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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I called Anquan a "has been" earlier in this thread. I was ignorant. AB is a tough SOB, a reliable players, and a great man. Welcome aboard Anquan! Proud to have you!!!
  2. I am starting to come around to your way of thinking. !@#$ it. Why not?
  3. If you paid someone to install it, then get their ass to fix it, pronto.
  4. That's a far cry from 16 on '08. (I made that up). Don't care. We don't need him.
  5. I've been on a cheep antenna for 5+ years. It sucked. Just reconnected "the cord" a few weeks ago. It still sucks, but I waste more time searching hundreds of channels.
  6. I have lots of family in El Paso. Trust me, it is NOT a beautiful city. And whoever recommended the drive from San Antonio to El Paso is a sadist.
  7. I am one of very few Bills fans in Tulsa. There are many, many Packers fans here. I mean almost as many Packers fans as Cowboys fans. GB is the number two team in T-Town. Phuk the Steelers and Chiefs (numbers 3 and 4)! And double Phuk the Cowboys. Packers fans are generally nice around these parts. But, phuk you anyway. ;-)
  8. You become less likeable with every post.
  9. Kids flick. But I agree, it is classic.
  10. Yeah, so I never heard the term "yacht rock" before, so I googled it. If if Hall and Oates (Balls and Throats) Are included, then I hate it. TOTO is alright, I guess, but otherwise, keep that crap off my wave.
  11. So, how was It? I've had many a meal like that, but strangely enough, I don't remember them. ;-)
  12. Are you picking her up? If so, after you reach the restaurant and open the car door for her, (hopefully youve achieved at least a minimal bond by this point), try gently but confidently taking her hand and hold it for the walk to the restaurant door. She may be nervous too, and that simple touch will relieve a lot of anxiety for the both of you. It works for me.
  13. I got knocked, the !@#$ out, once. Where's my money?
  14. I look forward to my first BLT every summer. It is worth every bit of time, money and sweat I put into my tomato plants! Love, love, love my tomatoes!
  15. Bacon. Lettuce. Garden tomatoes. Toasted white bread. Mayo. Pepper. Garden tomatoes are the key. Get those hot house tomatoes outta here!
  16. I like pretty much all BBQ, but Memphis ribs are hands down, the best, IMO.
  17. Tyrod swoled up a bit this off season.
  18. Oklahoma and Texas do not want to grouped with any other region. I'm pretty sure Texas does not want to be grouped with Oklahoma either, but we own them in football so tuckfexas! We are midsouth bygawd! ...and, and, and, Oklahoma was NEVER in the confederacy. We weren't even a state then! The only civil war fort we had was a union fort.
  19. Never tried them. Fruit loops are awesome though.
  20. Well, I cheated a little by looking at the map you posted of the Midwest, and looking at the east/west border, my guess is Iowa.i will look further after this post. Honolulu.
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