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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. Yes, I do... Any other questions? BINGO! How bout wanting the 1st string QB to play well???? Bring your snorkel for that dive you may see some old Todd Collins fans at the bottom of lake erie...
  2. Welp! I guess all the Broom supporters are going to jump off the peace bridge now... I hope they can swim ... Now that he's gone more room for CAM NEWTON!... (Im the first to mention Cam do I get a prize? Even tho I felt a slight Cam dis coming from our ^TBD government^ LOL...)
  3. Its funny how some people don't want Cam but talk about him more than the people that do want him... SMH... I mean the question was "WHO'S YOU DREAM FIRST 2 PICKS" not "I hate Cam so I don't want him because"... Some people are so lame.... My top 2 picks for the Bills are... 1st Round - "THEE ICON" Cam Newton 2nd Round - Cam Heyward
  4. That coming from a guy with Fitzgerald as his avatar is generally accpetable so i'll give you a hall pass this time...LOL I like Kaspernick to but he doesn't have the upside that Cam... I wish I had Charlie Sheen Money...
  5. LOL at calling out a pass that sailed at the combine did you not notice Mallet had one that sailed to or you just dismissed that one? I mean its just the combine relax. Hell Locker, Stanzi and Pondermissed a few to but your not gonna call them out to will you? And let me guess he's Jamarcus Russell because they both black right? Thats all they have in common besides an arm but if thats the case Cam is just like Ben Roethisberger. But he's white so you don't campare the to each other right? Anyway I mean geez this is really a sensitive subject. I wonder how many people will commite suicide if the Bills do draft him? I mean damn....
  6. Ok I know this will probably start a riot but so be it... Mallet storms off the stage pissy because he gets asked about being a druggy and you give him a pass but Cam says he want to be and entertainer and icon to a question about his under armor deal. But he gets labeled a arrogant and cocky guy who doesn't want to become a real qb? Come on freaking McElroy was cocky too by saying he'll be better than Cam does anybody have a problem with McElroy NO! That's what QB's are you'd never hear Manning say Brady is better or vice versa. But to say what Mallet did was ok is just wrong. But you same people get pissy bout what Cam said. You should be ashamed of yourselves, such hypocrites... *Puts on riot gear* BRING IT!
  7. My mock is 1. Cam Newton 2. Cameron Newton 3. The Icon Mr. Cam Newton 4. The Entertainer Sir Cameron Newton 5. Robert Quinn 6. Da'Quan Bowers 7. Von Miller
  8. Whaaatttt??? I was talking about their 40 and them running straight is that not what I said?. How it turned into them hitting somebody I don't know ... All I was saying was Newton is bigger than Locker so technically Locker should be faster but he's not they're the same speed. How that makes Locker faster I don't know... Anyway me and Micheal Vick (to your left) salute you for trying to make sense out of what you said...
  9. Velocity? Where did that come from? Do you know what velocity means? Here i'll help you Definition: Velocity is a vector measurement of the rate and direction of motion or, in other terms, the rate and direction of the change in the position of an object. This is Iconic excuse me IRONIC because this could be considered Newtons first law of physics HAAA!. But anyway no its not velocity because nothing is pushing them to change direction there going straight. A baseball pitcher changes the velocity of a curveball which means he makes it go up or down while curving traveling straight making it change directions. When Locker and Newton ran there 40 they ran straight the 3 cone drill would possibly detect velocity but thats a strecth. But I could be wrong...
  10. So let me get this straight Locker 6-3 - 230 lbs, Cam Newton 6-5 - 248 both ran 4.59. Ok now Cam is 2 inches taller and weights 18 pounds more so he's moving a bigger body than Locker. How does that classify Locker as faster? To justify your argument Locker should have ran a 4.5 cuz he is smaller than Newton. Thats like saying Big Foot and a Titan pick-up truck both are the same speed but calling the pick-up truck faster. But not noticing that big foot is a freaking monster truck.. LOL...
  11. So because of the combine he sucks? Not real football but shorts and a t-shirt? if you wanna pick on something yes his footwork was bad but you can teach that you can't teach accuracy. He's accurate in games combines aren't made to look at completions they look at the spot they put the ball in. But if he sucks because of the combine so be it, what I saw was bad footwork anybody watching would notice that hell even the announcers said his motion and arm looked good his footwork was just questionable. oh and for a 6'5 - 248 guy running a 4.57 with 9.3 G-FORCES (thanks under Armour) WILL RUN A LB over... To call that slow but call Locker fast when they ran the same time is crazy..
  12. CAM NEWTON! or NO QB!...
  13. I was hype for McGahee and Marshawn awwww man I knew it was on after those too came to Buffalo.... I turned into and OWL when we drafter Maybin my head did a 360 excercist turn and I said "WHOOOOOOOOOO" so loud I should have got a ticket for distubing the piece...LOL When we drafted Losman I was dumbfound with a sllight "WHOOOO" attached... The Whitner pick I was just like "WHY" Here's hoping for Cam Newton at #3....
  14. Good Job doing this and Thanks I completly agree with what he said about Cam and Fitz. Now that he's given his opinion on the whole twisting of the words situatiion I wonder how many people are gonna say "Gaileys wrong Cams still a retard with red flags" since red flags seem to be everyones favorite word. SMH CAM NEWTON!... NUFF SAID....
  16. So you guys are drooling over a test, I mean all this over a test not actual football? I'll take country a$$ Terry Bradschaws low score over Kerry Collins high score. Can we get some actual football game tape instead of a test.. #justsayin
  17. With all due respect you make no sense.... You can't find the link or have know proof but you remember hearing which means you THINK (Think = Non Factual) he was caught with weed...Then you say they are true, but you say the charges were dropped or the other person who actually had the weed (you say) got charged not Cam? There's alot of WTH in your defense how bout I forget you even mentioned the weed thing as a whole because its so FALSE its comical. Stick to the stolen laptop or cheating argument even tho he bought a stolen laptop and got caught cheating on a math test or I don't know maybe it was science (Nothing to do with actual football, who cares) or no a good one is the one year wonder agument but you'd problaby take Fairly or hell if Luck came out you'd drool over him huh?.. But hey if it works I guess but just let the weed thing fade away...
  18. WHATTTT! he was caught with weed? where the hell that come from? Stop with the making things up as you go... The rest of the things you said are null and void cuz of that....
  19. Dear Sir, THAT'S THE GREATEST AVATAR OF ALL TIME ... You sir are a legend ... Now if that press conference happens April 28 I'll be a happy camper...
  20. How does Cam suck exactly? I mean he's 30-1 over two years in two different divisions JUNCO (tell fred jackson and jerome harrison junco doesn't count) and SEC?... How's he not a leader when he lead 4 comebacks over the past SEC season and his coaches and teammates love him... Are you making this up? Are you joshing me there guy? FUNNY GUY? with that said... CAM NEWTON.... Nuff Said!
  21. There is more than one round ... I could be wrong there may be one round ... It's not like if we draft a defensive player they are gonna make us a Superbowl Contender... Didn't it take Mario WIlliams 2 years to get great at his postion cuz his rookie year wasn't good same for Revis. Why people make it seem like just becase they play defense it doesn't have a learning curve. With that said... CAM NEWTON!.... Nuff Said!
  22. Best Mock draft I've seen for the Bills... I hope this happens but the stars, planets, clouds and the football gods must all align for this to happen (like Voltron)... As of now all a kid could do is wish....
  23. So basically he sucks because of one game? Not the fact he won that game or the fact his college career wins/losses is 30-1. That stat alone makes him suck still right? So does Tom Brady suck because he went undefeated until the superbowl with the giants? With your logic the answer is YES... I know its your opinion but I think your opinion is flawed... But Carry On!
  24. Between Gailey, Nix, Mel and now PFT... They all say they like the idea of Cam in Buffalo (Gailey and Nix like Cam a great deal) ... I don't want to get my hopes up for a huge let down but its hard to not get hype... I hope McShay doesn't join in cuz that'll cancel out because everybody can't agree on where he will land... Can they?
  25. Problaby ment Cam NEWTON! not Cam Jordan... Just an honest mistake...LOL
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