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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Cool plane. Sad for his loved ones, but at least he went out doing something he loved. RIP.
  2. And Wrecks is still stuffing his own pockets with Pegula Bucks, no? Funny comment, but immature and shows what a clown Rex is.
  3. Let's Go Buffalo!
  4. I think I found a link on Pto Football Talk in 2008. This place was like crack. I was instantly hooked, and need a fix several times daily ever since.
  5. Go Pokes!
  6. So long as KC is still in the hunt for the first overall pick, which they are, I will cheer for them to lose.
  7. Does this broadcast have a strobe effect for anyone else here? It's like every other frame is skipping. It is annoying as hell.
  8. Try it on acid. It's awesome. Maybe. I think. So, I am told. ;-) It may have been the strobe light.
  9. I'm jealous. Have fun Bro!
  10. I guess that makes you King of the Idiots. Congratulations, Tom.
  11. How do you know I havent already? Been there, done that, and I got her T shirt.
  12. Have a Drink on Me gets really loud in my car.
  13. I apologize. I needed an emoji in my post I guess to indicate I was just yanking your chain. My bad.
  14. Name the last time the NFL, any Team in the NFL, or practically any other professional sports team in the world lost a single dollar? That is a helluva thesis! Good on ya!
  15. You will get no sympathy from me.
  16. Just End The *'s Season!!!
  17. Unfortunately, I waste a lot of meat every time I fillet a fish.
  18. You really are a dick. A little shriveled up, wet and cold, old, flaccid dick. Did a penguin steal your imaginarey girlfriend or something? Did Tom Petty light a paper bag of penguin poop on your doorstep? But you're OUR dick, so we hold you dearly. ;-×
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