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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Wrong. Kansas sucks. Texas blows. That's why we get so many tornados in Oklahoma.
  2. Nothing less than a playoff WIN will be marked as a successful season in my book. QB Improvement, ending the leagues longest drought, those are great, but losing in the first round of the playoffs seems almost like you didn't belong there in the first place.
  3. There is something* missing from the thread title. Do the right thing man.
  4. "The orgy is open to all, disabled or not." Well, there you go Pooj.
  5. Yep, you're right. that was a dumb way for me to put it. Sorta cutting off my nose to spite my face. I don't really care for McCoy, and I'm a big fan of Fred, so my bias showed through. Good thing I am not GM, eh?
  6. 3-5 years cable/satellite will be on its death bed.
  7. It's free on yayhoo right? And I'd have to pay money to see it on DTV, right? Nope, I'm not signing that petition.
  8. I remember my first Rave. It was fuggin awesome. But I've struggled with math ever since, which kinda sucks given my chosen career.
  9. If Freddy shows up another star running back, he will become legend. I hope it happens! Fredex delivers!! Forever, and ever, amen!!!
  10. That's pretty damn funny. I can be a stinky sombitch at times! Glad I don't have to pay for them!!! The next article down about threesomes, and how to approach them artfully, is a must read...
  11. So, when are you going to introduce her to Shirl?
  12. Any updates?
  13. You are a very reasonable man Pooj. And...No.
  14. My radio has these button thingies. When you press one the station changes. It's really groovy man. Like, when something is on the radio, and you dont want to listen to it...bam! Easy peezy.
  15. Boy, I sure am glad that I am broke!
  16. How do you know I haven't already?
  17. Jesus - at the car wash... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=JAdrVb7wO4aZgwS8vYDoCQ&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D6TBOt6HzH3g&ved=0CB0QuAIwAA&usg=AFQjCNHCst73bk_t25mnYnjgyhGINONoww
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