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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. You had to go there? Homey? "Can you prove a negative". That's the best you got BBF?
  2. I spent three weeks on Kauai for business. It is my fqvorite island. Very rural still. If wifey doesn't want to do the helicopter tour of Waimea canyon, then drive. The road alone is Friggen fun! I don't remember the name of the place, but we had breakfast nearly every morning at a little shack off the main road around the south side of the island. Think breakfast slam in a bowl. Cheap too. And don't forget a tour of the Kona coffee plantation. If you ride, motorcycle rentals are affordable too.
  3. Trailer Park Boys.
  4. L7 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DAkmLpTXbNDQ&ved=0ahUKEwjj2Ij-8KXLAhWCQiYKHcziCTMQ3ywIgQEwAA&usg=AFQjCNHHegHV-ETRH46BR0xncT8pqbA7gQ
  5. Springtime! It's almost here!
  6. Hold my beer and watch this...
  7. Did you see the picture? It was pretty damned instant. 100+ mph into a concrete wall.the SUV was smashed flat clear to the back seat. If the sudden stop didn't do it, the compressed natural gas tank sure as hell did.
  8. Soft Luxury User, like the lady in the memory foam thread
  9. New Orleans is a crappy place, IMO. My strongest memory of New Orleans is the smell of urine. It was everywhere. Grossest city Ive ever visited. And i have been to Jaurez. They've had a thorough douche since then so, what do I know?.
  10. Settle down Francis. Be the ball. Shitter's full.
  11. I really like that. I'm gonna use that in conversation sometime soon.
  12. 1) F-16 in a full afterburner take off. 2) Top fuel dragster. 3) My favorite heavy metal guitar riff cranked to 11. 4) My girlfriends 'O'.
  13. Agreed. Marshawn is a cool mofo in my book.
  14. Must have been in Mike Ermantrout's precinct. Exactly.
  15. Turbosrgood. I remember nothing about his/her posting history, but I like power boosters. I should change my name to NITROUSISGOOD!
  16. Accomplishment.
  17. Shady didn't punch anyone. He broke their freakin ankles with a cool juke.
  18. Chicken parm, spaghetti, asparagus, toasty rolls. Brownies. Many snacks during the game.
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