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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I challenge you to any geography/map quiz you want. I am a big map nerd. Can name at least 90% of the countries in the world. I do agree with the map you posted, and I believe you know more than most here on this subject, which is why I wish to challenge. ;-) I love maps!
  2. Sorry man, I meant no personal attack. I am sure you are a responsible owner, but "provoking" your pit struck me wrong. As I said, they are no different than any other breed, except they can be deadly. Sorry for taking the thread of topic. Peace.
  3. It is off the wall, bro. Sorry. I do like Tyrod. Should we talk about him instead? I xidnt start this thread, nor was i the first to br8ng up the pit bull conversation.
  4. I want to change my answer.... A 35lb bucket of chlorine would help me right now.
  5. Not lashing out...responding to other posts. I don't dig pits, and I gave a completely civil reason why. You get a grip fella. I love dogs. I trust some much less than others.
  6. So, you provoke your dog, and, because it hasn't hurt anyone yet, she/he Is an angel? Got it. You are an idiot..and the biggest part of the problem. Pit owners buy them because they are tough (a generalization, I know). They are generally sweet dogs. They are also capable of very bad things. I have this argument with my dad all the time. His favorite dog ever was a female white pit. She was the biggest spaz I've ever seen. She never hurt anyone except to bull over todlers in the living room.
  7. Did it tear their arm off? That is the difference. Any breed is capable of biting. Only a few are capable of killing. I never understand why pit bull defenders don't understand this very logical concern. I have met plenty of lovely pits, but I still will never own one. My super duper sweet rotweiller reinforced my opinion when he bit a neighbor kid and I got a major bill because of it. (Rotweiller is no longer with us). My sheltie could be the most vicious dog on the planet (she is not) but the chance of her maiming or killing someone is nil.
  8. ...after pissing in their pool, lol!
  9. Take her to the vet man.
  10. What is the "Danforth" patch that they were during camp? I've wondered for many years....
  11. Muenster is the best for quesadillas! I don't care for it cold, though.
  12. Applejacks are still my fave, but I haven't had any in several years.
  13. Now, that I would pay to see!
  14. Really? Two JO confession threads? This place has gone downhill. Mods? Come on! You shut down duplicate threads all the time, but you let this ride? SMH
  15. Holy shnikees, That was fn incredible!
  16. Its rabbit vs mule. I'm rooting for the mule. Mayweather is the quickest chump to ever lace em up.
  17. I am going to guess and say that "Baby" is the key difference?
  18. All of the above, and........Git 'r done.
  19. I like that too. Golden. That perfectly precedes my earlier contribution to this thread....Just keep swimming.
  20. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DMrtQ5uIOcKY&ved=0ahUKEwjLjJXxzObUAhVQ0GMKHe5FCRYQ3ywIHTAA&usg=AFQjCNGMFhfokOFs2l4NN8GYTAdfMLQMUw
  21. Ha! I've never heard about that movie, but that was an excellent intro sequence.
  22. That's a tear jerker right there. Awesome quote that I am sure You will never ever forget. I love that!
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