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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Houston and Miami are worse than vegas. The old "dry heat" saying is valid.
  2. You spelled Knuckles wrong.
  3. FLIGHTRADAR24 does the same thing with airplanes. Just point you phone toward the horizon and it tells you where the planes are.
  4. I'll have the chili cheese fries please.
  5. Yeah, JBoyst obviously needs more free time...
  6. I hate it when I agree with you...which is more often than not TommyDC. ;-) full stop. Marshawn is, no question, my favorite player and character.
  7. Churches chicken is allright...sometimes. Or drinking roo much 3.2 beer.
  8. The only time I've been to Waffle House is after the bar closes. I don't have a fond memory of the place. It's been 15 years or better since my last visit. It was a **** hole then.
  9. BOLD PREDICTION: Beastmode retires this off season.
  10. I cut the cord three years ago, like many, many others. But you know what? I sure do miss the sports channels...When they played sports! Remember when they showed sports instead of ex - players and nobodies... talking about sports?!?! I would much rather watch track and field/swimming/diving/motocross/drag racing/gymnastics/strong man/equestrian/bowling/tractor pulls/lumber jacking/rowing/curling/beer pong....ANYTHING BUT TALK!!!
  11. I like it. Tulsa Chargers next? Thunder and Lightning baby;-)
  12. I don't know how it relates to your hypothesis, but T-Rod is a totally different dude from the other QBs that you define as "mobile". He seems smarter and more humble, more willing to learn and lead than Tre or Cam. Fingers crossed that you are wrong.
  13. http://rocklahoma.com/ Party on Wayne!
  14. Okay, I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!
  15. "I'm just here so I don't get fined."
  16. "Is this thing on? Cause, it was supposed to be." Rex. "Somebody bring me a goddamn snack!" Rex "Give me your goddamn lunch money!" Rex "You want a foot rub?" Rex "Can you douche my ride?" Rex "Why the !@#$ doesn't Dave and Busters have Street Fighter!?!?!??" Rex "Belichick can kiss my goddamn rooster ring!" Rex
  17. Anybody have a link to ep 1-3?
  18. Narcos is great. Marco Polo is very good too. Netflix has definately stepped up their game. Did I mention Narcos? Very, very well done.
  19. That happened to me once. I feel his pain.
  20. 51. Drops mic..
  21. That wasn't a mic at all...you know JBoyst...he's always telling us how in-demand his "mic" is.
  22. I have a twenty year old Magic Chef (cheapo) that has lived in the garage for the lat 5 1/2 years. Hotter than Hades in summer, and occasional extreme cold in winter. No problems yet. It usually has only a twelve pack in it. Kinda wasteful energy use for how much i use it, but the garage is my man cave, and I like having my cold beer nearby. I blow out the coil every couple of years.
  23. I know, right? Why do I still check in so often and read the constant arguments between the same ol characters? I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me.
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