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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I have many green tomatoes on the vine. I cannot wait for them to ripen up! The first BLT of summer is gonna be AWESOME!
  2. I like to rip em in the stairwell at work, LOL!!!
  3. Anyone else watched Trailer Park Boys? 10 seasons, movies, and stand up performances. It's one of those stupid pleasures for me. It gets better 3 very season .
  4. Seeing Mom walk again! She lost her leg this past February due to complications during knee surgery. It actually turned out to be four surgeries before they decided that her life was worth more than he leg. Above the knee. 63 years old. She got her new prosthesis this morning, and it is incredible! To see her spirits lifted after such a bout of depression was friggin awesome! Yay Mom!!!!
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dkzt8AThSDoI&ved=0ahUKEwjA8fHN0N_MAhXKQiYKHYTCDTYQuAIINzAJ&usg=AFQjCNGpB-V52_QmeTW4BJxzif_dm6mUgQ
  6. Just don't ask any of them any chemistry questions. Or geography. Definitely no math. Or biology (No cows, bro) But hey, at least he knew what a duck is (and steered the Titanic towards it). The duck goes quack! I'm not normally a negative guy, but that was painful to watch. And the news crews just hung on their every last, 6th grade level Words/actions. Personality? Not in my book.
  7. My god. That is some dumb **** right there. No part of my mind can fathom why that is entertaining to anyone. It actually embarrasses me to watch more than 15 seconds of "professional wrestling". I thought that cleaning my mother's bed pan was the worst part of this evening...nope 15 seconds of WWE is worse.
  8. Everyone, all together now: How is she in coverage?!
  9. Its Mongo. Get it right, or your next! Nice reference, though. One of my FF team names was RICHIE'S BASEBALL BAT, BTW. Okay, since you asked...My other teams: PERCY'S CHOKE HOLD and IK'S RIGHT HOOK. Now ima th
  10. As a man in that time zone, I deny ever seeing it and I appreciate the warnings...I'll not click it just in case...don't need no suppressed memories coming back. If it was worse than the electric company, then it was the worst of a generation. I was the go-to projector operator. I still love me some science and nature flicks!
  11. Now, THAT would be epic! Put her an the sled and let the linemen push her around!
  12. THUNDER UP! That was the first NBA game that I've watched in 20+ years. Pretty exciting game!
  13. Run, run, pass........the dutchie on the left hand side.
  14. This is a sore subject for me. In my small town of 20,000 residents, at our high school of 3,000 students, in the last 8 years, they have constructed a $20M football stadium, $11M indoor practice facility, a $15M swimming pool, $20M observatory, and substantial upgrades to baseball stadiums, performing arts center, tennis courts, etc, etc, etc. But we have to cut teachers, AGAIN, because of budget shortfalls.
  15. How do you know I haven't already?
  16. This, exactly. Give T-Rod what he has already earned, with a nod toward the future.
  17. Who cares. Do they celebrate fourth-o July-o in Mehico?
  18. How do you know I haven't already?
  19. Nope. It's called "the internet". Do you think this **** didn't happen 20, 50, 100, 1000 years ago? If you do, you're naive. It is sad. The world/society is better than ever, but the terrorists and "nutcakes" get all the attention. I bet yall think everything was pure and right in the 1950's........ All that said, the B word in the OP is loony and the charges are valid.
  20. I've been hit on twice by dudes wanting me to do their wife. They just wanted to watch. No thanks.
  21. Screw all yall! My "vacation" this year is El Paso TX to visit family. We may go to Carlsbad caverns or white sands NM. All of which, I have done many times.
  22. #1 IMO LET'S GET NUTS! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DT9CPeUkkst4&ved=0ahUKEwj8jMaZt7DMAhUMRiYKHep6BbkQ3ywIHTAA&usg=AFQjCNFRhmdfob-0UGKD3QtBk9SpT0aD5w I'll miss you Bro. Much love!
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