they are the best at there position. Who am I supposed to use matt stafford and carson palmer? Oh and he got that signature win...LOL..
  4. He only has like 80 yards rushing with like 244 passing yards with 2 tds and a pick hows that equvalate to a run first qb? Yea he had some over throws but so does Brady and Manning it happens...
  5. Ok, no offense but exactly how is Cam looking terrible? I don't see it...
  6. The effort was always there he always broke a billion tackles... Im a make that quote into a t-shirt...lol... I can't even think of a tackle Spiller ever broke... Outran alot but don't recall any broken tackles... That had to be one of the greatest stiff arms in NFL history... The league needs to cut off his left arm and put it in the hall of fame... ROTFL!!!
  7. Oh YEA!!!!! LMAO at you guys... I bet nobody woulda put money Marshawn would have done what he did.. I bet you want him now...LOL... BEASTMODE!!!!!
  8. WOW REALLY? Flexing I-muscles LMAO good one im a use that one myself... Nobody belittled anybody WHY SO SENSATIVE! it's not that serious. Nobody said I had any insight (or acted like I do cuz do I work for the Bills uhh No just like you don't) into anything just relax its NOT THAT SERIOUS... But id still take Young now Cutler is good as well as Young but Leinhart is pretty bad... LOL He might have been the only mistake of that draft...
  9. If you can teach a squirrel to ride a toy jet ski you can teach a retard to read a defense...LOL.. Really a wonderlic test? Not football but a fu*cking test... You can have that im not gonna bother but I never said Fitz was a weakling. All around athletic abilty and football skill theres no way you can even pick Fitz over VY, metally Fitz has it together thats not even in question but thats all he has better than VY. If you wanna pull stats go ahead i'll just pull awards. Which is better overall stats or awards... CHECKMATE!!! Um no if your naturally gifted you will always be great but you still have to work harder to hone those skill completely. Micheal Vick was physically gifted in ATL but he didn't give his all in the film room, Now look at him. So you tellin me Fitz can work hard enuff and turn into Mike Vick? Sh*t if he does I'll pay top dollar for that trainer. Fitz has the mental but theres no way in hell he can work that hard to get where VY is athletically. Once again EITHER YOU HAVE IT OR YOU DON'T and fitz doesn't...
  10. You must be a martian to say Fitz is better than VY, but hey everybody has there own opinion... Physically abilities all go to VY but mental goes to Fitz but you can teach the mental you can't teach physical either you have it or you don't... And what has Fitz won? Don't worry I'll wait!!!
  11. If they drop him off I'll scoop him for free or like a 7 but thats about it (cuz we know they gon drop him already).... If he gets his head on straight he'll be a great addition. If anybody thinks Fitzpatrick is better than VY I got a Hot Chocolate shop on the moon for sale, I'll let it go for cheap...
  12. "BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE"... (and I mean that in the most sarcastic way imaginable)
  13. We get Cam Newton, I'll be at the first game he starts with my new Newton jersey on... MARK IT DOWN!!!... Come to Buffalo Cam, Let's Go....
  14. How do you know Luck can read a defense? or Kellen Moore? or who knew Tom Brady would be that good? Fact is nobody knows until they get on the field so why not give the kid a shot? I agree with you I do but with his mobility I think if he get in trouble he can just run until he get better at reading defenses and since we have no O-Line he will or our QB will need to run for his life.... This is just blatant racist shi*t c'mon son really? This is why nobody thinks Buffalo is ready for a black quarterback... I want Cam as a Bill he'll bring excitement to a team that is flat and boring period. I mean if Luck is there take him but if not Cam and Chan (That rhymes) well be ok in my book.... Lets go Cam...
  15. Can we draft Cam Newton already??? I can't wait for that sh*t to happen... Got Damnit...
  16. I was like "CHING-CHING" as soon as I seen that, After he gets drafted Gatorade will come a knocking... Im glad im not the only one seen the amount of money thats going to change hands over joking around...
  17. While were talking about great players imm glad we have Error Maybeen on our team he's a good player and also SeeJ Cpiller is gonna be or Berry Saunders in a couple of years watch whit i say. I hope we can draft Camera Newtown in the draft he'll be a great upgrade over Cyan Fitzmullet. what do you guys think?
  18. Your crazy! What make me right is you don't even know his got damn name! FITZPATRICK.... LMAO! But you say he's better for the bills than MV7...You deserve a sticker for best thread of 2010!
  19. CAM NEWTON is our new Bills QB ....END DEBATE!
  20. Great metaphor sir..lol but anyway I think Newton would be better than locker (not luck but he won't be there on our clock) but I do agree with the second round to *lebron james voice* bring his talents to Buffalo. I agree that chan can get his footwork in order to make him work out and that coming from chan hater turned chan liker. grab a defensive line man in the 1st then I'd throw my GM card on newton in the 2nd. Yep id risk the job on that guy... LOL I didnt even notice that...and let alone to the patriots awww somebody f'ed up on that...
  21. I mean his passes were on point that 4th and 3 post-out pass was crisp and on target but I guess you blinked on that pass huh? His legs are a plus but the arm is there he has the energy and leadership ablilites. There's things im unsure of like his ability to read a defense but theres always gonna be something to be unsure of. He's a winner from HS to that junior college title and he's killing it in college at a high level I mean whats the problem. you can't really use that one year idea sorry.
  22. Dear Santa, All I want is Cameron Newton as a Buffalo Bill.. LOL! No seriously after that Bama game how can you really hate on the kid I mean C'MON. If Luck is gone we need CAM he's a winner something we currently don't have on this team...
  23. This is cool I usually go to the taco mac in sandy springs I never knew there was a whole bills type bar i'll definitely attend. Can i wear my mcgahee jersey or is that outlawed? Thats the only bills jersey i got I think i need to upgrade..LOL..
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