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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I definitely would not step between that woman and a BBQ rib!
  2. Well since you put it that way...I love you man! BTW, GFY.
  3. Crickets. Unhealthy little bastards!
  4. You are beautiful, you smell nice, and you have an awesome avatar ;-) How can I get some of them there charging buffalos? (JK. I'm being chastised in another thread for insulting his high and mighty. I hope that a nice compliment will keep me out of BB'S doghouse. Too soon?)
  5. Really? Of all the bitchin, and insultin that goes on on this site? Yall are calling me out for telling Tom he was wrong in his OP? Boy, that guy really is special! Don't make me go all Howard up in here! LoL! Someone will be leaving with a fat lip! :-X
  6. I don't hate you Tom. There has only been one person I've ever hated in my adulthood, and I finally let that go a while back. I dont even know you. I just think you are allowed special insult privileges, and I figured I could throw a few your way for fun. So don't go thinking your special. Your just an idiot like the rest of us. Read the thread again partner. Who called who an idiot first? Yep, you guessed it.
  7. I did read it, DCToolbag. Maybe you couldn't see it well from your high horse?
  8. He didn't hit a battleship. A tug boat hit part of the memorial which floats above the sunken battleship. But hey, at least you got to call someone an idiot, and blabber on your mental superiority over the rest of the world.
  9. Throwing on some Pandora and cleaning house. Great weekend! Thank you veterans. Salute to the fallen. I love you guys!
  10. Day-umm! I feel bad for those who have been flooded, but boy this rain is a good thing! Lakes are full, pastures are green! Good for the economy too. Beef prices should come down.
  11. Yes sir. Yard work is seemingly the only exercise I get. My dad and son look at me like I'm crazy when I grab the pitchfork and start turning my compost pile. What else should I do? Gotta stay busy to stay young! Boneless skinless thighs are one of my new favorite things! A few hours marinating in soy sauce and spicey Italian dressing and then grilled slowly. Mmmmmm. You can hardly overcook them.
  12. Oklahoma has to have some of the most extreme weather differentials on the planet. In five years, in this order: local records set: Cold (-38F) snow (idk ~24-36 inches in a day) , Hot (117F), drought, rain (~20 inches so far in may). We have had far fewer tornadoes in the NE part of the state lately though, so we got that going for us, which is nice.
  13. Thanks. I mentioned in the memorial day thread. We had a great party on the patio Saturday night. It rained HARD for three hours straight, then just a normal rain for the rest of the night. I was thankful for no wind or lightening near us. The weather made for a nice, intimate, memorable evening.
  14. Knocked out the lower control arms on dad's car yesterday. The job went surprisingly smoothly. Then we had a barbecue with some friends of mine and friends of my son. We got something like 6 inches of rain between the hours of 5:00 and 10:00. It was really cool partying out on the patio throughout it all. Swimming and hot-tubbing in the downpour was a blast! Then one buddy broke out some pretty big fireworks, which we lit off in the middle of the downpour as well. All in all, it made for quite a memorable evening.
  15. Illegal yes. Felony? No. Dare us must be a Buffalo Bill.
  16. Front end work on Dad's car. The forecast shows rain for the next three days straight.
  17. Anyone have a Jasper?
  18. That was a solid gamble. That is actually a good looking jersey to me. How much you asking? Seriously. I have never owned a jersey and I could rock the Wang! PM me if you wish to sell. Nice!
  19. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=V-NbVbC0DsmnNuSIgcAL&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DSjfd4hnE-PI&ved=0CCIQyCkwAA&usg=AFQjCNGgi3zC9mPgJOOGz4cbOEDNZK8EkQ
  20. Don't get rid of the Olds Howard! The Delta 88 is awesome!!! I got my first piece of tail in that car! Did my first power stall in that car! Got my first speeding ticket in that car! Smoked my first J in that car!!! ... not necessarily in that order. The Delta 88 f'n rocks!!
  21. I'm switching to Velveeta by God! That'll show em!!!!
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