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Posts posted by hammie65

  1. I just don't get all the excitement about Kaepernick. I watched most of UNR's games this year, and I didn't see an NFL qb. I guess only time will tell.


    The reason I like Kaepernick is he has a lot of the qualities of a Cam Newton but at a lower price and appears to be a standup young man who has also done well academically. Strong arm, very mobile and from what I've seen is pretty tough, set several NCAA records at Nevada, and supposedly tested well for quick release\decision making and accuracy that was even better than guys like Peyton manning (according to an article by bleacherreport.com). He also had a very good TD to interceptions ratio all four years and his completion percentage increased every year up to 64.9% in 2010 while his sack totals steadily declined (better decision making?).


    His stock is rising, not based on hype but on numbers, character, performance, and value. I know th WAC isn't as tough as say the SEC but that's why he isn't a 1st rd pick. Anything can happen but this young man would be my choice in rd 3 or if it sounds like he won't be there then, rd 2. Let him learn from Gailey and Fitzy and he could be dangerous. I'm gonna watch this kid and see where he goes whether we take him or not.

  2. the Bills are having a phone conference today....after listening to both Nix and Gailey...i'm inclined to believe the following:


    #1- the Bills are Trading out of the #3 pick...but no farther than #10.

    #2- if a Franchise QB is there, they will take him.

    #3- i think Von Miller is the most likely pick.

    #4- Patrick Peterson is viewed as a "nickel" back, so i don't think they take him.

    #5- Gailey said "most" picks will be defensive.


    #1- the Bills are Trading out of the #3 pick...but no farther than #10.

    Would be nice but not likely unless we get really lucky.


    #2- if a Franchise QB is there, they will take him.

    That's the biggest question (if a Franchise QB is there?) in the entire Bills draft and only the Bills decision makers know the answer, regardless of everyone's opinions. I still think Cam will go to Carolina.


    #3- i think Von Miller is the most likely pick.

    Definite possibility due to the need at OLB. I like DE here but with Merriman, Edwards and Carrington being talked up by Chix, who knows.


    #4- Patrick Peterson is viewed as a "nickel" back, so i don't think they take him.

    If Gailey said they wouldn't put him into deep coverage much, why take a CB this early unless he is Revis II?


    #5- Gailey said "most" picks will be defensive.

    Not surprised by this statement but hope instead of QB at #3 (unless the guy they are absolutely sure of falls to us) they pick up a QB in 2nd or 3rd and a ROT or LOT and maybe a tight end somewhere along the way (3 of the 9 picks being offense).


    Either way, at least three home runs are needed at key positions for this team to start turning things around fairly quickly. Hope Chix can do it.

  3. I think there is a good chance that this could be the way the first five picks go unless someone just goes way off base on their pick, although I would pick Bowers in place of Fairley and take Paea in place of Reed. Also, if New England gets JJ Watt and Nate Solder like in this mock, we're in serious trouble.

  4. Well, after the Spiller pick it looks like he fought the law and the law won. :bag:


    Yeah, after Spiller I think the new CBA should include a clause that states that if a rookie doesn't perform like a multi-year pro bowler their first season they should be ineligible to play the next season and not get paid (insert sarcasm here). No offense and I truly understand the frustration, but the expectations for rookies has skyrocketed the last few years because some teams have gotten lucky with rookie picks. The third year is when they should be scrutinized as a bust, maybe the second year if drafted top ten. Spiller deserves one more season on a more stabilized team before we call him a bust or a bad pick. Maybin is on the edge about to fall off unless he makes a huge turnaround.


    Just sayin.

  5. Picking one position is impossible so I gave two "'A or B" picks per round, with A being my first choice. Also, although a franchise QB would be nice, there has to be one available in order to pick one so that ain't happening in my pick at #3 (not that it won't happen for real).


    1-DE or DT

    2-QB or LB (inside or outside, BPA)

    3-ROT or ROT

    4a-TE or LB (opposite "side" of 2nd rd if LB is picked)

    4b-CB or opposite of 4a pick (if TE there then LB here, or vice versa)

    5-LOT or ROT

    6-Front 7, pick one we haven't picked yet.

    7-Kicker or BPA

  6. I kind of agree with this sentiment, but I don't like Newton in round 1 and I am not sure I like Gabbert enough

    to take there, either. I am a little intrigued with Ponder (who would likely be a 1st rnd pick if it weren't for

    the injury problems he's had with his arm) and Kaepernick who is every bit the athlete that Newton is, but comes

    at a much lower price if they get him in rnd 2 instead of Newton in rnd 1. I am not all that convinced that

    either Newton's or Kaepernick's athletic ability really mean much when projecting them to QB in the NFL. Look

    at the best QBs in the league: Manning, Rivers, Brees, Brady, Roethlisberger and Vick. Of them, Vick (has only

    had one great year (and he had to learn to be a good passer before he had that) and Roethlisberger are the

    only really good athletes. Heck, you could argue that Manning, Brady and Rivers are pretty "poor" athletes

    (at least by NFL standards).


    I'd rather see someone who has demonstrated in college that he can identify the right receiver to throw to

    and hit him when they aren't open by 5-10 yards. Something Newton hasn't had to do and I am not sure

    that Gabbert did much of that, either.




    I agree with all of this. Also, when tested (Sports Science) Kaepernick's accuracy was extremely high with very quick decision making when finding the target to go along with his athleticism and records set.


    Here's my three in order:






    Go D-LINE!

  7. Although I'd love the opportunity to trade down, I don't think there is much of a chance at all of this happening since I really don't think either QB is worth what these teams would have to give up and most of these teams don't have the picks to do i,t as some have already stated. The only two teams crazy enough to gamble like this would be Washington and Dallas which would make my year. Also, the Pats rarely, rarely trade up and I would be absolutely shocked to see that happen. Odds are definitely in favor of the Bills using that #3 pick where it sits.



    You may be right OldTimer1960, I'm worried about a few of these early rd guys simply because they haven't shown consistency for at least two or three years (not all of them, but several). I'm really starting to think Bowers is the best pick, even over the favored Dareus, cause of scheme fit and need even though he fits the "unproven consistency" group. My main point was to show why I don't think they will or should go QB at #3. Fairley does have a motor and a mean streak though.

  9. There is talent on this team and there are guys who need to go and Chan and Nix have shown that they aren't afraid to pull the trigger on guys who've had time to prove themselves and who haven't, or who don't fit what they want to do. If the front office and the fans don't give them the several years that they are going to need to straighten this mess out, we will face ten more years (minimum) of the same. A few key players if added will fix most of these issues but this will take at least a couple of more years of drafts and free agency picks to get it right, unless we get extremely lucky. We will improve this year and a little more next year, etc., but don't expect miracles in one or two seasons, just steady improvement (HOPEFULLY!).

  10. I've thought and read a lot about this pick and believe the Bills will not pick a QB with their #3 pick and here's my points of reasoning (that have been stated in different ways by many others, I know).


    1) They like Fitzy and he is good enough to play a couple more seasons as the starter and even though many fans don't believe this, the reality is Chan believes it and he has said so several times. If anything, they will go QB in a later round (and there are some quality QB's in this draft that will be available) or eventually find one in FA to challenge for the backup slot.


    2) To draft one at #3 means you plan to start him pretty quickly given the money they will probably be getting and, as per point number one, I don't think that they plan on not starting Fitzy.


    3) I believe the anemic run defense and pass rush are way too critical to ignore in this draft and whether it be DE, DT, OLB or CB, one of these positions has got to be the #3 pick. I'm not a pro Von Miller at #3 guy but would rather see that then a QB at #3.


    4) Chan got a close op look at several of the other QB's at the Senior Bowl and I think he has his eye on one of those guys after the 1st rd.


    5) I'm no pro scout, but I don't believe Newton or Gabbert will have "Franchise QB" type of success in the NFL. QB's who can read and pick apart defenses and hang in the pocket instead of running account for 95% of the franchise type QB's.


    6) The lines need to be solidified before any QB can have great success on this team. If a QB has not ime for routes to develop, to set his feet, to see the field before someone's in his face, or to even hand off the ball before being hit, how can he have success. We need at least one more pick on the O-line if not two before we will have consistent offensive success at either QB or RB.


    In summation, IMHO we can't afford to go QB at #3 and if I, like many others who feel this way are wrong then we'll get a shot at another top ten QB next year if our record doesn't improve much or at all.


    Go Da'Quan\Fairley!

  11. Great draft. Would love this. I'd also love a shot at Stephen Paea, Luke Stocker, Kelvin Sheppard, Mark Herzlich, James Brewer, Joseph Barksdale, and Kendrick Burney as some possible alternates.


    I notice that Drafttek's rankings vary pretty widely from most other consensus board rankings I've seen so some of these guys may not be available where they have them in each round, but if they are it would be a great draft.


    Is it April 28th yet? ;)


    P.S. I still hope we can get a trade down offer that's worth it before any other scenario. Lots of needs to fill.

  12. Newton-like upside within a Chan system

    Great raw skills, leadership intangibles.


    I hope there is some form of pick-collecting trade down scenario and he is the outcome of our 2nd pick in the 2nd round.


    +10 brudda!

  13. I read that the Panthers are still seriously considering 7 guys for that #1 pick. I'm sure that the Bills are in the same boat. Peterson, Quinn, Miller, Dareus, Fairley, Gabbert, Newton, Green, Jones...that's 9 players I could see the Bills seriously consider picking at #3...LOL


    So in the end, it doesn't matter who we fans promote. The Bills have their plan and no bluster from any of us will change that plan.


    +1 - We have so many holes to fill they could draft any of these guys or trade down (which would make me do back flips if it happened). I'm positive nobody would put real and serious money on who they think the Bills will pick at #3 because it is a huge flip of a few coins this year.

  14. "Either-Or" BPA Draft: Top 2 BPA's When We Pick (left out RB's and later WR's)

    I'm looking at Top players available when we pick in each round. Some good forced choices here.



    1 Patrick Peterson CB or Nick Fairley DE34 or Von Miller OLB34

    2 Stephen Paea DT43 or Justin Houston OLB34 or Ryan Mallett QB

    3 Colin Kaepernick QB or KJ Wright ILB or Jerrell Powe DT34

    4 Lance Kendricks TE or Pernell McPhee DE34

    4 Kenrick Ellis DT34 or Orlando Franklin RT

    5 Greg McElroy QB or James Brewer RT

    6 Charlie Gantt TE or Shiloh Keo SS

    7 Derek Hall RT or Lee Smith TE



    Nick Fairley DE34 (monster pass rush)

    Justin Houston OLB34

    Colin Kaepernick QB (KJ Wright ILB, if we go QB at #3)

    Pernell McPhee DE34 (projected 3rd round)

    Kenrick Ellis DT34

    James Brewer RT

    Charlie Gantt TE


  15. YES! If the decision makers (and who knows who that is) in the Bills draft aren't dead set on a guy at #3 and the Vikings are willing to trade up, do it for extra picks in this draft! Load up on D and get the offensive tackle and tight end we need as well in the process with the extra picks. What do you think is one of the reasons Belichick has been so successful? Trading down for extra picks year after year to have the luxury to get the guys they want each draft without reaching.


    We can only hope the Bills are fortunate enough to get a valid trade offer.

  16. I'm really really starting to hope that we can and do trade down into the middle of the first if possible for extra picks cause nobody is a clear #3 for the Bills (IMO) at this point. I've slowly moved over to the side that thinks if the right QB is there at #3 we should take him and then take advantage of the depth in this draft afterwards to fill our other needs. Everything I read tells me that the quality and depth of players in this draft will allow us this flexibility in our draft process.

  17. im sick and tired of reading about "what is buffalo gonna do in the draft...how bout we all think about the question that shud be on the minds of every fan posting here and around the world...how will the bills make the playoffs in 2011-2012...thats the focus that needs to be taken by this team in order to be successful in the nfl


    As Jim Mora so eloquently said in an often shown sound byte: Playoffs? You kiddin me? Playoffs?!


    If the Bills are to improve at all, they need to score big time with their draft picks since who knows when free agency will happen. A few good FA acquisitions are needed as well but the draft is it when it comes to any team improving, let alone making the playoffs. There are so many areas to address, this draft will play a huge part in what direction this team goes for the next several years.


    It'll be fun to watch in April to see what they do regardless of what everyone else predicts.

  18. With the rookie cap coming into play this year, teams will be more willing to move up. The lower the signing bonus, the lower risk.

    I can see the Pats trading up in this scenario


    The Pats have a young core of great players and will be facing a dilema if they were to use all there picks. They have 7picks in the first 4 rounds. 4 picks in the top 60. ( 17,28,33,60 ) the problem they will have is that they will have to much talent, and they will be forced to make some tough cuts come september. NE can trade up for a number of different players to name a few. Peterson, Dareus, Quinn, AJ Green, Von Miller.

    This will be my favorite scenario. We trade are #3 for there 17, 28, and 33. That leaves us with picks 17,28,33,34.

    #17-Ryan Kerrigan= edge rusher can play multiple fronts 3-4, 4-3 hybrid player

    #28-Phil Taylor= true Nose tackle. I call him Raji 2.0.

    #33-Justin Houston = let's go D again another hybid type player. I would love to see this but its more likely the Bills go RT here Gabe Carimi or Marcus Cannon.

    #34-Ryan Mallett or Kaepernick. I would take Mallett, and I'm still holding out hope that Buddy opens up his eyes on this kid but at the end of the day Kaepernick is a better fit for Chan ball. This scenario fills multiple needs for us and makes a lot of sense. I would do 10 back flips if we can pull this off


    I really think I'd pass out if this even came close to happening (not that it couldn't, just wouldn't be expecting it). Would love Taylor at #28 (who many have the Jets taking at #30) and the #17 pick would be interesting just to see who is there then (such as Kerrigan).


    This may be why Belichick has been stockpiling picks, just hope it would be us he (or anyone else for that matter) would be wanting to trade up with.


    I'd love to see the Bills trade down a few spots if given the chance to do so and get extra picks. With no consensus #1 QB or player overall in this draft, the #3 pick seems to be more of a risk than normal at this point.

  19. Kolb won't be a Bill. The odds are slim to none he comes here or even is traded at all. We need to draft a QB this year, but not Newton or Gabbert. I went to sports.espn.go.com and compared stats for several QB's and Colin Kaepernick is the guy we need to draft, in the 2nd or 3rd round if possible.


    1) 82 TD's vs 24 picks in four solid years as a starter

    2) sacks decreased each year

    3) 150.46 QB rating

    4) completion percentage increased every year until 64.9 percent in 2010

    5) threw for 10,000+ yards and ran for 4000+ yards in four years (NCAA record).

    6) Also very mobile at 6'6" and 233 pounds

    7) only player in history of the NCAA to pass for over 2,000 yards and rush for over 1,000 yards in three seasons

    8) 2nd fastest QB 40 time

    9) spotless record as well as academic excellence, and a quality young man


    This is the kid who will be the franchise guy where ever he goes. Mark my words in this reply.

  20. Taking Gabbert at #1 will be a FAIL of historic proportions, imo. If Gabbert goes #1 (which I don't think he will), it will strictly be because he "looks" like a QB, because his performance on the field in college was nothing special..certainly not deserving of a #1 overall.


    Only less than a year ago, Gabbert wasn't even known throughout most of the nation and now he's #1? :thumbdown:




    lol..that's where you're dead wrong. Obviously you're not aware of how things work in Buffalo.


    Yeah, I'm realizing you're right about that one for sure. It would be nice for a little while though and I can dream.

  21. Indeed. And if as a Bill's fan you don't like Miller or Bowers (assuming they are the two highest rated pass rushers on the boards of the venerable TBD posters), then think what Fairley or Dareus can do for the DE/OLBs by providing pressure up the middle w/ Kyle Williams.


    +1 ... right on the money about a pass rush and not giving Brady all day (per PTR) and what you say here about the middle guys. I also tend to agree with BillsPhan about the possibility of grabbing a QB at #3 but that completely depends on what the Bills see or don't see in Gabbert and Newton regardless of all the hype and so-called expert opinions. We also need an offensive tackle\guard somewhere in the middle rounds if we get a couple of the Defensive guys we need earlier.


    Also, just an observation but how many times did Brady attempt and connect with deep balls after Moss left? Pressure and somehow adding quality LB's to help cover the backs and tight ends will stop or at least help us to beat captain dink and dunk.

  22. Fitzpatrick has 1 more year left on his contract. It all depends on who & when the Bills draft a QB & how Fitz does next year. Levi Brown will never be a serious candidate to be a long term starter. He showed little in preseason, got cut & was not even offered a spot on the practice squad of the Bills or any other team, then was brought back as a body to replace Trent Edwards because he was the only guy out there who had spent time learning the offense. Because he's cheap, he could stick around another year, but Levi's long term future is not as an NFL QB.


    This is exactly why the Bills will go QB early, either 1st, 2nd , or 3rd round. There aren't many free agent QB's to pick from and if Fitz goes down and Levi lays an egg, who do we turn to? The only young free agent QB I would take a chance at would be Dennis Dixon. Kolb doesn't seem a possibility to even get unless he starts.


    I am all for and advise going D-line at #3 but don't be shocked when a QB's name is called at #3 unless they somehow trade down and\or like another QB in the 2nd or 3rd round.


    I hope Fitz plays beyond expectations and gets an extended contract but even if that happens we still need another QB and they know it, the only question to ask is where\what round will they pick him.

  23. It would be insane if they draft offense in two or more of the first three rounds. Rd 1 Defense line, Rd 2 LB, but OT is acceptable if Rd 3 is LB. I'd prefer DE/ DT - 1, DT or LB 2, DT or LB 3


    I didn't mean to say they should go offense with several early picks, just that using one of their early picks on a right tackle, a QB or a wide receiver might be ok since, with the depth of defensive players this year, the other picks could still get them quality defensive players. It also would not be a shock to me if the Bills took this approach. Personally I would lean towards using #3 for defense. If Peterson is there at #3, my gut tells me they will take him as the BPA, which I could also live with.

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