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Posts posted by bleedinblue

  1. Actually RP, you're in error. Polian did not inherit Peyton Manning. Polian was hired by the Colts at the end of the 1997 season and in his first draft in April of 1998, he drafted Peyton Manning first overall. There was a very real debate at the time as to whether Manning or Ryan Leaf would be the better pro quarterback. Polian nailed it.


    He is also the guy who brought Kelly to Buffalo from the USFL.

  2. My answer: Sorry Ralph, but the HOF is for winners only.

    Owners do not get into the hall of fame because of the success of their teams, its for "contirbutions" to the game. By your logic, Kraft and Jones are shoe ins and have done absolutely nothing but take from the game and in fact have tried to destroy what has been make successful by owners like RW who see the greater good.

  3. Sullivan is a little weasel who takes a poll before taking a position. Earlier in the season he was praising Jauron. I don't agree with all of Jauron's decisions by any means, but switching coaches every two-three years guarantees little success.

    That is the truth that most so called "fans" don't want to hear.

  4. Your right. I'll be watching the draft and seeing who the Bills draft. That's a no brainer.


    Only thing is, I DON'T CARE WHO THEY DRAFT!!


    I watch the draft because I enjoy it.


    I don't care what the Bills do. I don't care about the Bills.


    I will follow the team. I will continue to follow this board,

    and post to it. Only thing is I CAN'T CARE ABOUT THIS TEAM



    I can't continue to give a cr@p about this team.


    I can't.

    Then stop posting here and go away.

  5. This is the stupidest idea posted on this board ... not to metion it has been discussed before. Games are won or lost in the trenches. You do not take your best offensive lineman and trade him away. Not going to happen so why even start this discussion?

    The presence or absence of our "best" offensive lineman is hardly even noticeable game to game, we lost more games with him in the lineup than with him out. Luckily, the rest of the league considers him premium. If we can get max value for this malcontent, grab it and get more talent at impact positions like a solid DE.

  6. What many of you don't realize is that outside of the little message board cacoon there are plenty of fans who are filing for divorce from Ralph. Longtime fans leaving him, fans who have stayed through both good times and bad for decades, who have finally taken one too many backhands across the mouth and are moving on.

    What you don't seem to realize is that outside of your little personal cocoon is that Ralph owns this team and can do with it as he pleases. No one is forcing you to watch, buy or support, there are 32 teams in this league, find an owner you can embrace. The majority of Bill's fans are just that...Bill's fans and support their team through thick and thin. Those who have seen good times and bad times and realize that both occur in both sports and life. Not to say that they aren't critical, that too is part of being a fan, but the Bills are their team and that runs deep.

  7. I've been a diehard Bills fan since the beginning in 60 and never have I been as disappointed in a performance as in the one I witnessed today. In a game that was basically make or break for the season, these guys played with zero intensity, no urgency and nada emotion. And that my friends is not on the coaching, it is on the players themselves. Time after time we hear ex-players say that the emotion and intensity has to come from within, coaches can't provide it. The great Thurman Thomas stated this just last week on his radio spot and be serious, Marv was certainly no rah-rah in your face coach. This is not high school, not college, motivation is from your own pride and professionalism. The game plan was good enough (350 yds of offense), the mistakes (dropped passes, penalties, bad punts, missed assignments, poor execution) destroyed any chance of it working. The defense was adequate (gave up a measly 195 yards) and even made a huge stop when needed most, then the offense fell on their collective face. The kicking game stunk. Until this bunch assumes responsibility for their own destiny and develops some attitude and swagger, they will continue to be a talented but inconsistent team and the Buffalo fans deserve better.

  8. We obviously have receivers covered deeper-as we get very few long pass route completions (not talking about yards after the catch)...but the constant "ramming the run" seems useless. Never any holes to break though. At least pitching the ball out to Lynch and Jackson gives them some field of vision to use- as opposed to viewing some lineman's fat ass. Let these guys get defenders 1-1 on the outside! Any decent success forces safeties up and gets our receivers 1-1 coverage. Why is the wildcat working? these 220 pound guys have a head of steam and a couple more yards in front of them to make a move! Without a running game- we are destined to let Trent keep getting sacked. 5 Times today? We are going backwards here. Lets get the freaking predicitbility out of the playcalling!

    Especially since the Jets had 7 and 8 in the box all day. At one point they had the inside LB literally shoulder to shoulder. They were ripe for pitches and quick screens and we banged the middle all day...pretty stupid.

  9. Bill,


    I think the Bills self-destructed today then being out coached. When you dig yourself a 10 point hole with a fumble and INT returned for TD in the 1st qtr of the game, when you should have been up 17-3, you don't give yourself a chance to win.


    The biggest disappointment for me was how flat we came out in the 2nd half of the game. THe momentum going into half time was with us with the Jets missing the FG. If we score a TD on the 1st drive of the 2nd half, we would have dominated the game.


    At this point of time Trent Edwards is not ready to carry this team on his shoulder by himself. Turk and Jauron have to know that the Defense and the Running game have to compliment Edwards...


    I am still fine with this team at 5-3....Some of the positives from this game was that Derek Fine might turn out to be a good pass catching TE. He was involved in the game quite a bit. Pos and Greer had good game. I think this team still can make it deep into the playoffs, if they can fix some of their flaws.

    Agree. Trent has to learn that a QB in this league has to earn his place each and every week, there is no room for regressing or bad days in a 16 game schedule. Maybe just me, but kneeling with 19 seconds left in the first half and letting 15 seconds go at the end of the third quarter just shows that this team is playing and being coached with no sense or urgency. In this league, you need to take advantage of each and every opportunity, you never know when something may break your way and giving away plays is just plain dumb.

  10. I though the first series set the tone for a miserable day. Move the ball down the field, bog down in the red zone then kick a FG on 4th and less than a yard. That early in a game after getting scorched on their first drive, go for it, percentages say you will get it in and even if you don't you leave them inside the one and again percetnages say are you'll hold and end up with good field postion again. To me that sent a message to the team and the opponent that we would play safe today, and they took advantage of it.

  11. There is NO excuse for not having a bona fide backup LT for the 2nd most important position of the team - especuially when you are trying to develop a young QB.


    Contract situations happen.


    Good mgmt expects it and plans for it


    Instead the Bills stick their head in the stand - regarding the talent at OT and about letting the Peters situation fester to this point.

    Man, there are not enough quality LOT's in the league, let alone enough quality backups. The Bill's did the absolute right thing by getting Peter's signed to a long term contract, and 2 years in he's balking!? Get real Jason, get in camp and wait your turn, the Bills owe you nothing at this point.

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