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Everything posted by DreReed83

  1. Isn't there a stat out there that says our offensive line sucks and can't move the pile in goal line situations?
  2. I don't expect much at all. I keep telling people that he got all that QB pressure against one of the worst offensive lines in the NFL. And he's going up against our sorry line in practice. Of course he's gonna dominate and look good. You Delirious Dreamers are just a gullible bunch. This is what i call SUCKERS.
  3. It's called a search engine. Use it. Google.com is a pretty good one.
  4. Brilliant move for the Colts. A cheap and great move for them. Mr. Polian. Please come back to Buffalo and save us.
  5. You should've just stopped talking right there. Theres a big difference between developing a 3rd round RB and waiting for a top 10 pick to develop.
  6. I don't want a QB who can't dougie on this team. Sorry.
  7. You're a disgrace to all members who live in NJ.
  8. I've been saying this for years that he's not a good LT and should at least be moved to RT if anything. You Delirious Dreams make me laugh.
  9. This is professional football. I don't know if you've noticed but who ISN'T healthy in this game?
  10. Fred has consistently been our best offensive weapon and it's not even close. Here in the NFL, you actually have to EARN your playing time and nothing should be handed to you. What's Spiller done? He's done absolutely NOTHING. Off 8 carries he's averaging a whopping 1.6 yards per carry. Way to earn that starting position.
  11. Hey kid. The dude was a 4th round pick. How is a 4th round pick a bust?
  12. So Tim Tebow or Brady Quinn should start above Kyle Orton for the Broncos. We should've started Aaron Maybin. Just because they were first round picks? You're delirious boy.
  13. Ummm. Time for the whole team to step up. How about that?
  14. I've been saying this about a year or 2 ago that Bell is not a legit LT. But you Delirious Dreamers keep convincing yourselves that he is. It's kinda amusing actually.
  15. Who does Goodell think he is? He should be run out of office. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  16. Bills always start the season 1-5. This just means we'll have to win 9 out of 10 non divisional games to make it to the playoffs.
  17. So was Timmy Chang. Let's go sign him.
  18. Is Moulds still available?
  19. Delirous Dreamer
  20. x2 The OP must be a Delirious Dreamer like most in here.
  21. Can you blame the media for thinking we're finishing last? Have we given them a reason to think otherwise? GIve me a break homers.
  22. I have a nickname for most of the people in here. Delusional Dreamers.
  23. What's everyones obsession with nicknames here?
  24. I know what we're doing now. Our strategy is to put as many no name players on the field at once so teams can't scout them and won't know what we're doing. That Chan Gailey is so sneaky.
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