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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I ain't riding in a driverless car, and I sure as hell ain't paying for one.
  2. Unless you're me. I fall for the put outz every time. I got a text from my ex GF last night..."wanna?"... ":-)"... "Ill B there ASAP"... "K"
  3. Fishing with Pops.
  4. That is one heckuva camera. Zoom in on stuff in that photo, for real!
  5. I do like beaver. Sweet sweet beaver...
  6. LOLOLOL! F'n-A! I am almost as excited as that little psycho! GO BILLS!
  7. Natural flavors, you say? Stay away from the rasberry! https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-att-us&source=android-browser&q=castoreum
  8. Awe. How cute! ;-)
  9. I agree. I am one of the ignorant ones you speak of. If you guys only knew how many posts I've started, but ended up deleting before posting....you're welcome.
  10. I dropped out of my two QB league. Not enough QB'S in a twelve player league. Just dumb.
  11. Are you sure about that? I'm sure that JJ has done similar things. Probably with better looking ass and higher dollar substances.
  12. Uhm, yes. Apparently you have not been paying attention. It happens every thread, it seems.
  13. N E ting you want.
  14. Sorta related...the Orion Smoker...game changer.
  15. SAMMY HANDWICH for Prez. Write it in. You'll thank me later.
  16. That was very hard to listen to, but still kinda kool, I guess.
  17. !@#$ you. I wont do what you tell me.
  18. First time I ever was sent to the principals office was in kindergaten... for melting craonz on the radiator...lol! Next time - still in kindergarten - booing at some music/arts performance. !@#$ all yall!
  19. I banged Mea once. I was drunk, so, no culpa.
  20. Robert Woods is !@#$ing crazy.
  21. It took me a long time to convince my dad that online poker was a bad (dumb) idea. I'm still not sure he understands.
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