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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Insert Peter panlink here....
  2. No way Brady would have survived the beating Kelley took.
  3. If I were there, I would buy them a round.
  4. Nooooooo thank you.
  5. That is a good story. I often strike up convo with the old dude in the bar. I'm no youngster myself and I've had many spring chicks strike up convo with me. I generally enjoy drinking with people older and younger than me more than the middle age shmucks like myself. And yes, I love a good party. My company parties are incredible. My best friend of 30+ years throws a helluva Halloween party. My mom and step dad throw a kickass memorial day shindig. I wish my party's were cooler because my back yard is a wonderful setting.
  6. That is another method. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  7. Watch the video above, bro. Quotes for emphasis, lol. C'mon man.
  8. Good for Chad. Probably the best place for him.
  9. I wouldn't waste a beer on any pick. I may say fuggit and pound one and give a two finger salute if I don't like the pick though.
  10. How can I believe that? Answer: I dont.
  11. Plastic surgery, ya think? Anyway, you're right. He's a handsome man for his age.
  12. How do you know I haven't already?
  13. You are compensating for something. Why the he'll do you care? Did your mom smoke too much pot when she was pregnant with you? Did your long haired daddy dun run oft with his dealer?
  14. Nice topic on 420 day. B word was probably high. Yes. I would. And. I wish I could....Happy 420 to all you partakaers!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dd8AuMOGx_KY&ved=0ahUKEwi1zZCWl7TTAhVIyFQKHVmlBYgQyCkIHDAA&usg=AFQjCNHfTs1fcXxJznaB7_1AHYSQwzYSDA
  15. It is funnier to read it the way you put it! LOL. The damn ball bounced so hard on think I had to duck under it as I was running to first! I just wish it was my now ex wife on the pitchers mound!
  16. Was there an RV in a nearby ditch? Grass fire down the road?
  17. Wave bed sheets in the stands...ding doing the prick is dead!
  18. Fudge. My elbow hurts, but I just threw a disc 400 ft. The rest of my game was not great, but damn I nailed that one tee off. Also lost a disc in the creek, dammit.
  19. I was a pitcher and third baseman. I would be lying if I said I was not scared of a hot ball headed for my noggin.
  20. Are you making light of the situation after chastising the rest of us? And I'd I reckon "he strangled himself" is more accurate. He was a pretty tall dude. How high could the window have been?
  21. I played softball for one season with my newlywed bride, on her attorney employers team. Was up to bat and drilled the female pitcher in the ankle. HARD. I realized what had happened by the time I rounded first, and by the time I reached third I felt too bad to keep running. There was no umpire to stop play, and everyone on defense ran to this little cuties aid so I could have had an infield home run, but I held up at third out of guilt. I did get an RBI.
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