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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. #3 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DCV0b-7kKPE8&ved=0ahUKEwjS-JygtLDMAhWD7SYKHdsNAccQuAIIIjAC&usg=AFQjCNG0VzAAt3xjX2NHXVVNNHujCDr6OA #2 and 2.1 PUrple rain and when doves cry
  2. "Life is just a party, and parties weren't meant to last" #4 http://uploadsociety.com/video_v161069 Party's over, oops, outa time :-(
  3. #5 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DQ4eryIK9VAk&ved=0ahUKEwiKrbWLqrDMAhVLRCYKHQH0AN4QuAIILjAG&usg=AFQjCNHXKFlNG2nL_gEdsvQQzTl7tLr72g
  4. What does that have to do with the music?
  5. #7 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DleRTkTBbcac&ved=0ahUKEwjxgOX3463MAhUFNSYKHfpSCcQQtwIIHjAB&usg=AFQjCNEpVpuYkUpOQOeSRKFNimN6Nogk7A Yes. That fits nicely. Thank you. Check this out... http://www.jambase.com/article/five-examples-princes-insane-guitar-skills
  6. Prince didn't jump around. He laid his soul (and his sexuality) on the stage. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again. What does that have to do with his talent? Does that really bother you? Were you counting on a piece of the inheritance? That's a pretty irrational response. I'm sensing a DC Tom/Tom Petty thing going on here. I advice you to listen to Darling Nikki and rub one out!
  7. Did you know: In Prince's final concert, he did a tribute to fellow pop icon David Bowie? You should look it up.
  8. You should've posted this in the Prince cover thread. You know, the one you just complained about. That's a really cool cover, nonetheless. Thanks Chef. I just watched that again and I completely changed my mind. Those dudes looked like manequins. Talented musicians, sure. Performers, no.
  9. #9 http://www.mojvideo.com/video-prince-and-the-new-power-generation-sexy-mother-!@#$er/295b1ead6bc471c031a8
  10. Here's one: he looks like Woody Harrelson on steroids...With hair.
  11. My 2nd hand 10 year old honda still starts on the first pull. Truth. Never have changed oil or spark plug! The fugger is heavy though. Check craigslist.
  12. Anyone here have experience with battery powered mowers? I like my honda, but the transmission/gearbox quit and the damn thing is super heavy. I have a small back yard with a large pool, trees and landscaping. It is very difficult to maneuver the heavy honda in the back yard, so I am considering a cheapo lightweight gas mower or battery powered.
  13. My words are inadequate. No other musician's death has touched me like this. Rock in peace, brother. http://uproxx.com/music/watch-prince-purple-rain-original-1983/
  14. 100% attitude (effort) may have helped the team reach the playoffs last year.
  15. ...and stuff like that. Serious question: I was instructed in college (20 years ago) to keep your resume to one page. Is that still valid? (Fortunately for me i am celebrating 15 years with the same company next month, but I still keep my resume polished. Aviation/defense is unpredictable)
  16. Shut up and go wash your hands.
  17. Or, NYCers are just born obnoxious. I fly no other airline than American AIrlines, given a choice. I've never experienced any poor customer service.
  18. I'm on an Anthony Bourdain binge right now. I love geography, history, cultures, and food. I used to think he was a tool. I really admire his show, and him now. 5 seasons on netflix.
  19. No where near San Francisco.
  20. Young Hammersticks living up to his namesake! And it sounds like a sanitary napkin is what you need.
  21. I don't think most guys are attracted to toothpicks. It's really a strange thing. Why does the fashion industry promote super skinny? I don't know a single person who defines attractiveness based strictly on bony-ness. And you are right. The lady in that picture is incredibly hot!
  22. I'm not saying Tom is shallow, but he ain't THAT deep.
  23. Wash a load of towels. Take a friggen shower and go somewhere were there is a chance of meeting someone.
  24. Cool. How many people can claim to have been struck by an aircraft in flight? I hope he got a good photo!
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