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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. When has the highest paid player, in any position, turned out to be worth the money? Serious question. Brees? But the saints were terrible for a few years immediately afterwords, right? So was it worth it? I suppose if they win another Superbowl with him - That would be worth it. Maybe I just answered my own question. So, other than Brees, how many other Mega-Contracts have worked out for the betterment of the team?
  2. Bills-Vikes. Two four time losers.
  3. Playoffs in two out of three leagues. Only made the finals in one league.
  4. Same here. This could be two in a row for me. Fingers crossed...
  5. As a recent victim of burglary, I can relate. It's the *****. Could be the same dbag that stole my daughter's Chritmas gifts, my coat and frisbees! I phuggin hate thieves!!!!
  6. Same here. You shouldnt need to "handle the aggession". I had an adorable Rott that I raised from a pup. He was freakin awesome, until a friend of my kids made him nervous. Wasn't the kids fault. He was nervous too and did nothing to provoke. But Bear did attack him. Luckily there were others around to stop him. Bear was euthanized within the wee and I paid the boys hospital bill. He bit the skinny 12 year old kid in the shouldr blade and took the kid to the ground. My argument is this: any dog can be sweet or aggressive. Most dogs can be both at times...BUTT certain breeds are far more capable of seriously injuring. If my Sheltie attacks....no biggie. Little B word gets timeout and I will try my best to correct her behavior. A Pit, Rott, Germ Step, etc, has a bad day...POTENTIALLY a tragic out ome. Pits and Rotts are capable of killing. End of argument. Why would you want a pet that CAN kill, if so inclined?
  7. LOLOLOL Bills can LOSE out and still make the playoffs if: WK 16 Dolts>Ravens Chefs>Dolphins Jests>Chargers WK 17 Bungles>Ravens
  8. ...a little too thin (and probably short) to cast very deep with that rig. Stick to the dock, son.
  9. This thread just reminded me the Fred Ex lead the charge against the fins?!? How was the reception? Did he get some love from the croud?
  10. You are the first one to go there, bro.
  11. I left the doors unlocked. Dumb. The thong is, I wasnt even in a big parking lot. My car was clearly visible to anyone looking out the solid glass storefront of three different busy stores. A fairly new shopping center in a "good" part of town, yet none of the shops have surveillance cameras in the parking lot. Unbellievable.
  12. As a long time boat owner, my best advice is to keep it stored out of the sun and elements. I would also recommend a boat safety class if you are inexperienced.
  13. Attention holiday shoppers: Do not forget to lock your car doors while shopping.... I just did, and came back to an empty car. $200 worth of vintage L.P. records, and a few other gifts for my teenage daughter. My Carhart coat, Oakley prescription sunglasses, pair of shoes, and my disc golf discs (those hurt the most). My New Era Buffalo Bills hat (LOL - I'm in Tulsa - sure that scumbag is a big Bills fan). A bottle of cologne, phone charger, first aid kit, Leatherman multi tool, and two packs of Camels. They did leave the donuts that I had just bought, so I got that going for me, which is nice. Merry Christmas y'all! Be safe out there!
  14. You go boy!
  15. Now hold up now!!! Okla by god homa is the center of the football world!!! Slow your roll!!! I can also confidently say that most Okies would rather watch th Saints-Jets game.
  16. Odds that Sammy Hands comes back to B-Lo in '18?
  17. Foxxie good looks!
  18. The Cars and Dire Straights are my faves in that group, although Dire Straights doesn't belong IMO and neither does BJ, for sure.
  19. 97.5 KMOD!!! give it a shot. Classic rock-heavy metal, and every thing in between. Currently playing Jet-Are you gonna be my girl. Off subject: y'll ever hear the Roy D Mercer skits? It was nationally sindicated for a while. One of the original phone prank broadcasts! Up there with (even better than) The Jerkey Boys. BY GOD! How big a boy are ya?LMAO! While typing on phone Led Zep now Imagine Dragons....then Pantera.... Now Megadeth.
  20. They didn't, but they should have. Designing is not the hard part. Making it affordable is.
  21. Mechanical engineer says Yes, we can build anything. Especially to handle a little ol snow. Fan says heck no! LET snow let it snow let it snow!
  22. Fins up! I hope Kiko murderizes TB.
  23. I was kidding too. I'm an Okie. I wasnt, and I'm not allowed to make fun of nobody. ;-) Except, maybe, Arkies.
  24. What's a cherry? Never had one.
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