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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Who ever thought about a Cardale thread? Boy I'm glad you brought this subject up, because the other 10 active threads were not quite enough.
  2. I like captain crunch! Start a thread about it!
  3. Holy shnikees!?!? Who would have ever thought about moving back in the draft!?!?! That is a fantastic idea that has never been discussed here. I think you should start a thread about it!
  4. Holy cow. What an interesting question? I'll bet nobody ever thought about a top 5 draft pick thread. Better start a new one.
  5. Holy crap! We had a free agent in for a visit!?!? Better start a new thread because a thread titled "free agents" doesn't get the job done.
  6. Trubisky and watson?! I bet there are no other threads about these guys. Better start a new one.
  7. Where have I heard this before? Better start a new thread.
  8. More mock draft threads. Original. Needs a new thread.
  9. Original thought. Obviously needs a thread.
  10. Can we please start voting to thin out the crowd? I may be a casualty myself, but I find this place to be waaaay overcrowded lately. Too many duplicate threads. It's time to thin the herd SDS. I suggest a thumbs up, thumbs down on OPS. Once you hit a certain number, your out. Likewise with replies, but a higher number. Read more, say less. Sorry for the drunk post. Everybody please give me a thumbs down and put me out of my misery, cuz this place is a lot less interesting since, well, you know... BBMB brought a few good posters, but many many more bad ones. Not every thought deserves a new thread people. Edit: Not for off the wall.
  11. He would flush this thread.
  12. Who was he in Harlem Nights? That is one of my all time favorite movies.
  13. Keep your camera rolling for the boarding process.
  14. As someone who has been to Lubbock, it (and most of West TX) is the worst. But being an oil man, I'm sure Terry has contacts there.
  15. I do. And in my entire 43 years, I've only worked on my birthday once, and that was a flight to Hawaii.
  16. Rubber.
  17. Good to know. And thanks.
  18. Here we go...season three begins tonight!
  19. ...and his beard had a perfect wonderlic score...
  20. I just went back and looked at the photo. Man, Bruce still looks young and fit. He's hardly aged at all!
  21. Yeah well, that's like, your opinion, man. Let's go throw some disc, bro.
  22. I am definately saying that bitcoin is worth nothing to me. If it is worth something to you, I will sell you my bitcoin for $5.00. If you can get 1100 USD for it, more power to yah. I will PM you my address. What do I get for 10 bit coins? N E Ting You Wan. Me love you long time.
  23. I'll ask for the third time, what will YOU give ME for my big fat shiney bitcoin? I'll take anything you want to trade.(I wont pay shipping though) If I offer you enough bit coins will you come fix my fence?
  24. Ultimate would have been fun before I picked up cigs. No chance I could run with you fellas now. I would like to watch a match, but I'll stick with a stroll through my local park. I guess that's what disc golf boils down to for a lot of folks...it's stress free competition. A little more athletic than shooting pool or bowling, LOL.
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