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Posts posted by hammie65

  1. This team can beat Miami, possibly take one from the Pats or Jets in their first meeting, beat the jags, chiefs, bears, lions, bengals, browns and possibly a couple more upsets for 10 wins. This is possible, but not probable. I do believe we have a good shot at 8 and 8 this year. If we properly address more holes\weaknesses next year we can start thinking possible playoffs.

  2. I never say I hate any player but I have zero respect for Tom Brady and how he is given way too much credit for what the Pats as a team have done. Put him on any other team and he would fail. Matt Cassel proved that by going 11 and 5 after being the only known QB in NFL history to ever start an NFL game at quarterback without ever starting at quarterback in college. He would never have been able to have done with the Colts what Manning has done or even what Brees has done.

  3. I believe that Barry Sanders is one of the best running backs to ever play the game but how many championships of any kind did his team win? That's because he was basically trying to do it alone. Our backfield is very talented and deep and arguing about who is number one is pointless since we have a three headed monster and will use all three in multiple ways to suit their strengths. We need to cheer on and support them all as long as they are wearing the Bills uniform and I truly believe they will give defensive coordinators nightmares this season. I will proudly be wearing my Lynch jersey all season as long as he is a Bill and will probably get a Freddie jersey to go with it.

  4. If the pre-season doesn't mean anything or matter then why do we have four pre-season games (or any)? I agree, you can't gauge a teams' regular season by what happens in pre-season but player evaluations, decisions on who to cut and who to keep, time for O and D units to work side by side and get used to each other, limited but important scheming and adjustment decision making processes being tested and tried, and many other little things that count are what matter in pre-season. it's up to all coaching staffs to put it all together come regular season and win games. Either they do or they don't for all 32 teams.


    Please don't jump all over people for getting excited about their team after so many years of disappointment if there is really something there to get excited about, which I believe there is. As many other posters have said, we may not have a winning record or make the playoffs this year but I think we've turned the corner in a big way with the signing of C.J. and the new coaching staff and this team has real heart. I do miss both Bobby April and Perry Fewell but hope for good things from their replacements. All just IMHO


    Go Bills!!

  5. If Edwards doesn't play well and move the ball well on drives the entire time he's in I sayo sit him and give Fitz or Brohm the ball and a chance to show what they can do with this team now. We've wasted too much time on TE and if he doesn't play a great first half, yank him and give our backups a shot in the last pre-season game! I know it is "only pre-season" but we can't afford to dink around much longer with TE if he doesn't perform. Pull the trigger fast or we will assure ourselves to be off to a dismal start. I also will be watching to see if our lines continue to improve and gel together. These two things (O-line and QB play) will make or break us early.

  6. i think we should be ok at wide out,if were going to trade for anyone i would trade for logan mankins. move wood to center and let mankins play guard.not to mention he knows the pats system. :w00t:



    +2... We can only hope the Pats and Mankins don't re-unite and if we somehow got him I'd love it. The odds are very slim to none though. I also hope that Brady spends all season on the ground or running for his life if Mankins doesn't play for them. I'd love to see what TB can do under actual pressure instead of having 5 seconds per play on average to throw the ball.

  7. Two more games to improve, two more to build upon, two more to solidify as a team. The pieces aren't perfect but this team can win if they can weather injuries and effectively gel as a unit on offense and defense, and Gailey and his staff MUST game plan effectively (something DJ and crew rarely did). If they do, our record will be better than expected. The Pats have holes (like if they don't re-sign Mankins), the Jets are without Revis and WITH Sanchez, and the Dolphins are a question mark like us.


    Nobody knows the future but I believe my expectations should be moderate (not horrible) up until about four or five games into the season and we know where we stand. How many teams like the Pats, Colts, or others are an injury or two away from being bad (Brady, Moss, Manning, Wayne, etc)? Anything can happen to any team so hope springs eternal.


    P.S. Spiller will be a star in this league someday and I just bought a Lynch jersey. Call me crazy!

  8. Brohm or Brown are our only chance this year. TE is not a starter and it is a waste of time to go further with him, even though they probably will waste one more pre-season start on him. We MUST find out if Brohm or Brown are capable and worth it so that we know what to do next season. Let Brohm start our third pre-season game and if he looks bad let Brown start the last one and go from there. If none of them pan out, get Daunte Culpepper (or somebody!) from the CFL for a year and draft a QB next year.

  9. I'm really starting to believe that Nix\Gailey\Wilson plan to wait for the CBA to play out next year and weren't willing to draft or sign quality players this year. They will let the players we have take the beatings and suffer the injuries until next year plays itself out, then if we have a season after this year and we know the cap and salaries situation, they will then draft and sign from Free Agency accordingly to fill these spots with actual quality players. There can be no other explanation except that they really are that inept, which I really don't buy. They knew this season would be a bust offensively and chose to rebuild certain parts and begin the switch to the 3-4 defense first.

  10. My vote would be to give each of the four QB's (brown as well) a shot at starting a pre-season game. Give Fitz our next game and then Brohm and Brown the next two, in that order. We have got to see what these guys can do in game situations and we already know what Trent gave us against the skins. TE will never go beyond where he is IMO and Fitz gives us a better chance to manage and win games this season, so if it isn't financially detrimental for the Bills to keep Fitz then I say start him. If Brohm and\or Brown show us something special in their pre-season performances then cut TE, let RF start and then go from there. This way we know for sure what moves need to be made in the next draft!

  11. Maybin sucks, the Bills suck, the organization as a whole sucks,(insert sarcasm here) so just sell the Bills, and for that matter sell the Sabres, and keep pro sports out of Western NY for good so we can all have less to stress out and complain about and get back to doing nothing but freezing our butts off and paying high taxes. Woo Hoo!!!!. I think this is what many of us deserve if all we can do is rip on everything the Bills do. Championship teams are all that matter so lets all go down with the ship that has too may holes to stay afloat.


    Sorry but had a rough week and it is only pre-season for pete's sake! Pick a back-up team to root for and get over it or have a few more to dull the pain. Just my opinion as always.

  12. Lets hope the Bills are able to offer the money they saved on schobel and pay some salary cut casualty at a position of depth/need like offensive line - or use it to offer contract extension to a selected player.

    Please dont just pocket it Ralph


    I'd like to see some posts giving names of some players that would have successfully filled (long term) these holes that we have at LT and QB that we could or should have realistically obtained that were worth it. I know we have positional needs but I honestly couldn't and can't think of any available players in FA or the draft that I could get excited about the Bills obtaining this season. For the few, like Gaither, it turned out for the best we didn't make the move for them.


    I also expect that the QB's drafted such as Bradford and Tebow will not pan out as everyone expected, at least not the first couple of years. If the Bills want to rebuild the right way, next years class of draftees looks much better to me. Just my opinion of course, not expertise.

  13. Aint going to happen. Schobel shows up to camp just prior to first Pre-Season game and starts at OLB opposite Maybin.


    If the rookie LB's perform well(especially on ST's as Mitchell won't be asked to do that) Mitchell may be a surprise early cut to give the veteran a chance to sign elsewhere.


    His best chance to stick is the fact Ellison sucks and can only play OLB. Hopefully he finally gets cut and Mitchell serves as veteran back-up for both ILB and OLB.



  14. I think two years. Next year is a very deep QB class, (that's depending whether we have a starting caliber QB on the roster as of right now, and we'll find that out in a couple months). Add a LT, maybe another WR, (again, unless we have that number two guy already). Is it impossible for them to go 8-8, 9-7 this year? No, but for that to happen there has to be a couple surprises on the roster.


    Bingo!!! Let's hope for the surprises to come early. If not, we can hopefully get a high pick next year (silver lining) and get out of the basement.

  15. Pre-season cuts and pre-season games will tell what level players are at and will determine where this team stands positionally (as it does every year) and we just have to wait to see who, if anyone, takes control and nails down the starting QB spot. Going 6 and 10 with what many say was a "bad" coach (or coaches) tells me we can do much better if the players are utilized properly and the schemes and play-calling are better. Yes, the Bills could fall flat on their faces, but I don't believe it will happen. That being said I really don't want to rush the summer since it is short enough, so I can definitely wait to see.

  16. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/7/19/...t-tackle-battle


    An interesting take on the LT competition. I agree with the author that it's a big gamble on Nix & Gailey's part to let a former 7th rounder & a former practice squad member battle it out for one of the most important positions on offense.


    It is a gamble but, after all, it is also the first year for Nix and Gailey who have never even seen the field with these players. For LT as well as with QB it will be a "see what we got" kind of year and then IMO, they will fix whatever needs fixing or filling next season. I believe "Rome wasn't built in a day" will be their approach. We'll either hit a home run or bomb out and get a high pick or two next draft and there is supposedly several highly touted offensive tackles that will be available then (See todays article on www.nfl.com by Gil Brandt). I also believe they will focus on running the ball enough and with enough different looks as to possibly offset the "weakness" at left tackle.

  17. 6-10 or 7-9. But in a more exciting manner than previous years. I think the team finally finds some direction on offense, and lays the groundwork for a playoff push in 2011.


    1. Jets 11-5

    2. Bills 10-6

    3. Pats 8-8

    4. Fins 7-9


    Optimism runs in my blood, even if it isn't based on reality all of the time. That being said, IF the Bills can stay healthy, the QB that starts can half decently manage himself, and the lines can gel as the season goes on, I realistically believe they can get 10 wins. If they do what many predict and stink it up again, maybe they'll at least know what holes to actually address next year and have better FA and 2011 draft players to choose from to fill them.

  18. Fitz iz in!


    QB RULE 26-27-60



    from cnnsi.com

    "Since 1998, these are some of the NFL quarterbacks who aced all three parts of the Rule of 26-27-60: Peyton Manning, Phillip Rivers, Eli Manning, Drew Brees, Tony Romo, Matt Schaub, Kyle Orton, Kevin Kolb, Matt Ryan, Ryan Fitzpatrick and Matt Stafford"


    Read more:




    I think Fitz will be successful if given the chance but I predict Edwards will start, Fitz will be #2, and Brohm will be #3 simply because I think they will have to give Edwards his shot to start the first couple of games to see if he is able to handle the new system and the pressure and was worth the investment they staked in him. If he fails early, they will turn to Fitz who has the most experience. At this point, how he performs will show whether the 26-27-60 rule is pretty accurate at predicting top NFL caliber QB's.

  19. People blame coaches and conditioning for the poor fourth quarter results. I think tougher football players, one that can't stand to lose are whats is needed to bring this team around. Hopefully Nix can start to fill the roster with guys that don't accept losing.


    Recall the season opener in New England last year. I don't think the final outcome surprised too many players on either sideline.


    Seriously!!?? Even though I don't think these stats are correct, to blame the players for this would be completely off track IMO. The players played their butts off even when they knew the leadership on the sidelines had their heads up theirs. Better coaching and conditioning WILL help the Bills, especially better offensive scheming and play calling which I believe Chan will provide. They may not set the league or division on fire instantly but it will happen in time. Mark my words. If not, maybe we won't have the team around to trash anymore anyways, and then we can all go watch re-runs.


    I for one believe it was a wise decision (if they do ultimately) to keep ML and I think he will make a lot of people eat crow this season if they give him enough carries to prove himself. ML can produce and if he truly wants out of Buffalo in the future then he's got to play his rear off to ensure other teams come knocking after this season. I hope we run the ball down everyone's throats this season as I believe Chan plans on doing, just to prove everyone wrong who believes you have to be a passing team to win in todays NFL.


    PS I love how so many treat ML as if he broke every law known to man when he just made a couple of forgivable mistakes, as a lot of young NFL'ers (and some not so young) tend to do, and

    that he's already done his time for.

  21. http://12thmanrising.com/2010/06/29/seattl...-trading-block/


    To this date, I've been all about Chan & Buddy standing firm to build the Bills through the draft. I'm also enamored with the possibilities of our young, untested WR corp.




    To add 2 Pro Bowlers immediately in 2 areas considered weakness is an intoxicating proposition.

    Would you trade high picks & up & comers to nab both these guys?




  22. Our two chances of getting to the playoffs next year are virtually nonexistent and absolutely without the slightest possibility.


    In 2012, if the rebuild goes well, hey, things could be different.


    Why does anyone even watch the Bills or the NFL at all since only 1 out of 32 teams can win it all (insert sarcasm). I'm going to relish it if the Bills can turn it around this season since fans are condemning them to the basement before they're even in pads! If not then hey, nobody will be surprised since the Bills aren't supposed to win big until at least 2012. I almost hope the 2011 season doesn't happen just to make fans appreciate the sport more. No matter how the Bills do I always look forward to that first regular season game no matter what. Do I get disappointed at times? Sure, but without the Bills, it would be a longer colder winter for sure. Support them, don't tear them down!! Forget reality and suspend disbelief and enjoy yourself.

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