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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. EXACTLY!!! I am as big a lover of our flag as anyone, but our clown Prez makes me want to wretch. I !@#$ing hate him.
  2. I don't sit down to watch the game until about 25 second till kickoff, so the anthem, and what the players, coaches or fans do during the anthem doesn't concern me in the least. BUT...I now actively HOPE that every player in the NFL kneels. What a STUPID stance for the President of The United States of America to take. This !@#$ing clown makes me sick.
  3. Lolol! That is awesome! Can we agree that all !@#$s are not as endearing as others? I would rather have Dennis Leary as Perez than the !@#$s we have now. God help us.
  4. I must chime in (reluctantly) to agree with this post. My White/native american children, (one gay) do not give a phuk about skin color, and I love it!!! My next door neighbor's on one side are black (best neighbor's ever) the other side is Asian (Burmese: love them too). I don't get it.
  5. Hmmmm. Pot, meet kettle.
  6. The question is not whether yo are rooting for/against anyone or the team. It is a bet, a simple low stakes bet, of your PREDICTION.
  7. I have a feeling that you will get a lot more positive bets than negative. Those NNN guys couldnt imagine a week without complaining, and if us positive folks shut up for a week....who would they argue with!? Don't be a kitty. Terms are set. Make your bet.
  8. so, you agree to silence any negative thoughts/posts for one week if you are wrong? I love this thread. Make it a poll, to be concise. My question is: What if I think we WIN yet tyrod throws for LESS THAN 200 yards? I'm in on the WIN AND 200 nonetheless. No skin off by back if I'm wrong. Go Bills.
  9. Revise the title to indicate what the article is about, maybe? It is a very good article, I just have nothing to add to the discussion.
  10. I like The Rams new helmet design. A stripe of yellow to outline the white horns would be cooler though. Just wanted to mention that. Sammy Who?
  11. What does Michael Jackson and caviar have in common? They both come on little white crackers.
  12. Why is the thread pinned? What does this have to do with the BUFFALO BILLS?
  13. Remember the days when we PAID to have the daily news delivered to our door? Warren Buffet remembers.
  14. My bad. I thought you post said "I linked the video" not "liked".
  15. Where is the link? Different theead?
  16. Cool. Can he play linebacker? D coach?
  17. Just two or three years ago, a few games into the season, if you asked Siri "Who is the best team in the NFL?" Her answer was "The Buffalo Bills...something or another". No ****. I can't remember the complete answer, but I asked again and again in front of all my FF friends at work that day.
  18. Hello. My name is Jon, and I am a Bills fan.
  19. Wow. Edit: Holy cow! I just watched an hour of this babe slaying guitar. She is friggin amazing! I am in love! Heavy metal chicks are the craziest. I've been with several, but none who could actually play. Tina S is baaaad aaaas! Oh, screw your classical music. Bye.
  20. Maybe my gallows humor is off base. Half my family are Texans. The other half are !@#$ing New Yorkers. As an Okie, I thought our inferiority complex was obvious. Tuck fexas!
  21. I support these guys message, but it seems to me that the "freedom of speech" argument has completely drowned out the message they are attempting to communicate. That is unfortunate. Freedom of speech should not even be a topic of discussion. I have seen very few posts in this lenthy thread discussing the reason for their demonstration. Does anyone even care why these players demonstrate, or do you care more about how they demonstrate? All lives matter. Except for Texans. !@#$ those people.
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