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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I've been to a few drag boat races. Nickin Futz! I like it, but there is no money in it. It's just a hobby for the racers and a sideshow for the fans.
  2. Fermented kitty juice. Hell, why not. I would very much like to apply for the collection job. Boyst will probably get the job though. Hey bartender! There's a hair in my beer!
  3. Flu shot. An ounce of prevention is greater than a pound of cure. Too late, I know, but get your flu shot next year!
  4. Excellent! Cheers. The negative Nancys here serve a purpose, though. Without them, all us Polliannas would get bored on this board.
  5. So many levels of don't give a !@#$ in that photo. HI MOM!
  6. This thread is a good (and entertaining) reminder (to me) to not post in football discussions. You fuggin guys are some pretty damn good debaters. So, how about that Ed Reed guy? I think he will be a good coach. Off to the Heavy Metal thread! Good night all! GO BILLS!
  7. Representing! When I ever get to a game at RWS (hopefully sooner than later (go sooners)), I know where I'm parking!
  8. The Celine video was kinda cool. Who is the milf in glasses!? I'd shake that all night long.
  9. okay. Call it 1/2 billion. 500 million. For 20 million annual increase in proffit. If I told you that you could invest $500 and make $20 more than you already make annually, would you do it?
  10. Even IF buffalo could generate an additional 20 million per year in ticket revenue, how does that justify a new billion dollar stadium?
  11. Hell yeah! Let's party!
  12. Right here. I don't know what you are insinuating, but I like Sammy Hagar. He makes great booze, and music.
  13. I thought that was Mike VH. Goes to show what good clean living will get you ;-)
  14. Coooool. Thanks Jim. Sammy is a cool mofo. I love these threads!
  15. So many wrongs... My favorite: "moisture turns solid when temperature increases"
  16. So, we're all waiting...would ya?
  17. Young has ALWAYS Sounded like crap live, IMO. And Bon Scott "made" AC-DC. Young carried the torch. Don't get me wrong, Young was the perfect replacement for Scott, and I LOVE everything AC-DC ever did, but Brian has been done for a long time. Them cords is shredded. My vote for a replacement vocalist, off the top of my head, is Phillip Anselmo.
  18. Black tusk is missing a guitar player. Bass and drummer could be bad ass in another band. Dillinger Escape Plan sux. IMO Cookie monster should shut up and eat some cookies. IMO.
  19. I didn't know he was ill. I don't know much about him other than the chicken wing pictures in the stands at a Bills game. And the drugs. It's cool to know that he was actually appreciated for his public service too. New respect. Rest in peace Mr. Ford.
  20. Cool, humble dude. Still driving that Mazda. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.autotrader.com/car-news/nfls-alfred-morris-reunited-with-his-refurbished-mazda-bentley-215807&ved=0ahUKEwiZgKOxw9XLAhXLJiYKHcvvBHYQFgghMAA&usg=AFQjCNHXuilRmTG4wqeHc0ABj0QOY8ZSHA
  21. No tip for that guy!
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