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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. No one is than effen crazy!
  2. Good choice. You gotta pick your cesspool carefully.
  3. Yes, but I think you (and I) may have just racisted a bit. Goodness though, how great would it be have a Billionair Handywoman? Sorry, much love to Kim! BTW thats the name of my psychotic, drug addicted, beautiful ethnic ex wife and mother of my two beautiful young adult children. Please don't kill me Kim!
  4. I am thinking of having 10 lbs of Sahlen's Hot Dogs delivered. I remember that I really like them, but can't remember if I had all beef, or pork and beef. Any recommendations?
  5. "Making sure they are washed and ready" is not the same thing as washing them.
  6. Ahh, now I remember. Thank you. One playoff win is a push, got it 👍
  7. Someone please remind me the terms of this bet? I know it was a Pinto Ron situation for the loser, but I don't remember the specifics. Thank you.
  8. Bite me. I stated my opinion, and even deferrerred to your intelligence on the topic. Still doesn't change my opinion.
  9. I found plenty, including Josh Allen himself.
  10. You don't know me very well. I do not "bloviate", unlike, well, you.
  11. BOLD PREDICTION: KC won't make it to AFCCG!
  12. I am surmising that you know more about this subject than I do. I cannot argue NY (or any other) state penal system policy. Maybe my first post was ignorant. It may not be the case there, BUT, do you think that privatized for-profit prisons is a good idea?
  13. I came here to say something similar. A privatized penal system is complete bull####, and very scary.
  14. Sorry for your luck.
  15. It was gross when I went as a kid in the late eightys. NOLA has had a good douche since then though, so maybe it is better now.
  16. I'm in NE OK. Keep in touch, maybe we can meet up. You like the smell of urine?
  17. NFW! I didn't like running when I was young and very good at it! I was possibly the best long distance runner in my school, but refused to join the track team. Hated running then, hate it now. Now, if a had a competitive pool at my disposal.... Ahhhh who am I kidding, LOL. I have a world class pool only a few blocks from my home....
  18. Wait, what? Who the hell is THAT guy!??? Oh wait, thats ME!!! Look Ma, I made the big-time!!!!! Thanks GBID, but is a saucey pic too much to ask????
  19. Oh, I know. Believe me, that that has already crossed my mind! BTW: I had my first drop of liquor in at least two years on Christmas eve. Captain N' Coke was my choice, and it was nice!
  20. Ha! I just logged into my remote desktop connection. My home wi-fi wasn't working, so had to reset the router, then the remote connection wouldn't work, so rebooted laptop. I finally got logged in and spent 15 minutes waiting for a large CAD file to open while checking emails. Since work from home began back in March, we all have to "sign-in" on a shared spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has our holiday blocked out. Only then did I realized that I still have today and tomorrow off!!! Efff me! I woke up, made coffee, had a shower, went through the trouble of logging in, and I could still be sleeping. Now, what am I going to do for the next 12 hours?!?!? Cant go back to bed after two cups of coffee!!! Believe me, that that has already crossed my mind!
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