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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. My daughter has become a proud thrifty. I commend her for that. Im more of if you have the cash, do what feels good, type of guy. She is always so happy to show me her Goodwill goods. She showed up an hour ago so proud of the four DVDS she got for a dollar 25 each... Wait for it... We havent had an operating DVD Player for five years.
  2. Man, that made my day!
  3. That has to be France. I went to a small town on the Brittany coast for work 20 years ago and after a month i was dying for pizza. The only pizzeria around was in a shopping mall. I couldnt read the menu so i just randomly picked something. It came out undercooked and with an un cooked egg in the Middle that was added after the oven. It was bad, but not as bad as this looks. Yuk!
  4. Like a good employee should, I find something productive to work on - related to the meeting or otherwise.
  5. It is impossible to grow squash here without chemicals. They grow fast, huge and leafy.......then, dead in two days when the squash bugs wake up, the squash plant is dead seemingly instantaniousy Edit to say, Dawn dishsoap and water is an extremely effective bug killer! Have not needed it yet this year on my maters
  6. Holy Moly do I have a lot of cherry tomatoes! Six plants. No less than 500 so far. And still full of ripening fruit.
  7. The Machine. Edit: go to 49:35 for "Tha Machine". It is funny AF, but hearing the first 45 min was funny too. Eff that B, we are in Russia!
  8. Thanks for resurrecting only the second thread I have started in 12? years here! Some jackass switched all the plants around at home depot, or I temporarily forgot how to read. I wound up with 8 cherry/grape tomato plants and 2 romas. Not a single slicer, dammit. The cherries are awesome, but there is no way I care to eat them all. There are sooooo many! I have harvested hundreds already and I am guessing 200+ on the vine right now. Many ripe red beauties falling in the dirt (especially with our recent storms).
  9. How much oil can that 5 ounces of water support? I wish the dude said ALL OF IT.
  10. Hard to believe the dumbness. Really, really hard to believe that seemingly not completely ######ed human beings can be so dumb. I am sorry for using that word, but it fits.
  11. I just had a delicious hamburger (onion rings and chocolate malt, too). Thank you for your sacrifice.
  12. Beef ribs and BBQ sauce.
  13. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tallgrass_Prairie_Preserve I made several trips here last year to conduct some aircraft to ground station testing due to its remoteness. 2500 head of bison is an amazing sight to see, and they were there to greet cars entering the sanctuaryevery day we went. I lost all of my photos, but we were close enough to reach out the truck window and touch them if we were dumb enough to try. Amazing animals.
  14. I am changing my vote to those three cats in That Little Ol Band From Texas. Super cool dudes.
  15. Very nice. But I think the belly bump is not pronounced enough. That we have the only logo, in all of sports, with a dick, should not be understated. Or, does it grow when you flex? Now that would be a neat trick.
  16. Nothing, if you're five years old.
  17. I aint too young to admit it, and I ain't too old to lie. I aint too young to worry, I aint too old to cry. I'm gonna ride on, ride on, ride on. AC/DC - Ride On
  18. I like and dislike Musk, but he is undeniably a bad mofo. But I am a space nerd so, go SPACEX!! Apparently we (Tulsa) are in the final round for a potential truck factory. I am pretty far removed from the daily news (self imposed), but this thread led me to the first time I have read this Tesla/Tulsa truck factory thing....and it is comical what my city is doing to lure them. https://www.big*****ingfield.com
  19. OP, I agree. Loose trousers are a terrible look. Bring back the sock stirrups!
  20. That was fun. That was a whole lotta soul on one stage, boy. Missing Stevie and Aretha, but man, one helluva line up! Who was the white dude singing though?
  21. And Ritz crackers....
  22. Man, to be 22 again.... I would certainly fick it up like I did the first time....The kitties/drugs were my first, second and third objectives. Drugs were easy to get.......kitties....they came in periodical/unpredictable waves
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