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Everything posted by mattsox

  1. Please remove yourself from being a Bills fan immediately!
  2. Coach speak. You'll always hear stuff like this when things aren't going well.
  3. Not really worried about it. Maybe some bickering will help them get out of their comfort zone. Works for me.
  4. Agreed. SSDD!!!!
  5. Disagree. More like 5-11. It's a bad Football Team. Leadership lacking, accountability on this team is a joke at best. Laughing stock as usual.
  6. If we win 5 games this season. I'll be impressed.
  7. Does it matter? We're talking about a LS.
  8. Absolutely a horrible trade. SJ was Buffalo. We needed him this season to get us where we want to be. Rookie WRs hardly ever make an impact in the first season. This "All-in" BS is exactly that. BS. This team should make a big stride this season, with no SJ or Alonso, I'm not so certain this team will be good enough to fight for a playoff birth. I firmly believe Marrone is gone along with the whole Front Office after this season. The new owner will bring in someone with credibility as GM and HC along with an NFL OC.
  9. Exactly. It's PRESEASON!! It doesn't mean anything. Wake me up once Week 1 starts.
  10. Exactly. There is no accountability in the Bills locker room and that will be their undoing. Someone has to get in these guys faces and tell them you're not doing your job. Does that guy exist in the Bills locker room?
  11. Ugh, all this BS! Of course they can Co-exist. How can they not Co-exist? Hoyer needs to prove he can stay healthy, and he has someone sitting on the bench looking over his shoulder waiting to prove himself.
  12. They want to win this season right? Why would they trade him unless they get a 1ST ROUND DRAFT CHOICE FOR 2015. That is the price that would need to be paid to trade CJ.
  13. MOD's. Another NUKE is needed on this thread.
  14. Agreed. Can the Mod's NUKE THIS THREAD!!!
  15. Jonas Jennings? Wow, was he some kind of LT that used to play for the Bills? What happens, happens man. Survival of the fittest in the NFL!
  16. Really? If that's true, then this gives me hope. Maybe this will instill some leadership in these guys. They got to force their will upon that line if they want to get better.
  17. It is broke. It's stupid. Why do you need to kick and extra point after a TD? Just make a TD worth 7 or make it harder for an extra point.
  18. Greatest thing on earth!
  19. I'll believe it when I see it. I don't see the Bills doing much better than last year.
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