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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Not phishing. If you can't answer the question, then my bitcoin is worthless to me.
  2. I quit reading at "cities spend hundreds of billions on stadiums...." Cmon man!
  3. How much cash will you give me for my bitcoin?
  4. I have no memory of hearing the news, and I think Kurt would've wanted it that way. RiP
  5. Thats way cool! Is he saying crocadile?
  6. "I didn't know how to deal with success. If there was a Rock Star 101, I would have liked to take it. It might have helped me." Kurt Cobain
  7. FTFY It's fun, man. Give it a try sometime.
  8. That is awesome! What a story to pass down the ages. Hahaha!
  9. You just did. And, no, I can't hit you from here. Angry bro? Did the dog chew your frisbee? BTW the subject is Disc Golf. Not frisbee.
  10. LOL. You know how I know you don't know how to throw a frisbee? Right on. Where you at?
  11. Today I learned disc golf was invented in Canada. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disc_golf&ved=0ahUKEwjS7Y6GhozTAhUJ4GMKHdp_D1MQFggdMAA&usg=AFQjCNFF2bo-hcQCGxg_WiEzDM9tmfGmhg Funny that it seems to be more popular in the southern US. It's fun and free. There are 10-12 courses in tulsa County. All at public parks. Disc golf is big in Cali too. Yall really haven't heard of it?
  12. It's kind of a thing down here. I am pretty damn good. I had not played in several years, but a couple of weekends ago my best bro and I played. I can still chuck it as far as anyone. I need to work on my short game though. Is disc golf popular in your area?
  13. That sounds like a nice coop. Mom and step dad acquired some old American Airlines baggage handler carts. With the two level shelving and flip up doors, they worked great. Fresh eggs are da bomb. 4 ft by 8 ft by 1/2 what?
  14. You may be the first person ever to suggest Jacksonville's uni/helmet design is worth emulating.
  15. Am I still MAD about the outcome of a GAME played months ago? NOPE. I'm more pissed about my online Spaids game.
  16. I never saw this "infamous" press conference, but it occurs to me that "don't know" and "not in the loop" should not be taken at face value. It's ludicrous to believ DW didnt/does not know the truthfull answer to those questions and what his role was/is. The man is not a dummy. He took/takes it on the chin because things didnt/dont go well. I have the inclination that maybe he was shielding some one else. Maybe he just took the high road instead of throwing others under bus. Maybe he deflected/absorbed other unwanted attention.
  17. I already called it. El Pugal will write a check and become a legend. Wasn't he the only "No" vote against the Raiders move?
  18. If your last sentence is true, then I now officially love Belly.
  19. Drug use/abuse and character are not mutually exclusive. I hope he gets his **** together.
  20. You know, I have a feeling; In the end I bet Pegula writes a check for the whole damn stadium. At least the portion not paid by the NFL itself. He could certainly become a legend by doing so. I guess that's just the old romantic in me.
  21. Dude. Really? You crossed a line. You really think McDermott cares nothing about the future of his current team? That may be the stoopidfone thing I've ever read here.
  22. Hey. TURF TOE is my FF team name.
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