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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. My dad broke eight ribs last winter (and subsequently moved in with me). Two of them haven't healed at all and are actually offset. He's going in for surgery next week to hopefully get him fixed. Believe this: He's been !@#$in hurtin. Life longer smoker. Weekend lungs. Coughing nearly kills him.
  2. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DtXwakHd0UU0&ved=0CCgQuAIwBGoVChMIwMrNu8GdyAIVxBKSCh0rxwaF&usg=AFQjCNEeJraCwc7Wg4SmD62RD7Pst4a62w
  3. Which player is this? We love you too man!
  4. I read a post in another thread that intrigued me. There is no salary cap on coaches, right? So, would Greg Roman, or anyone, prefer to stay at a lower coaching position, with a pay raise equivalent to a rookie head coaching gig, to stay in their current position if there is an honest hope/expectation to get a Superbowl ring - before taking that next step?
  5. 26CB... I don't know if it is only your posts, but none of the links you provide ever work for me on my phone. I get just a blank page on every one of your links.
  6. Staying hydrated without pissing my pants. That's my biggest concern.
  7. I'm not saying no. I worry about it every time I go out! I'm not afraid to piss in public though, so I haven't pissed myself yet...(much)...
  8. Are there toilets on the sideline for players? I've never seen any on TV. Staying hydrated would require a piss from time to time, right? I mean, most of the time I'm sure they take care of it pre game and maybe at halftime, but what if they gotta go unexpectedly? Run to the men's room? Or piss down their leg?
  9. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dgc4vzkP0ngE&ved=0CBsQtwIwAGoVChMIjYiD5uyLyAIVSM-ACh1ZDA7Y&usg=AFQjCNGj2ZRQXuVE6444IsBdyLHX-6ww8w Me and Matt Cassel just !@#$ed you up Dawg!
  10. Man this dude makes sweet love to Lady Luck and her cousin Karma year after year.
  11. The first half of 13 is 1. The second half is 3. Is that so hard to figure out?
  12. I'm out. Raiders! UGH! Jeez. I only go 4 right in pick em too.
  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D_W-fIn2QZgg&ved=0CB4QyCkwAGoVChMIgsnss9iFyAIVio0NCh1TUQH4&usg=AFQjCNH8haGhjqr1gQaWFj_eYjJB2Id9wA
  14. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D_W-fIn2QZgg&ved=0CB0Q3ywwAGoVChMI3PKZ5Z6DyAIVBpENCh2gAQWj&usg=AFQjCNH8haGhjqr1gQaWFj_eYjJB2Id9wA
  15. You win! OP, you owe Bobo a beer!
  16. Same here. Happened to me when I was little.
  17. We gave up one, and spent another. Sammy's price was two first round picks.
  18. You think so? I have Karlos and Lesean in my FF lineup, along with Marshawn and Fred. Got Jammal too. So you're telling me to bench Mccoy this week in favor of Williams?
  19. Taylor - Clay, right side, 13 yards. 15 first downs
  20. This is the benchmark. I am actually all for copying this sign. This sign should be in every stadium the cheaters visit. Make it so.
  21. Love it! Wall of fame if he does!
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