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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Uhhhm, you're some smart guy, right? Exciting, does not mean enjoyable. I get excited EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. Happy/Sad is the usual outcome, but excitement (for me) is never questioned. Other than that, I must agree with every other point you have made in this thread.
  2. Thanks. I just watched the trailer and I try to watch the movie tonight. Wawaweewa.
  3. We had a big drag race event a couple of weeks ago here in Tulsa.. As Dad and I were walking around the pits checking out cars, I looked over to see a dude crawling out from under a kick ass Pro-Mod when he looked up and yelled Go Bill's! It took me by surprise because I had forgotten that I was wearing my Bill's cap. Not sure where that dude was from. I didn't want to interrupt him because he was obviously busy, so I just returned an enthusiastic Go Bill's back at him. That is not a regular occurrence round these parts.
  4. 45 damp and breezy where I am, and I freaking hate it. I would also be wearing a beanie!
  5. Guess what t-shirt and ball cap i am still wearing today? Yeah, last night sucked, but I will still bere cheering on Monday
  6. I came this close ) ( to swapping josh and steph for Drew and mike. (Not very close)
  7. Is that a piece of corn I see?
  8. Well, I am checking in here, so that ought tell you something. But, you are right, it is not always about catching. EDIT: minutes after this post, the sun peaked out and Dad pulled in a 5 lb blue cat. Looking up.
  9. Leaving in about a half hour with my dad. We are hoping that the white bass are beginning the fall run. We've been only a couple of times in the past month and had no luck. Dad has hooked a small (~30 inches) alligator gar both times. As feeocious as they look, once you get them turned toward you, they put up very little fight. When the sandies (in Ok, white bass are known as sand bass, or sandies) are running they are a ton of fun. Sometimes you can literally fish with two or three jigs on the line and catch multiple fish on one cast! Wish us luck!
  10. I'm pretty sure we got the whole stick.
  11. Hole smokes. Thanks! I clicked and smiled!
  12. LoL, I did the same thing! Twice!! I had a $20 bet last year against a KC fan long time coworker for longest in air throw/completion. I paid.
  13. I'd like to rewatch Mr. Bass' tackle, but all I get is fishing videos. Can someone please post a link? SRSLY.
  14. Yes, thousands. National Tall Grass Prarie Nature Preserve on Oklahoma Kansas border. Magnificent creatures!
  15. I had not thought about that. I have Tyreek Hill. I wonder how this plays out. Will points be retroactively apply to this week if the game is postponed beyond Monday/Tuesday???
  16. No one can piss on this determination.
  17. Mfer.im at BWW and the network feed died and switched to Steelers.
  18. Keeper league. Josh Allen in Rd 15!
  19. So long as it isn't between 635 and 645 am, I can deal with the interruption.
  20. He is already in the HOF, sort of. https://bucswire.usatoday.com/2018/10/02/ryan-fitzpatricks-bucs-nfl-hall-of-fame/
  21. Wow. That had not occurred to me. *****.
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