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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D_qJGsSuFRIg&ved=0ahUKEwjik5aU-PHSAhUD1GMKHeVSAWQQo7QBCBowAA&usg=AFQjCNGRigk6GANYxwNG9NWGnyFCaV_fAg
  2. Ive been waiting for this. Springtime is the best fishing season ;-)
  3. TIL Shady Bills Fan comments on articles he didn't read.
  4. Kitties. I could murder a kitty right now. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dnv3gmvrp84Q&ved=0ahUKEwjM8K6-gu7SAhUUzGMKHfBGCakQ3ywIGzAA&usg=AFQjCNHgBrH_7rRhpitBCBor4uE_jC8JEg
  5. Other than wiping the screen with my shirt tail, I've never cleaned my phone.
  6. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Don't sweat the petty stuff. Don't pet the sweaty stuff.
  7. I can't compare snowfall with Buffalo, but in Feb 2011 tulsa got hit by back to back record snowfalls (30 inches, or so) and set a state record (just north of us) at -31F. True blizzard cobditions. It was colder that day here than the north pole. Needless to say, the city was crippled. https://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/today-tair-min-grad.png I have to add: the following summer, oklahoma set a record for the highest avg temperature (daytime nightime avg over 1 months) of any state ever. I think it was something like 88 degrees avg day/night . I can't find a link. And state record rainfall for the year. Oh yeah, flooding, tornados, earthquakes, drought and wild fires. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.newson6.com/story.aspx%3Fstory%3D16421167%26catId%3D112042&ved=0ahUKEwiW8Pb8-O3SAhUqj1QKHYwzCGgQFggaMAA&usg=AFQjCNEasep4WYCd8-I50dfOLOANlIF2xw 2011 sucked weather wise, but if I remember correctly, fishing was great!
  8. This thread makes me want to ask: Any other single dad's around here? I've been on my own with the kids since my son was six and my daughter was one. I have both grandma's support, thank God, but it hasn't been easy. My boy is 19 now and my daughter is just about to turn 14. My son is a neat freak and my girl is a slob...
  9. Anyone see Hap and Leonard?
  10. Do. Memento is unique.
  11. Stillers. Hate em. Hate their fans. Ironically, I like Ben. To be honest, I don't "hate" anyone. I really dislike the phukn squealers.
  12. Shut up JBOY. I mean that in the friendliest way.
  13. Anyone ever play kick the can when you were kids? Mom (from Buffalo) taught us. It was fun.
  14. That's a good list. Memento was a mind !@#$.
  15. I good friend of mine wound up marrying his English teacher.
  16. You gotsta to be high to appreciate MST3K. My ex and I had some fan!@#$ingtastic Sunday mornings watching that stupid show.
  17. Yep. Sitting jump seat a few years ago for a night flight in one of our Gulfstreams was awesome! Yes, I knew every clump of lights. I am a geography buff so it wasn't difficult. From 40K I could see Wichita, Tulsa, OKC, and Dallas all at the same time. And I could name a bunch of the smaller towns in between too.
  18. Where have you been man? Be careful. S1E6 is when I got hooked.
  19. Tom, Tom, Tom. You are the last person I expected to misuse "literally".
  20. I feel no guilt in any of my pleasures.
  21. Cmon man! I am also 43. If I truly believed that the Buffalo Bills would never win the Superbowl, I wouldn't follow the team. I wish I could stomach gambling, cuz I'd like to make a wager with you. If you can come up with a bet that doesn't involve money, I'd be interested. We have at least half our life to go, bro (I hope). I hope Large Marge eats you both.
  22. Breaking Bad Cosmos Cheers My Name is Earl Trailer Park Boys
  23. Nearly every one of my closest coworkers are way better of than me. Like, a lot. Hot cars, nice homes, investment properties, personal airplanes, million dollar retirement funds, lasting marriages, successful children... it's hard not to feel a little envy, but I have never held any of that against them. I am inspired by them. At 43, I am the youngest guy in our engineering depth, and most of these guys will be retiring soon. I'll miss them.
  24. If a sistah can't hook you up, what good is she?
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