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Everything posted by mpl6876

  1. Curious as to why?
  2. But who cares because it is failure nevertheless?
  3. Kind of like me huh?
  4. Here is where I am a little confused. Sum it up they neglected need in the first round and picked the BPA and then in the 2nd round they picked a player by need over the BPA. Did same thing with Easley in the 4th and Wang in the 5th...Picked for need instead of BPA. Am I missing something...To this day, I still don't understand the logic/philosophy behind this years draft? Good thing is I don't have too.
  5. For me it is all about the ending....I am not willing to sit back and accept a 4 win season no matter how you "candy coat" it. That is my "micro" outlook...
  6. It goes w/o saying some experts are more credible than others. IMO, Mr Faulk is on or near the bottom of the list. I am sure that's why you singled him out. Nice try... Your argument doesn't "hold weight." You have to take into account many many experts opinions. Then you will be able to learn the "general theme" of the experts. I have done this and the general consensus is the Bills are going to be a weak team based on their OL, WR, QB, new regime changes, and new defensive scheme. Now, it remains to be seen if they are correct. Nothing is written in stone and there is always a team or two who surprises everyone. Hopefully, it is the Bills. With that said, I still think it is fullish to just dismiss what the experts are saying. There is merit to what they say...
  7. Hey, I can't stop laughing. Great line and I may have to use it at some point...Hope you don't mind
  8. Here's what I find so ironic about this post. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular. So many people here have been so quick to disregard the so called experts opinions regarding the Bills. For example, the power ranking of the Bills. Yet we find a post here from a so called expert we don't even know. How many of you are willing to accept or be open minded regarding this experts opinion. I suspect more than there should be because it is something we want to hear. Its a positive so it is less questioned. In summary, we all believe what we want to believe and we are more likely to believe something if it fits into our thinking pattern. By the way, it is ridiculous to make this post. Thats old news on Torber and I don't give to shi ts about some college scouting report. Lets look at how he has performed as a pro. For christ's sake the guy has been in the league for 6-7 years and your going to quote some college scouting report?
  9. You could be correct but I suspect most here would be very excited and optimistic about Clausen. Fan or not, the very fact that we are starving for that franchise QB would have "blinded" many of us into being optimistic. At this point, I find it hard to believe many of us would be slamming him and being down right pessimistic about him. That's coming from one pessimistic Bills fan. Now, all this doesn't translate to him being successful and that is the most important issue. All I know is the OTA's and training camp would be alot different if we drafted him. I believe it is logical to take the next step and say this board would be loving him. Maybe I am wrong...
  10. Only if the Bills had the same kind of desire to win as you do...
  11. I wouldn't even put a dollar on them even if they were 5,000 to 1. I would rather spend the dollar on buying my kid a candy bar.
  12. I have been saying right along 5 games. So we are in the same ball park.
  13. Doc, give it up because Mr. Weo is eating you up alive...Enough of your bantering and just concede like a man.
  14. Good post. I agree with everything except pretending someone is the answer. I am hoping he is one answer to many unanswered questions about the Bills...
  15. Thanks for the feed back.
  16. (1) I don't know how any Bills fans can be content and satisfied with our current QB situation. I almost fell out of my chair when I read that statement. I dare to say the Bills may have the worst QB roster in the NFL and that's a big reason why were ranked so low.. (2) Getting rid of TO doesn't equal making this team better. In fact, I think the contrary. TO can be a jerk but last season by most every ones account he was well behaved. Sometimes, the effort may have been lacking but that still doesn't equate to his absence making the team better. Plus, he was a positive influence to Hardy(even Hardy is on the record saying that) and the young receivers . Another year of a positive TO could have done wonders to our young WR core. Don't you think? His work ethic (training camp) is second to none. Lastly, the guy can catches TD's which the Bills have trouble producing. Absolutely, an absurd statement IMO. (3) Statement is 100% true. I get the sense that you have really downplayed this. To me it feels like your making a causal statement like it is no big deal. Needless to say, the 3-4 switch will be difficult. It wouldn't surprise me if initially our defense gets slightly worse before getting better due to all the adjustments and learning curve. Matter of fact, statistics bear this out. Why would the Bills be any different? (4) Simply put OLB is one of the teams bigger needs. (5) "Things can only get better." Says who? I don't see it that way...Things can get worse before they get better. There is no sure thing and there are no facts to substantiate that "blanket" statement." (6) I happen to think Jason Campbell is a better QB than anyone on our roster. He might not be great but I would take him over any of our guys in a heart beat. One can make plenty of excuses for JC as you do for Trent Edwards. I will spare everyone the details with the exception of how offensive coordinators has he had. Also, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the Raiders have a better record than the Bills. They upgraded their QB, had an excellent draft, solid defense, and play in the worst division in the NFL (unlike us). Oh almost forget get rid of their crappy RT named Green (does that name sound familiar?). Well, there is my honest and candid reply back. Looking forward to yours and others professional feedback.
  17. Good post. I have a question for you. I have and others have been saying for some time now that opposing defenses are going to "stack the box" and squat on the short passes thus forcing the Bills QB and WR to beat them with long and intermediate passes. I just don't think the Bills will be able to do it. I hope I am wrong. I am sure Gailey and Co. must know this too. What do you think their counter attack is for this? Open to all to answer...
  18. You have to be kidding right? Most of the experts do know the teams. Thats what they get paid to do. They had 24 hours a day to study teams. Fans wouldn't tolerate totally incompetent analyst. Don't get me wrong the experts are often wrong but it's not becuase they didn't do there due diligence. It because of other reasons like injuries, surprise players or lack of, etc With all due respect, I cannot agree with your post.
  19. "Food for Thought" Maybe that's the reason he was unemployed as a NFL coach prior to us hiring him.
  20. Here is my take on the rankings. I try to take into the consideration all the experts predictions and rankings. The so called experts have us more or less in the bottm five. (even NFL Network fans ) This causes me concern. I am not so quick to say "F" the rankings or screw them. Wondering if you would be saying that if we were predicted to be in a top five team. I highly doubt it. It can't cut both ways... IMO, the rankings mean something and they can't be totally dismissed.
  21. If a starter emerges that is pro bowl caliber than we are good for the future. then it's up to management to continue to draft play makers to help support that QB. The Offense needs a play maker or two every year through FA or the draft. Stock the Offensive Line with late round picks and fill in defense as needed Pro bowl caliber QB...Not going to happen with our current QB roster. Stock the Ol with late round picks. You have to be kidding me! Fill in the defense as needed. LOL Well, I do agree with the latter part of your post.
  22. Bill thanks for responding back. I think everyone deserves a second chance and that includes Brohm. In a nutshell, I don't think the guy has the "it" factor based on his prior actions/behaviors to be a franchise QB. I think he has a decent chance under Gailey's leadership to be a decent to slighty above average QB. Not to mention the OL problems can hurt his confidence and effectiveness... I think we all including myself are so desperate for a quaility QB that sometimes we are "grasping at straws." I really think this Brohm situation fits that expression "to a tee". Yet, I am excited to see if the kid can produce... How excited would it be right now if we drafted Clausen?????? We would be lighting up this board with optimism.
  23. Very good post. I have heard very good things about your previous post with another screen name. Here is my concern with Brohm. He had his chance to become a number two QB in Green Bay and he failed. All the reports I have read indicated he lacked or lost confidence. That alone is a huge red flag to me. As you pointed out, a QB must be a leader and a confident leader. I believe the lost of confidence issue is a huge issue with Brohm and also Edwards. I think it is more "deep rooted" and part of thier pyschological makeup. I can't remember the great QB's ever really lacking confidence... A franchise QB must proccess an almost "cocky like" attitude that oozes out confidence. First one to come to my mind is Jim Kelly. I don't think it can be taught. I think you have it or you don't. (side note that's why I like Jimmy Clausen) Just my two cents. Time will tell whether Brohm has the leadership qualities to become our franchise QB.
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