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Everything posted by DreReed83

  1. Yes. Because our defense is so solid.
  2. R u serious? Yea, and I'm sure the Ravens defense had nothing to do with that. Trent was just asked not to turn the ball over. He was never asked to win the game. You have no argument
  3. The door is slightly ajar. I'll slam it shut if he doesn't do anything by mid season in his sophomore year (whenever that will be).
  4. The point of drafting a QB now is to develop the young QB BEHIND Fitz. It's really not that hard of a concept to grasp. Fitz's contract is up after this season. You really wanna give a career back up QB, a franchise QB type money? Chan's gained my trust that he can mentor pretty much any QB that he sees fit. If not, he doesn't beat around the bush like Jauron did. You draft a QB now, sit him for a year or 2, and then plug him into the starting lineup.
  5. A) False statement. The front 3 are the key unit in the 34. You need solid guys up front to free up the LBs. Every successful LB in a 34 is successful because of what the guys in front of them do for them. C) Doesn't matter. If Gabbert isn't available, then we have to take Dareus or Fairley. Dareus would be the no brainer if he's available given his versatility. Kyle Williams is good, but he's not the type to anchor a 34 defense. Move him to DE with Dareus/Fairley and put Troup in at nose. Dwan and Carrington adds great depth to the dline.
  6. So Manchester United is the biggest and most popular sports franchise in the WORLD. Estimated at almost 2 billion dollars. Soccer also has the largest fan base in the world. I base popularity of sports off of fan base and not revenue. If you look at sports fans from around the world, which sport gets more pub than any other sport? Soccer. The reason the NFL makes so much money is because of advertising. If you think about all those commercials in an NFL game and how much they make off of commercials. it is estimated that one second will cost a little over one hundred thousand dollars. For a thirty second ad, just do the math. How much money does the NFL gain in the Super Bowl just off of commercials? You can't BUY popularity. Man U fans would make Steeler fans look like a bunch of nobodies.
  7. No and no thank you.
  8. Based off of what?
  9. American football is the most successful sport in the WORLD? I'll let you think about that for a moment. Not baseball, or soccer, or golf even. AMERICAN football is the most successful sport in the world? Such a typical American thing to say. Who cares what he says. What athlete/celebrity hasn't said something stupid in his career? I'd take Vonn Miller over Newton any day of the week.
  10. This is why the Patriots always dominate. 6 draft picks in the first 3 rounds. unbelievable.
  11. While the subject matter is pretty much repetitive, there's no way that the rhythm has stayed the same. If you don't notice that, then you're probably just tone deaf. Or you're just super old.
  12. His throwing motion was fluid and smooth, i still don't see it and for a guy his size, he was light on his feet and moved his feet pretty well.
  13. Yes. Because it's so easy to find the next Antonio Gates and Tony Gonzalez. I say we just draft Lebron James
  14. Stiff and mechanical? His footwork is really good considering he's been in shotgun his entire college career. You can tell he's more comfortable with it than Newton is. You watching the same clips I'm watching? He's quick and light on his feet. I wouldn't say his movement was stiff at all.
  15. I don't like Newton
  16. Really??? Taking a snap from under center or in shotgun has nothing to do with reading defense. It's all about footwork and mechanics which leads to accuracy, timing, and drive. Gabbert is a much polished QB than Newton is. Mayock said his workout was better than Ryan's and almost as good as Bradfords. If Gabbert is there at 3, then we take him. No ifs, ands, or buts.
  17. Is this really an argument? Aaron Rodgers having the 2nd most rushing yds ont he Packers last year? A team that ranked 24th in the league in rushing WITHOUT their starting RB. Packers were 5th in the league in passing. 24th in the league in rushing. So WTF is ur point ??!!! Next time u start yapping. Make sure you have a point to whatever you're saying. Roethlisberger is a pocket passer. But I figure that a n00b like yourself wouldnt be able to figure that out. Roethlisberger is a MOBILE passer. He moves around a lot in the pocket to buy himself time to throw the ball. He moves around because his o-line just sucks. He doesn't run around looking to run the ball forward. Theres a BIG difference there. Theres nothing wrong with a spread offense. There is a problem with a spread OPTION QB. His initial reaction will always be to run when it's not needed. Yes...because the Bills have always been the most aggressive team in free agency.
  18. 1) Who cares? It's college football? Tom Brady didn't do sht his entire college career. A total of 35 TDs in 2 years? I guess that tells the whole story huh. Yes. He has a skill set that translate well at the COLLEGE LEVEL. So again. WHO CARES? Clearly the most dominant COLLEGE player against the toughest division? Is he playing against college teams next year? If not....WHO CARES. YOU CAN NAME OFF HIS COLLEGE STATS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS. GO AHEAD CUZ I DON'T GIVE A SHT CUZ HIS SKILL SETS DONT CARRY OVER TO THE NFL. 2) Good gameplan COACH. I wonder why coaches don't think of doing that with a black QB in the first place? Maybe cuz it's not that easy in the NFL? Hmmm. Never thought about it that way. That QB scrambling, running sht doesn't work in the NFL. Wildcat, spread option, reverse bullsht rarely works in the NFL. It's all gimmick bullsht. Theres a reason why all successful NFL teams have pocket passers. I still don't understand why people think that college success will always carry over to the NFL level? I've already proven that the best NFL QBs didn't accomplish sht in the NFL. Overhyped QBs will almost always fail. Newton will be just another example.
  19. He's not? You sure about this? http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/player/profile?playerId=381512
  20. Oh no? I guess you predicted that Clausen would fall that far? Aaron Rodgers? Brady Quinn? I'm guessing you predicted Tyson Alualu being picked that early by the Jaguars? Just looking at the top 10, its not that bad of a mock.
  21. 1) Who cares what he did in college? I wish people would stop bringing up his college and JUCO accomplishments as an argument because it means NOTHING. Drew Brees, Tom Brady, Phillip Rivers, Aaron Rodgers, Ben Roethlisberger, Tony Romo, Matt Ryan. Did they do anything special in college? I am pretty sure that Matt Leinart, Jamarcus Russell, Vince Young, Colt McCoy, Tim Tebow, all accomplished more in their college careers. 2) That's not what you want from a QB. This is why Cunningham and Flutie never amounted to anything in the NFL. This is what you want from an NFL QB? Vick didn't do sht until he became more of a pocket passer. Prime example of why pocket passers will always succeed over others. Roethlisberger is a pocket passer first so dont include him in the conversations of scrambler. 3) Who would you be more afraid of. Vince Young, Tim Tebow, or Vick in his Atlanta years at the 5 yd line. Or Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, or Drew Brees? I'd be more worried about the guys that can actually THROW the ball. Get a clue.
  22. May McNair rest in peace and with all do respect, he was the most overrated QB in the NFL so if that's what you want. Then I guess its cool? The Oilers and Titans always succeeded with their running game and good coaching. McNair was never anything special. Only surpassing 20+ TDs 3 times in his 12 year career? Dude was also a turnover machine. No thanks dude.
  23. 1) Peterson adds a potential shut down corner that we've never had since Odomes. 2) Since when is a 34 DT or DE known for being a pass rusher? 3) Is he really a future all pro? 4) Merriman has been playing like an all pro recently? Or did you travel back in time with your Delorean? 5) Fitz is under contract for one more year. You really going to put the franchise in his hands?
  24. Every year, i say the Bills starts the season 1-5 since we can't win any divisional games. You're dreaming. Until we do, this team's going nowhere. This team is at least 4 or 5 years from making the playoffs. At least.
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