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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Touche. They are on city streets. Downtown, in fact. They have 40, 60 and 100 mile tours through around the nearby lakes too, so yeah your point is made. The courses downtown are not really a nuisance though since it's on the weekend, in the bar districts.
  2. These are professionals on closed coarse races. Very fast. Not Joe Schmo blocking traffic. It's gotten bigger and bigger every year, apparantly. I had heard 9f it, but I'm shocked at what a huge event it has become. Even more shocked that the racers have adopted tulsa as there favorite event. And still more shocked at the crowd turnout and event support from the local population. Seriously, it has become a huge three day party. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://vimeo.com/43947788&ved=0ahUKEwjGsczbiJ7NAhUT7mMKHRcEDkUQtwIIGzAA&usg=AFQjCNGHnC8SUGh_FrFejNxcaZvrKTgsVQ
  3. 11th annual Tulsa Tough this weekend. This has grown into one of the largest bicycle festivals in the nation. Three days of racing ending on " cry baby hill". It has become a "must go" event for most professional racers. Google tulsa tough crybaby hill. One hell of a party!
  4. TIL: Bobby McGee, made famous by Janis Joplin, was written by Kris Kristofferson.
  5. J. Geils Band. Centerfold. Crazy Town. Butterfly. Kick. Ass. Tune. That's a good one. Love that song!
  6. Lots. But, Stroke Me by Billy Squier is my latest.
  7. I had Lynch, Charles and McCoy all on the same fantasy team last year. It did not turn out like I expected, to say the least.
  8. Me. I really, really would love to tailgate at The Ralph someday!
  9. LMAO. As soon as I saw the kiddie pool for a boat and shovels for oars, I thought, "really? You ain't savin ****!" C'MON MAN!
  10. Oil. See relatively small Tulsa. 5 fortune 500's, 10 fortune 1000's, all oil. Same with OKC.
  11. I have so much to say about the over prescribing of opioids, but I haven't the desire to say it with my thumbs. Mom lost her leg earlier this year.the heavy oxy is a great painkiller, but now she's fighting addiction. Dad suffered a severe injury (8 is broken ribs and a shattered wrist) and now he's an addict. Two elderly folks, hooked.
  12. Of coarse that makes sense, but that is not why Jets have winglets. Terminals are built to host aircraft of all sizes (except for the A380, in Atlanta for example). Why put winglets on a gulfstream? Greater DISTANCE. Airlines do it for fuel economy, nothing else. Today I learned that CBF didn't watch Narcos.
  13. Nope. Why do my four gulfstreams have winglets? Performance. The additional wingspan would actually reduce performance. You read the Airbus A380 in Atlanta article today, me guesses. Winglets convert the wing tip vortices, created by a flat tip wing, to useful energy. Btw. You don't see winglets on fighter Jets because they also increase stability. Increased stability equals reduced maneuvarability.
  14. Today I learned that sickle cell does not affect only black people. Seriously, I thought it did. I learned that greeks, Italians and other Mediterranean people are considered high risk too.
  15. Nope. Today you learned that SH is an aerospace design engineer.
  16. Today you learned that they are called winglets. They decrease drag and increase lift, thereby increasing efficiency.
  17. They're born that way.
  18. You are just trolling again. If ESPN showed "24 hour sports", many, many people would tune in.
  19. Australian Football, motor sports, cliff diving, anything but talk. C'mon man!
  20. I just looked up today's programming line up for ESPN. From 12:00am to 12:00am...not a single sport to be seen. Hours upon hours of sports talk and highlights. ESPN is the same crap. Why can't they figure it out. Show some GD sports. Like actual contests. ANY FREAKIN THING!
  21. I thought of you stripping too. God I'm horney now!!!!
  22. Okay. I think i get it. So if your daddy wasn't born, you wouldn't be here. But, why are you a chef? I'm listening to megadeth radio on Pandora BTW. Would 60's acid rock be here without mozart? What about ska?
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