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  1. I'm just imagining this conversation with the sound effects guy when they came up with the Monster. "Ok, let's start with a dinosaur stomping through the jungle. Good, good. Now let's add a roar and a wail with a long echo. Great, ok we're still missing something though... Ooh I know! Throw in an old adding machine and a hammer banging on a piece of sheet metal. Ok, I like that. Now when he charges let's use a train going into a tunnel. Perfect! That's our monster." WHY??? Oh god can someone please tell me why he sounded so mechanical so I can finally let go and ascend.
  2. Well it was a disembodies sould that came out of an ancient chamber of light with a stone plug in the center of a pool so having any kind of technilogical quality just doesn't fit.
  3. I have one question and one question only that's blocking me from fully appreciating the beautiful and touching finale. It's the question I've been asking since the pilot. Why did the Monster sound mechanical? I understand why it roared and stomped and that it was MIB's disembodied angry spirit but I can't for the life of me understand why it clanked and went ticka, ticka, ticka.
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