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Posts posted by hammie65

  1. I'm starting to hope they pick Newton or Gabbert at #3 just so I don't have to hear the QB arguments for at least a couple more years (except if this pick becomes a bust, then it starts all over again). I really don't want to go through this debate all over again next year.

  2. Just a few thoughts on this.


    If the NFL goes away, what happens to the college football that so many say they love to watch since the goal of most college players is to make it to the NFL?


    If fans just chose to stop buying NFL merchandise and\or the TV ad products advertised during the games (sort of boycott the specific products by buying competitor brands or nothing at all), how much would that hit their bottom-lines?


    Are people nowadays really willing to make the sacrifices or the hard choices necessary to have a real impact on anything?


    It's like the government. Once it is entrenched so deeply in peoples lives, it is hard to find a way to remove it without pain, but it surely must be done in order to shake the control it has gained. Neither of these things are things we need to live and live well.


    Just my opinion, which is something we all are entitled to and that is still free.

  3. In regards to the bolded. Why are we trading down to pick a guy who may not even be selected in the 2nd round? Let's not get carried away here. But I do agree that trading down for additional picks is best. Trade down into the mid teens and take Anthony Castonzo or someone that can come in and instantly be an impact player.


    Sorry, I'm not a trading guru but I didn't mean that they would trade down specifically to get Taylor, just that if trading down got them extra picks in the first, second and or whatever the best slots they could trade for, I was hoping it would also allow us to pick up taylor in the process with possibly a "luxury" pick. Most of what I've seen has Taylor going in the late first to early second as a 3-4 nose tackle and I believe we need a guy who can take up two blockers in the middle and free up the other guys like Kyle Williams by pulling a blocker off of them to block him. If they take Dareus and he can play nose tackle then go with a different position pick in round two. Costanzo would be great in the mid teens as you suggested if they could trade down.

  4. I've said some of these things in other replies (hey, give me a break, I'm bored stiff waiting for CBA decision and for April 28th) but Dareus is the best and safest pick at #3 and is my pick. Fairley is the biggest risk out of the three with Bowers in between, but all three would make me happy at #3. I'd even be mildly pleased with Peterson or Green if they can be the impact players they've been forecast to be.


    The biggest factor will be who is there at #3 and if they don't get any good offers at all to trade down. The next factor is if Buffalo really believes that they need a first round QB and if they believe any of these QB's is worth it.


    If we don't get Dareus, I also would flip out in a good way if they grabbed nose guards Jerrell Powe or Phil Taylor if either was available at #34.


    After that it's BPA according to biggest need.


    Of course there are many who are pro QB at #3 sooooo......


    Flip a coin and keep your fingers crossed.

  5. Not interesting at all. aBrohmination had no chance to make the roster. Journeyman or rookie will be the 2nd or 3rd QB.


    I agree on all points, just watching to see what spots on the roster get opened and then filled or not to see what they might (and any picks are possible) look for on draft day. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be calling in sick on April 29th.

  6. I find it interesting that the Bills haven't tendered Brohm. Opening up a spot for one of these guys maybe?


    Chan knows QB's and if he sees the guy they need they'll take him if he's there.


    What will we all be saying and guessing by April 27th? That's half the fun.

  7. My expectation on draft day is:


    1. Carolina - Cam Newton QB Auburn

    2. Denver - Patrick Peterson CB LSU

    3. Buffalo - Blaine Gabbert QB Missouri


    just sayin.


    I think you are dead on here if the Bills fear they won't have a chance to pick this high again for a couple of years and decide they must get their future QB (to learn under Fitz\Gailey) now. I used to be against this as I've noted in other posted replies, but after the combine and after it was pointed out to me how scary it would be to have Cam, Freddie, and CJ in the same backfield, I'm hoping that if QB is the planned pick that Carolina passes on Cam so we get a shot at him or, if not, then Gabbert.


    If not QB then go DE and DT interchangeably the first two rounds and then BPA according to need after that, depending on if any FA's are picked up.


    Man this waiting for April 28th is torture!!

  8. Great move to keep George, along with Wrotto's signing an extension, tenders to Poz, Scott Chandler, Felton Huggins, Garrison Sanborn (long snapper), and if people didn't already know, a tender (wisely IMO)to Donte Whitner as well. The more decent players they keep the more holes they free up to focus on filling in the draft.


    They can still sign free agents as well if the CBA gets settled before the draft so go Channix!


    P.S. A buddy of mine pointed out to me (since I wasn't a big fan of risking taking Newton if he falls to us at #3) and said to think about Newton, Spiller\Ganther, and Freddie in the same backfield. Pretty hard to pick a guy to defend and I hadn't thought of it that way but he's absolutely right. I'm no longer afraid of this pick and there's real depth of Defensive players to boot.

  9. For those of you who don't know me, I'm the Bills' Analyst for www.DraftTek.com, and I hang out only at TSW, where I feel there are more fans cognizant about football and the Bills' needs. I'm the one who posts the comments on our weekly Consensus Mocks, like our most recent Fairley-Ayers draft.


    Here is what I'm thinking:

    --->We are not taking a DT early because Nix and Chan are happy with whom they have in Williams/Troup source


    --->There are very few QB’s or TE’s who will be drafted in the 4th; You have to take QB in the 3rd. That's where Ponder-Mallett-DJ Williams will go. Stocker's Combine bench press moved him into RD#2.


    --->Nix wants 2 ILBS coming from somewhere (Draft or FA or Batten)--I’d grab one ILB sooner rather than later, take the 2nd ILB later, and groom Batten, who will be very, very good


    I'm thinking we take DE, ILB, TE, CB, RT, QB, LT, and OC this year.


    1-DE: Nick Fairley --In our Simulation Carolina-Denver went Bowers-Peterson. We'll listen to trade-down offers for a 2nd and 4th Rounder. AJ Green is less likely in the mix after his combine today. Newton and Gabbert could be a factor that generates interest. No way we trade a chance at Fairley, though

    2-ILB Akeem Ayers --Paea was already gone and it’s way too early for "Baylor Taylor", and we aren't likely taking a nose tackle twice in 2 years

    3-TE Stocker QB Ponder, QB Mallett, or TE Stocker are all there—Stocker just outbenched all TE’s at the combine and may not last this far when we update our Big Board. If so, take Ponder here and Julius Thomas in the 5th, who I think is an underrated TE

    4-CB Chimdi Chekwa, ILB Owen Marecic, CB Korey Lindsey, or TE Charlie Gantt –best value is Chekwa, then Marecic, who's a throwback lunch pail guy who played both ways

    4-RT Orlando Franklin, S Dom DeCicco, RT James Brewer –best value is Franklin

    5-QB Ricky Stanzi, FS Ahmad Black TE Julius Thomas, – All are value picks at this point; see RD#3

    6-LT Curt Porter, TE Rob Housler, LT Derel Hall –Porter is one of the better run blocking LT’s in the draft

    7-OC Ryan Bartholomew, TE Jordan Cameron, TE Andre Smith, CB Mario Butler, OC Linnenkohl, DE David Carter – Hard choice here as I think Cameron's going to make a squad but we need O-line Depth at Center. Bartholomew from Syracuse gets the nod


    If this draft were to end up being possible it would be awesome!!! I love most of these possibilities where they are listed and think ponder and stanzi are definite value picks at 3 and 5 (if they are still there) from pro-style offenses and both looked good at the combine today. The positions and names you suggest we pick for at each spot are excellent.


    The only thing I disagree about is Phil Taylor if he is there in the 2nd rd (I think the Jets will take him at #30 in the 1st rd) especially after the way he played for Chan in the senior bowl. Jerrell Powe would be another possibility here and imagine Kyle Williams, Nick Fairley, and either Taylor or Powe next to each other on the D-line. Nobody would be able to run it on us!

  10. Anything can happen but I agree that Ponder is a legitimate possibility in the third round since Chan worked with him in the Senior Bowl and he came from a pro style offense at FSU. I (as I've posted before) also like Ricky Stanzi from Iowa in the 4th or 5th for the same reason and would LOVE to get Phil Taylor or Jerrell Powe (big 3-4 NT's).


    I don't believe CN or BG will transition very well to the NFL but if the guys in charge think so then maybe they go for it and hopefully end up being right.


    IMHO, I think they'll go best available player and go DE or DT, ILB or DT, QB or TE, QB or TE and then CB in the 4th, ROT, LOT, and ILB (in somewhat close to that order). We'll see, and there's still two months left before the draft (including pro days) so names will rise and fall many times in between. Let's just hope they knock a few out of the park on draft day either way and start righting this ship.

  11. I've watched several highlight clips of Mr Newton and Mr Gabbert and what I need to know is, are these two guys (especially Mr newton) QB's or running backs? I keep trying to find evidence of their passing skills but there's not much out there. I hope the scouts have a lot more tape to look at to determine their passing skills and how well they will transition to the NFL. Also, how mobile was Jim Kelly and what kind of lines did he have and play behind?

  12. April 28th can't get here fast enough. I'd be happy with any of these five and no QB picked at #3. I think the QB's in this draft are way too high risk. I do think people should remember the name Ricky Stanzi and wouldn't mind picking him up 4th or 5th round. His size and accuracy are impressive IMHO. I also hope huge NT Phil Taylor is there at #34.

  13. Depends on the price, the way the contract is structured and does or doesn't pay out if he produces (incentives) or doesn't because of injury or whatever, and whether Whitner is demanding too much $$. If Whitner is, re-sign Wilson (who deserves it) and get other players. Impact players are needed and worth somewhat of a gamble, just make sure it is as minimal as can be negotiated before signing them. These moves can also free up the Bills to concentrate on other areas for using this years draft picks. Then if the players don't work out, address it later on.

  14. OK, one last reply to this thread and only in the hopes of compromise. There seem to be two sides of this debate but I honestly don't think there needs to be.


    It isn't really about Fitzpatrick versus elite QB's or Franchise QB's versus strong O and D lines. For me at this point it is about foundational building blocks that are needed to win football games and when to get them.


    1. Both are needed to win.

    2. The Bills need both.

    3. Winning teams that have been mentioned already have both.


    You can put any backup or "not fully tested" QB's name in place of Fitzy's in these threads and it doesn't change the situation. I believe the Bills would be wise to draft another QB and let him learn under Fitzy, just not first round. And, I also believe that Fitzy will continue to improve and produce for the Bills (whether he is superbowl caliber or not). The real challenge is to build a team that can be good on all fronts, regardless of who is behind center. When Brady went down for the season and Cassel took the Patriots to an 11 and 5 record, was it because he is the next Brady or because the patriots were rock solid as a team?


    We, in my opinion, need to start from the trenches and work our way out starting with this years draft. If we hit the jackpot on Newton or Ponder or Kaepernick, fantastic! If not, we can still competitively win games with solid O and D lines, special teams, and a running game until we know that we have that QB who "has it". Stud linemen IMO are priceless for buffalo at this point and a QB is a luxury pick. I just hope whoever they give the big bucks to is able to earn it this time.


    Thanks for playing.

  15. Are you really implying that Brady and Manning are only accurate passers because of the weapons they have? Do you REALLY want to make that argument? Think it through. Tom Brady, Manning, Brees and other elite QBs make their receivers better. Not the other way around. Brady is one of the more accurate passers in the league and he's done it without the benefit of a stable receiving corps. Look at how good Deon Branch was with Brady and how little he did without him. That's just one example of many.


    Accuracy is, in my opinion, one of -- if not THE -- most important quality in an NFL QB. It's something Fitz has never had. To say otherwise is just false. It's not the weapons. It's the QB.


    That's not to say that lines aren't important. They are. But it's far easier to find a pro-bowl caliber LT or DE than it is QB. That's just the way it is. Fitz is NOT an elite QB. Can he become one? Maybe. Anything is possible. Is it likely though? That's the question.



    ... re-read what I wrote.


    Doug Williams? :wallbash:


    I'm not saying ONLY, I'm saying that all QB's are to "some extent" elevated by the players around them. Yes, the great QB's elevate the other players around them but where would many of them be or have been without the weapons that they had or have? It's not totally the weapons or the QB, it's both. I'm NOT saying Fitzy is in the league of these guys but I am saying that if we get better caliber players on the team, his level of play should and will (I believe) go up and I also believe he's played well (not perfect) on a bad team which is better than most. I think we should look to draft another QB and wouldn't flip out if they drafted one now with the #3. I just am a firm believer that most games are won in the trenches and believe our trenches need serious work first. I also believe that no QB will survive long without a strong supporting cast, especially on the O and D lines. Put Brady, Manning, or Rogers on last season's Carolina Panthers and there's no way anyone would ever convince me that they'd have even close to the numbers they had on their current teams. I do agree with you about accuracy by the way and do say it is a weakness that Fitzy (as many others) needs to continue working on.

  16. I know it's just your opinion -- but that's expecting a lot from a guy who's never hit 60% completion rate in his career. You cannot be an elite QB in this league with a sub 60% completion rate. It's getting to the point where you need to be closer to 65 than 60.


    While you don't need a football God -- you need an elite QB to win the Super Bowl. That hasn't just been a trend over the past decade, it's been a fact of life in the pass-happy NFL. And Fitz just isn't an elite QB.


    You cannot be an elite QB in this league with a sub 60% completion rate ....on a team with as many holes as the Bills. You can do this with a team around you like those "elite" guys have. I'm a Manning fan but with Wayne, Harrison, Clark etc. etc. etc. around him what would his numbers be? Same with Brady who has a minimum (I've watched and timed and averaged it so many times) of 4-5 seconds per throw to find his tight ends and receivers who are excellent route runners with excellent hands, not to mention that front line.


    The mistake the Bills have been making for ten plus years is failing to shore up their lines and put support players and staff in place to bring a winning team to Buffalo. Lets hope that Channix can change this. Give Fitzy two more years and better players around him and we'll see if your correct, and yes, draft a young guy now for the somewhat near future if you must, just don't reach unless everything you know tells you it will pay off. I'd start with D-line or if you go for a "luxury" pick go with A.J. Greene as another sure guy to throw to.

  17. People dont seem to understand.....the Stroud release will have no bearing on what they do in the draft. This was going to happen ANYWAY.......they could still release Stroud and then totally go QB because they have Stroud's replacement on the roster....Alex Carrington at this point is an UPGRADE over him......then you have Kyle Williams who they might think could slide out to DE to get Troupe onto the field


    I am not saying they wont go defense in this draft....but it would not shock me to see that first pick put on a player they think could be the francise....then go defense in every other round......


    In the meantime you have a pretty good scenario where Cam would not be required to start.....because we have a pretty good QB in front of him. He can sit this first year and learn.


    By the way....if the right moves are made....using a 1st rounder in this way would not spell death to the team. It would mean they need to be active in free agency (if there is one)


    Actually, I agree with you on what you say about Newton. All of your points are definitely valid (not that you need me to validate them). If he's there at #3 I too think there's a good chance Buffalo gambles on him. But, I also believe Newton will go to Carolina and absolutely do not want any other QB selected in the first round. I'm just not convinced it's worth the gamble when the defense is so bad and is lacking so many guys needed for a 3-4 defense. If they do pick Newton, I hope they get the biggest nastiest DT's, NT's, DE's, and LB's available in the next few rounds. I wouldn't be shocked or even upset if they do it. I'd be willing to trust the pick and hope it ultimately pays off, just like I'm doing with the Spiller pick. Whichever approach that is taken by them, just let it be successful.

  18. With the release of Stroud, the Bills are extremely thin on defensive linemen. Unless they make some free agent moves on the D-line before the draft, they absolutely must, must, must draft strictly defense in their first few picks or trade down for extra picks if given the opportunity, so I'd love to see the following picks for rounds 1-4 and then best player available according to need (offense or defense) after that:


    1. DT-Fairley\DT-Dareus\DE-Bowers depending on who's there at #3.

    2. NT-Phil Taylor\DE-Cam Heyward

    3. SILB-Kelvin Sheppard\WILB-Quan Sturdivant

    4. SILB-Mark Herzlich\WILB-Casey Matthews


    Get a QB next year! If they pick up some good linemen in Free Agency, then we go after a good tight end and an OT in some early rounds in their place.

  19. Fairley, Bowers, Quinn or Dareus should be the only Defensive picks to consider at #3 (I wouldn't be against AJ Greene as BAP if it happens, but it's not an immediate need).


    Also, IF (and it's a big if) they get lucky enough to get a shot at trading down and the D guys they wanted aren't there at #3, trade down and get nose tackle Phil Taylor from Baylor and an extra pick or two to fill more holes with.


    Just pray they don't go QB or CB\LB with the 1st pick.


    P.S. Wait and see who falls and who rises after the combine and these names may be completely voided\interchangeable, but not the basic approach.

  20. I've seen a lot of mock drafts already and am amazed. There is so much that can happen between now and draft day that predicting any picks in the draft before even the combine is IMO, pointless. Draft philosophies and approaches are what I am interested in discussing and I believe the Bills need to draft defensive beasts and best available impact players, in that order, according to who's available and what they're abilities and rankings are at the time of the draft. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the new guys are better at player evaluation than the last few regimes.

  21. Round 1 perfect

    Round 2 - Would LOVE to get Taylor or Sherrod, (I think we could possibly get Stocker in the 3rd rd)

    Round 3 - If we do go for a QB, go for Kaepernick. If not and none of the above players fall to this spot, I would go for OT's Lee Ziemba or Joseph Barksdale first or ILB Quan Sturdivant from NC

    After that, go BPA based on need.



  22. The Bills are terrible and they appear to be continuing that trend to start the season. I've been a fan for a long time but I'm done with the Bills (and the NFL too after the Detroit non-touchdown call) as an organization and actually am hoping there is no season next year. This has been a long time coming and not a knee jerk reaction. Good luck to all of you other gluttons for punishment (or fans) and I'm sure there will be a few "good riddance" comments or replies but I won't be on here to read them anyway. The glass finally appears to be half empty for me. I'll be watching ball on Saturdays only now.


    Go Bills (away that is)!

  23. I believe a lot of the success in the draft depends on where you pick throughout and the quality of the class of players available. The past few years IMO have not had a high level of quality players to choose from (yes, there have been some exceptional players, but overall the 2nd on down rounds have been mediocre) and there have been a lot more draft busts overall for everybody. I believe Spiller was a fantastic pick and will pay huge dividends for the Bills, but he is one of those exceptions. That being said, I truly believe that DJ (and those responsible for him) did more damage to this team than any in a long while and though many believe Nix and Gailey are no Polian and Shanahan, I am for the first time in a long time excited about the next few seasons. It is all a crap shoot in some ways and hopefully the dice (injuries, draft picks, on-field calls etc) will also start falling in our favor.


    Go Bills!

  24. What a putz! I agree that the Ravens should be higher, and Dallas at #2 and Atlanta #3 is ludicrous. Dallas is way over hyped and will be lucky to make the playoffs again and Atlanta ia good but not that good. I am also a Manning\Colts fan but no way they should have the number one spot after this off-season. They didn't do much to improve and may have gone back a few steps IMO. Peyton can't carry them for ever. New England will also fall from grace this season and doesn't deserve #7. The bills will have to win games to shake this criticism but i believe they can do it starting this year.

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