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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. And how do you know he has no smarts please elaborate? with facts...(this should be good).. I mean the guy has only lost one game in 2 years (JUCO or not its still football). I mean it's not a Harvard degree but from a football point of view you have to be pretty smart to do that. I'm just saying! But I'm anxious to hear how you say he's not smart...
  2. This brought tears to my eye.. You deserve and oscar for this post... I wanted Cam but now if we don't get Cam after reading this I'll be disappointed...
  3. I just googled Jason White and still don't know who the fu*k he is... He's absolutely forgettable... If the question of "who was the 2003 Heisman winner" arises on who wants to be a millionaire and on it im dead...I could have 20 life lines and its not gonna make a difference...LOL...
  4. Cam Newton... NUFF SAID!
  5. It seems like you really hate Cam like REALLY HATE Cam. Did he eat your last piece of cake or pie? Have you ever met him? Relax doggy.. And for the record Mike Maylock said Rashard Mendenhall would be better than Chris Johnson. Anybody can be wrong with this draft stuff. It's a gamble on anybody, hell I liked Ryan Leaf over Manning and I'm not the only one. Now look who's in jail and who's playing for Superbowls...
  6. Good find... I was thinkin what if they changed the uniform because they have an idea of who they want to draft "Cam Newton",. I think it would be cool to go to fan media day in Buffalo and meet Cam, CJ and Stevie with the new Bills Jerseys on, they could have some tag line like "New Era" or "New Dynasty" now that's marketing. I'd have to buy one of them (Newton's) jersey's but that would be a cool site to see ala how they had Bledoe running out wit that crappy CFL looking jersey on in 2002...
  7. Well ok if we can't go off stats (facts) then how can we make this debate work? How is he a run first QB? And don't gimme that he looks one direction and runs because thats not gonna cut it, how can anyone but him tell what he's looking at (plus thats an opinion)...So please elaborate...
  8. Are you High? No way Ponder reminds me of Mike or Steve Young? Not even after coke, weed, alcohol, extasy, crack, meth and after a Menege a troi with Pamela Anderson and Lark Voorhees will Ponder look like Micheal Vick. So please pass whatever your smokin or snortin cuz its gotta be top notch... Andrew Luck 2011 - 263-372 for 3,338 yards Cam Newton 2011 - 185-280 for 2,854 yards Only 484 yards between them but he has a run first mentality?
  9. Well I think vampires are kinda cool im not sure which one that is but i'll prolly roll wit him cuz he get all the ho*es..LOL...I mean he a vampre right? thats what they do right? Good Idea then he can have his own Gaterade and Fi'g Newtons $$$ CHA-CHING $$$... Imagine if we had the 60 yard Mitsubishi screen in Dallas everybody would go blind each time we scored..LMAO! I'll take it further what if we had that screen but in 3D with 3D glasses i'd have a heart attack after 14 points...
  10. So basically your saying he can never throw an INT in his NFL life as a Bill? Say that same thing to Fitz, Brohm, Trent, JP, Holcomb, Bledsoe, Flutie, Johnson, Billy Joe Hobert and Todd Collins... (did i miss somebody?) SWEETTTTTT!!!! Well if im selected as VP I pledge to run "NEWTON'S LAW" to the best of my ability it will be the best gang on TBD...LOL... But yea that newtons law saying and start producing that "Magic Gatorade" concoction that he started in the sugar bowl and CHA-CHING we're in the money....
  11. I don't know what the f*ck that has to do with anything but it sounds AWESOME! How cool would "NEWTON'S LAW" on the HD screen at the ralph look every time he scored? I'm down can I be Vice President? Is there an election of some sort *BETTER IDEA* we can turn it into TBD gang LMAO!....
  12. All the bold sucked their first year... So what you sayin? I mean if you want go head throw him in he may or may not do good but with any QB you just don't know until you give them time to play... Flacco was avg if not for that Def he wouldn't have been that great...And Brees was bad LOL come on thats common knowledge he didn't get good until they drafted Rivers what his 3rd year. Come Harder *PAUSE* than that... A-Rod sat, TECHNICALLY Brady sat, Bradshaw sucked his first year and so did Aikman.
  13. I'm not a fan if drafting a QB and throwing them in the fire so fast so i'd sit him for 1 year (not 2). Plus Fitz should be good for a year rental. But if Fitz goes down I'd tell Newton "son, listen up if all else fails RUN FOR YOUR LIFE"...LOL...
  14. 2 Names one person CAM NEWTON!.... After Fairley and Bowers...LOL... But I tell you I hope we do get Cam....
  15. LMAO! I think more than luck is needed for this debate... But pass the popcorn this should be good or a massacre....I'm leaning more toward massacre...
  16. You don't question anybody at One Bills Drive You don't try to dunk on Mutumbo You don't question anybody on Twobillsdrive.com You don't play big bank take little bank with Batman or excuse me Bruce Wayne You don't draft Aaron Maybin *EVER* You don't wear a pinstrip blazer with plain slacks YOU DON'T PASS ON CAMERON NEWTON IF YOU STARTING QB IS RYAN FITZGERALD *i know its Fitzpatrick but only bills fans do*
  17. You seem angry over this LOL is it this serious?.. Anyway without getting all emotional like this guy my OPINION is Gabbert sucks and I'll take Cam any day. Point being Jimmy Clausen came from a Pro Style but Sam Bradford didN't and who's better? LOL there goes that debate. Trent Edwards was supposed to read deffenses pretty well and so was Cade McNown how did that turn out? Its all a gamble if the guy is athletic he can run around until he figures it out or in our case he can sit behind fitz until they unleash the excitement known as CAM NEWTON. So yes *Roger Godell Stalin Voice* with the 3rd pick the Buffalo Bills Select Cam Newton (crowd goes wild).... Oh yea have fun replying to that cuz im not replying back cuz your a bit too emotional, I mean its just a blog...LOL...
  18. Your intention was noted it was just the fact that they were mostly all black qbs you compared him to that caught me and others off guard. I wasn't offended it was just kinda weird. But I see the Cunningham or Young comparison I'd lean more towards Randall but id have to see him in the league a while to see if he's more like Young. The problem with Young is I think he's unstable not that he can't make the throws or plays its his off the field act thats a problem. And nobody knows if Cam can read a defense hell I was told JP could read a defense, Trent, Tim Couch, Alex Smith and Cade McNown could and look how that turned out. All im sayin is give him a shot or we gonna have to live with below avg QBs for life. What about frame and style of play? So your going off one game? Not speed, agility, arm strength, body type, leadership or style of play? Your just going off one game HAHA you got it. And I could be wrong but didn't the RB Dyer get MVP? You are the weakest link GOOD BYE! WOW! Well put to be honest I can't really debate anything you said. You really hit the nail on the coffin (Except leave the Akili Smith line at the door he was horrible)....LOL... I don't really call people out on the racism unless it blantent (like the Micheal Vick threads some of those where awful I mean just straight racist) in this case it didn't bother me cuz it was in context but it was still a little weird. But being on this board some people do have those kinds of undertones in they're post and when they get called on it they retract it and say thats not what I ment. Sometimes I really think Buffalo couldn't handle a black QB. What do you think? P.S. Vick won't struggle but we can duke that one out another time...LOL...
  19. You seem angry? Are you mad Micheal is making more money than you by just showing his face...LOL... I think you need a hug and a build a bear or something because your PMSing. Oh well the more you talk angrily about him the more he will do better so I say keep it up the free publicity. Carry on.
  20. This is outstanding WOW there's a lil race card going on because why is every QB on that list except 2 Black? Its a stretch I know but when I notice that I cracked a smile. Why can't Cam be like Cam? Why compare him to anybody. And how the hell can he be compared to Jamarcus Russell. Lets begin, Jamarcus isn't a scrambler Cam is. Cam is fast Jamarcus is fat I mean slow, Jamarcus is Fat Cam's not. Both have arms ok, Cam's won just about everything invented Jamarcus hasn't. Both are black. So besides they're both black with arms how are the similar again? Don't gimme that read defense BS cuz nobody knows what Cam can do in the league. So how are they similar?
  21. *Raises Hand* I have an answer for the class.. You need both.. You need a franchise QB to make your offensive pedestrian weapons make the opposing defense look terrible no matter how great of a defense ala Brady and Manning... You need a outstanding defense to make the opposing QB look pedestrian ala Brady and Manning... Was that a good answer (GOOD ANSWER)? Can we end this unending thread now (YES)? I think this thread got a lil outta control (DARN SKIPPY)... Fitz doesn't make oUr offense better he just runs it and its common knowledge our defense would't cut it in the matrix cuz they can't stop a bullet (great metaphor/double en-toudre). So we need BOTH!
  22. Can we just draft Killa Cam Newton and get it over with? The pushing and pulling goin on is a bit overbearing...
  23. Its funny how people say he's a running qb but if they watch this video they'd find out he's not. I think some call him a running qb cuz he's black im mean just call it like it is... I want Cam on this team he would bring excitement and youth to an overall boring team the last ounce of life buffalo had was marshawn...I want fairley bad but to be realistic he's not gonna be there at 3, Cam would be 2 on the list with bowers a close 3... Fitz isn't gonna cut it im sorry he's is pure unadulterated trash. Brohm should be playing in the arena league if you wanna keep it all the was real, he is hot sun garbage. I know we need a D-line to stop the run but this type of talent comes rarely. "Roger Goodell Stalin voice" With the 3rd pick in the draft the Buffalo Bills select Cam Newton, quarterback, Auburn University...BUFFALO GOES WILD!!!!.....mark it down....
  24. Ok why even ask this question? Why is this up for debate? Why would you help the Patriots who are a 10x better team become 20x better, knowing you have to face them 2x a year FOREVER? If we couldn't beat them the last DECADE why help them the next DECADE? I mean really this is such a crazy question I can't stop laughing... Were you serious? You couldn't have been you must be one them comedian guys huh huh? HAHAHAHA This guy...
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