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Everything posted by bleedinblue

  1. Marv took a 4 an 12 team to 9 and 7 in 3 seasons and was fired in a controversial move. Jauron took a 13 and 3 team to 7 and 9 in three years and was removed by consensus. Our only hope is the he can manage to find a couple of top notch coordinators, most of "his" staff is already in place, probably one of the reasons he was hired was he agreed to keep the existing staff.
  2. record of 35-46 (.432), the personality of a rock and the intensity of sloth.
  3. From the Jauron bio on the Lions site: As head coach, Jauron compiled a career coaching record of 35-46 (.432). This guy just isn't gonna get it done. Very disappointing, Marv is about to find out what TD felt like.
  4. Great news, that is a significant downgrade for Miami.
  5. What desire, what commitment, thanks, but I'd like to go home and think about it, I'll get back to you. This guy is a loser from the word go.
  6. I find it insulting that a "professional" journalist would resort to ignorant and uninformed broad brushing of Bill's fans. The vast, I repeat, vast majority of us go to the game and enjoy watching a rooting passionately for our team and have no problems nor create any. Yes there are jerks at a Bills game, as there are jerks at High school games, little league games, on the roads, in the workplace and even in government. But that doesn't mean that it's the majority or even widespread or that it is some major problem. It simply means that the infamous squeaky wheel gets the grease. A bunch of us enjoying the game with a couple of beers and friends just doen't sell papers. Consider the source and the medium.
  7. If she or anyone else thinks this is limited to Buffalo, try the Meadowlands, Foxboro or any other number of stadiums on any given NFL Sunday. Also, if you want to be in a profession where your performance is subject to public scrutiny, you better thicken your skin quickly.
  8. Hope they get "French" Mike, its and immediate downgrade
  9. A billion dollar industry that hires part time officials many who are too old and/or out of shape to even get in positon to make a call, let alone get it right and who refuse to make calls so that replay can be utilized leaves a bit to be desired.
  10. Opinion doesn't matter, owners can only be inducted as contributors which includes guys like commissioners, league presidents and even a supervisor of officials. Wins and loses count for zip. In fact, HOF'er Charles Bidwell's Chicago Cardinals of 1933-1947 posted a record of 56-129-8, including 2 winless seasons and only 3 winning seasons.
  11. This offseason, any other off season or any season in general has zippo to do with HOF credentials. Owners are inducted as contributors, that is, what they have done for the game. Not wins and losses, not personnel decisions, not team chemistry, just contribution to the game. In that, RW's credentials are impeccable.
  12. At least Haslett wants to be here. To these other guys, Buffalo is a border outpost and/or a means to other ends or the only choice left. Haslett is a decent coach with experience, but most importantly, is interested in the job, has a feel for the community and could bring some pride, respect and identity to this team that has been sorely missing during the TD era.
  13. http://www.buffalobills.com/FrontOffice-Wilson.jsp http://www.ralphtothehall.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Searc...C._Wilson%2C_Jr
  14. There seems to be a lot of people who point to NO as being talented, but no one seems to be able to single out that talent. Fact is tha they had 5 pro bowlers in 2000 and that has dropped each year to 1 resereve this year. No is clearly in decline and not due to coaching.
  15. Perhaps this is just the result that RW wanted. Any good business person would like to save a few bucks whenever they can, and this is a desireable result from a business perpective. By the way, RW's contributions to the league and game far surpass this trifling. If you bother to do the research, it is extremely likely that today's successful NFL wouldn't exist without some of RW's help.
  16. Haslett worked for arguably the worst organization and owner in the NFL. As far as "tremendous talent" I can't think of anyone on that team that could be described in that way. Never had a QB, had no draft choices thanks to Ditka and the owner spends more time tying to relocate rather than running the team. Haslett has a close personal relationship with RW and it is obvious that Ralph is surrounding himself with people he can trust. I would be shocked if Haslett isn' the next HC.
  17. If you desire to be a politician, CEO, a head coach or anything that subjects your performance to public scrutiny, you had better learn how to handle it because it is inevitable.
  18. ....said he was deeply affected by the firing of Donahoe and that this season exacted a physical and mental toll. Add mental toughness and a thick skin to the list of HC attributes that MM does not have. If he can't handle fan and media criticism then he is right to get out of the business of being a head coach in the NFL, that just comes with the job.
  19. Are you nuts? RW is a icon of the NFL, an original owner and one of the architects of the league. He personally kept the Raiders and the AFC afloat in the early years. He has been uwavering in keeping the NFL from becoming MLB. To even insinuate that he does not belong in the HOF is just plain ignorant. Owners are voted in as contributors, not on wins and losses, and RW is one of the biggest contributors to making the NFL what it is today.
  20. Yeah, Marv brings a proven ability to get the whole organization on the same page, something that was sorely lacking under TD.
  21. The day Sullivan "hits the nail on the head" is the day he reports the day of the week correctly....and I doubt he is capable of that.
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