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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. So if we conceal our activities (while on private property) from a public place, we can do whatever we like? I'm cool with that.
  2. +12 Good times...good times ;-) I generally agree with you, but the discussion is not about public places, is it? It's about private lots. I guess the question boils down to "is it still a private lot after a permit has been granted to collect revenue from the public?" I hope this thread doesn't go PPP.
  3. They tried that already...AIDS...didn't work.
  4. My one and only Dead show was their last with Jerry at Soldier Field. Honestly, I only remember the tailgate...and that is very fuzzy. I sure would like to see them in the current configuration. They coming to Dallas or KC or anywhere near Tulsa? ... I just looked it up. That was not Jerry's last gig in Chicago. I saw them in 94 with Traffic, a year earlier. Memories starting to surface...dear Mr Fantasy...
  5. ...a very personal song for me...!@#$in B word... Butterfly by Crazy Town. Love this tune! http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DIKzX5zRdsq0&ved=0ahUKEwj8u4T24rzNAhVL02MKHRU_BX8Q3ywIHTAA&usg=AFQjCNHhpqaVffQNDpScYuczYWHEIFfWmw
  6. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
  7. !@#$ it. -pretty much everyone, at some point.
  8. TIL how to tie a clove hitch. (I was not a good cub scout).
  9. Very interesting. Thanks.
  10. Damn. I thought biting my tongue was bad. Tom Brady may have advice on this one. Have you tried standing on the rim and squatting? What does shower boy think? Roids. Steroids is the cure.
  11. Bison don't rear up on their hind legs like a big horn sheep. Yes. It now looks forward instead of downward. Lose the cracks in the back. And the rear thigh is too thin. And a pissed off bull's tail is taught, not limp/curley...And...the dick is wrong. But I kinda like this one. An angrier version of the bullseye buffalo is intriguing.
  12. I've never met a Dobie that I liked. I hope you get a good one though.
  13. Methinks their galaxy, far far away, must be teeny tiny.
  14. R U F'n Kidding Me?!?!
  15. Say hello to my li'l fren.
  16. Don't eat the brown scorpions, man.
  17. "Honey, have you checked our shitter?"
  18. Pace yourself CBF. And, ewe.
  19. I'm 43, been a Bills fan my entire life. Charging.
  20. Lololol! He is paid handsomely for his services!
  21. It almost seems like you are trying to be the bad guy. Go, Go Goodwin!
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