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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Seriously, I haven't washed my Bills T-shirt since after the first loss. So I had a clean shirt for 1 and 2. Unwashed for weeks 3-5. Just a roll through the dryer to remove the wrinkles. I will wash it only after a loss from here on. I hope to be wearing a stinky shirt on sundays for a long time. Edit. Thinking back on my logic: If I wash my T-shirt after a loss, I am guaranteeing two losses in a row. So, I promise to not wash my shirt (and to wear it every game) until we win the Superbowl. Swear to God. #ALLIN
  2. I like your articles C-1, but unfortunately, they make me realize just how ignorant I am to Foolsball.
  3. Agreed. That would be totally classless. Good job Dead Fred!
  4. Here, here!
  5. I like the way you talk.
  6. You go boy! Not a bad strategy with the right RB1/RB2 combo. I have Freeman/Coleman from Atlanta and I've started them both for the last two weeks - they been money!!!
  7. And BANG goes you're credability.
  8. Thanks man. No need to get defensive. Just a little needling. You da man!
  9. Yep. Now I feel bad. I felt bad when I wrote it. TBH it makes no difference to me what a player chooses for their name badge. My comment was a poor attempt at humor.
  10. I get it. We're all happy, but please step away from the emojis!
  11. Come on Bandit. "I heard it from him" or "someone quoting him"? I was hoping for better. When was the last time you spoke with Belly?
  12. It seems he's not up to it and has passed the torch.
  13. Tyrod was exactly what you've seen evreytime before. Careful, quick, and deadly at times. He's no gunslinger, and that ain't bad.
  14. Link? Because that is profound. When did the dark lord say those exact words? Seriously. I want to know.
  15. 52 is Preston. 53 is Zach. And I understand your post. Last year it was Robey. This year it's Robey-Coleman. What changed? Daddy came back? It all started with that "Law Firm" guy. What his name? Sumthin sumthin sumthin Greeene...
  16. I got the bottle, you got the cup. Come everybity lets get+×÷= Brass Monkey!
  17. Surely you got the joke. No offense intended. peace. GO BILLS!
  18. Just busting your balls bro. You fell for an old TSW inside joke. You answered perfectly;-)
  19. In that case, Miller would be my pick.
  20. Seious question, no insult meant, cuz I like having you around: Why are you here? Is it more fun for you than the Pats* boards?
  21. Accuweather.com now says 82 degrees with 30 percent humidity at 4pm. WAY WAY better than those hot games in steamy Florida and Dallas.!
  22. Now THAT would be awesome! Send the Mascot!
  23. Uh, oh. Fifteen minutes till Judge Wapner.
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