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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I'm not digging the emojis in thread titles. Did you say domething?
  2. Not a lot of options, I suppose. BTW: Thanks CBF. I look forward to this thread daily.
  3. No. No they were not. The only difference is that today We are informed.
  4. Jboygirl shall be henceforth known as "Stetson Hat Chump". I prefer "Tool" but I will go with your version. As a reminder, check the photo SHC posted, then accused me of an inferiority complex. Sit and spin on your AK, SHC!
  5. Because the 1940, 50s were so pure and good, right? Or are you trying to say that literally, humankind moral problems began within the last 40 years?
  6. I would expect nothing less from a tool like you.
  7. Read your own !@#$ing post. Everyone bitches about "today's kids", "millenials this and that", whiny liverals. You !@#$ing gun rights fanatics are !@#$ing crazy. I am not against the right to bare arms. I am against you and your ilks !@#$ing psychpathic desire to horde firearms and preach that less gun control is the solution. Don't give me speed limits. More fast cars is what we need. It is !@#$ing retarted.
  8. You are a tool. Blame the victims. Ok.
  9. I never heard of Catfish Cooley before, but I like that dude. He described my life damn near to a T. He has a great message and I guess I needed to hear it today. BIG EDIT: I looked up Catfish Cooleys other YouTube's and the first one is of him drinking a quart of vinegar then snorting hot sauce and pouring hot sauce in his eyes. Just to prove that since he quit drinking he is not a little weenie. HAHAHA. from an actual inspirational self help video to jackass. The intenet is a helluva drug. Oh boy.
  10. I would bet that the entire airframe is now scrap.
  11. Wait, What? We have Ivory? When did that happen? I like that dude!
  12. Shiv the B word.
  13. Last year, driving back home from El Paso we saw thousands of dead rabbits littering the long desolate highway southwest of Roswell. For like 10 miles or so, it seemed like every rabbit in the region just committed Hari Kari. If you have ever driven through this area you know go little traffic there is. It was totally weird!
  14. Happy day, Yo! Save your birthday spanks for TommyTerrific.
  15. You are absolutely right! I'm going off topic, but as a aerospace systems design engineer, I am going to quote you at the next opportunity. Often times simpler is better. I am designing a system to replace an existing system and I am literally using 50%fewer parts, made the system stronger, lighter easier to manufacture, has many value-added features and is immensey improved from an operations and maintenance stand point. The first comments I have been getting is wow, that looks expensive. I have to convince them that added material costs is minor in comparison to the savings attributed to the simplicity. I am not bragging when I tell them that I have a beautifully simple and reliable design that will function better and is easier to build. Mo parts, mo problems - My new phrase at work. Thanks! Oh yeah, GO KIM and GO BILLS!!!!
  16. No thank you, it kills my appetite.
  17. Yes, I believe Kim Pegula is plenty qualified. She hasn't just been at home buying and rearranging home encoutrements for the last 20 years. She is very qualified, IMO.
  18. Summer of the Monkeys, and Where the Red Fern Grows were my favorite books as a kid. I would like to read them again.
  19. Snow and freezing rain last weekend decimated my garden.
  20. It worked out well for Bill Paxton. Just sayin...
  21. Groundhog Day.
  22. My name is Jon. I slept with a prostitute once, but it was a freebie. She was my favorite neighbor.
  23. Man, I thought Dunkirk was as anticlimactic as it possibly could be. Booooooorrrrrrring.
  24. Roughly once per decade whether I need it or not. No cavities.
  25. I believe you are mistaken. I'm pretty sure Led Claypool turned the down.
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