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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Man, that's a great video!!! I'm going back for seconds!!! Highlight vid, I get it, but thats the first time ive noticed JA's LIGHTNING FAST RELASE!!
  2. Can't knock the guy for doing good things.
  3. .. She said ...ohhh but do I deserve to be? Is that the question? And if so? Windsurf, Windsurf!!!! Wo Im still alive! Oooohhhhhhh I'm still alive!!!
  4. How do you know I haven't already?
  5. "We ask everyone to respect our privacy" she says, on INSTAGRAM! Okay, lol I am ashamed that I even opened this thread, let alone clicked the link.
  6. I think there is a song about that. Something like.. Dictatorin ain't easy, but it shur is fun. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DKGRoEfRJSGs&ved=2ahUKEwjAn9at2YnpAhUHlKwKHTYlD4EQ3ywwBHoECBEQJQ&usg=AOvVaw3vpvDhZUFj_0OPABXLujgL
  7. My cousin, from Buffalo, lives there. I haven't seen/talked with him in 35 years, but I know he is a Bills fan till the end. Makes me wonder
  8. 1995ish?.?. Thinking deeper (it is a difficult evening to recollect) I believe it was Marilynn Manson that brought us down that night. We had super crappy seats, were way tooooo dowwwwwn, if you catch my drift, and the sound quality sucked. Others at the show likely had a better experience. Just not us, not that night. I love NIN and like MM but we all left disappointed that night. The more I think about it, probably no fault of the bands.
  9. Dang, I wish I could. Still held down by the fed. Best o luck bro!!!!
  10. Were you the one promoting compost tea? I still haven't planted. That is definitely at the top of my list for this weekend.
  11. I am late with my tomatoes, fortunately because we had a frost a couple of days ago. Nice warm spring shower right now. I love spring time!
  12. I was surprised too that the trailer scene was not used, but it just added up to another scene. We saw it, it is still part of the story, and that's why VG and Co. Are great!
  13. niiiiice, thanks for putting a little water on the seed brother! I totally forget what I wanted to say, but gardening is my thing. And Beer. Working from home now, pulling weeds on my lunch hour. Come on BLT sammy!
  14. LOLOL!!! I know you meant no harm, but srsly? Who sells weed under a bridge? "A mature adult", hell an immature kid knows better than that.
  15. A Dog's Journey on Netflix is a must watch for you dog lovers! A little corney, a little slow in the first half, but very well worth watching till the end! My daughter and I almost gave up on it, but we were both happy that we didn't! It is a sweet movie, and I promise you will at least get a little choked up if not shed a tear or two.
  16. LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Sorry, I am not smart enough to make a link.
  17. You are easy. You told me the same thing once when I described Sponge Bob covering Twisted Sister versus BS comic book movies. But, we love you too bud!!!
  18. Pastry hearts!!! Man I haven't thought of those in years. Does anyone remember Uhl's bakery? That was my grandpa's place and his dad's place before that. I believe it dated back to the 1920s. I remember visiting (I live far, far away from Buffalo and have visited only a handful of times) as a kid and Grandpa letting me "help" make the pasttry hearts. The were my favoritest thing ever at the time! Oh, and his amazing bread! I dont understand how the family stayed mostly thin.
  19. Ha ha, the photo fooled me momentarily!
  20. Corgi? I just got a older female Corg-Weenie from the SPCA to keep my 2 yr old Sheltie company after my old buddy Brody the cowardly pit mix died. I had another female Corgi years ago that was dumped as a tiny pup at a hotel we were staying at. Her name was Annie and she was my favorite dog ever!!!
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