To Be honest, I don't think Coaching is as big, as it is on Game Day. What counts is Talent of the Players here, Leadership, Work Ethic, Accountability and Killer Instinct. That's what builds a championship team. And Sadly the Bills are lacking this big time. Until they address this, we're never getting the playoffs, I don't care if Cowher, Reid, Smith, Marrone is coaching, makes no difference, this is on the players. And ON BUDDY NIX TO BRING THEM HERE. I Still don't get how he get's a free pass??? #1 The Bills Need a Franchise QB, No if's ands or Buts. Fitz should be sent packing, don't need him here anymore, thanks for your service... Buddy attached his wagon to him and should have been fired for doing it... This is the Big Problem for the Bills, now We're behind the rest of the league because of it.